Looking for Congratulations?


If you are searching for other players to swap congratulations this is the only place where we will allow it.
The rest of the forum has to remain usable for other players to get answers to their queries.
Posting congratulation requests elsewhere may get you in trouble.
Thank you for your understanding. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

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By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 06:07:52
Please congratulate me? I'll return the favor
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 06:18:22
still need congrats will do the same back
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 07:05:44
can anyone congratulate me on my game please??
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 07:44:08
Please congratulate me. I will try and return as many as possible. If I miss you PM me.
I really need these congrats because myranking dropped loads while I was away at my Grandad's funeraldefault smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 07:57:46
I just need one congratulation for my objective. Please congratulate me I will return the favor.default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 08:01:49
pls congratulate me!!!!!
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 08:14:54
i will return congrats and the 350th person wins a BMI!
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 08:36:47
Seriously one more congrats will return it please congrat me
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 08:57:15
I will congrat BACK everyone who congrats me. there is a PRISE for 250th person, and random people will recieve an apple. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 08:58:09
I also need quite alote more congrads as well. I will return them! Thanks everyone soo much and Happy Howrsing!default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 08:59:12
If you congrat me so I congrat you back default smiley (y) If I don´t have do that so sent an PM to me default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 09:07:06
I will gift as many people as i can who congrat me, especially the 250th
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 09:25:40
Only need a couple more congrats. the person who gets me ATHENA will win a PRIZE default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 09:38:21
Quanna got the prize, WELL DONE
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 09:45:50
need 25 more congrats for the wandering horse
please congrat me and be sure to know that i return all favoursdefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 10:13:41
More congrats please! I will return the favour!default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 10:27:30
Please congratulate me ,I'll return the favour.

Crystal default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 10:35:43
Please Congratulate me, and I swear to return the favor. default smiley :d The person who gets me Athena will receive a horse from me. ^.^ (Details on my page)
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 11:21:57
really need congrats. please friend request me so that i can remember to congrat you back.
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 11:23:33
same as above
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 11:33:50
default smiley :)congratulate me! I will congratulate you!default smiley (y)default smiley (y)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 11:38:10
I still need 6 more congrat's please i'll return tha favor as soon as posible
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 11:59:09
I only need 5 more congrads! Ill return the favor as well!
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 11:59:34
I return all favors, and if I don't see them, please PM me and I will default smiley (y)

By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 12:03:01
Please congratulate me- i will try to return all congratulations and the 300th person to do so will win a prize!
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