Looking for Congratulations?
I need 15 congrats for the piñata Thanks!
Please congratulate me! I need 13 congrats for my pinata.. Will congratulate back! Thanks
Just 1 more congratulation to go! Thanks guys
Still need a few more please.
Looking for a few more congrats! Will congrats back if I can
Thank you so much everyone!
I need 6 congratz ASAP!
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2016 14:26:39
I need congratulated 9 times for the piñatas please! Thanks
Need 15 Congrats, please and thank yous!
I need to be congratulated 15 times. Please and thank you
i need to be congratulated 13 times for the pinatas - thanks in advance
Need congrats! Thanks
Thank you everybody
Got what I needed. Thank you everyone!
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2016 16:55:42
Need 12 congratulations for the piñata, will return them all !
Need congrats for the pinata.. Will return all those that I see..
Thanks in advance, everyone |
Need a few more.. Put up an AP ufo until I get them all for a reward
Got them all. Now just have to wait until the next click..
Thank you everyone |
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2016 18:09:01
i am looking for 8 congrants
I need six congrats please, I will return the favor.
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2016 18:33:08
please congrat!
Need 15 congrats please
Thank you so much!!
I'll congratulate back, as much as possible
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2016 23:04:10
Looking for congrats for the pinatas. Will congratulate back