Looking for Congratulations?


If you are searching for other players to swap congratulations this is the only place where we will allow it.
The rest of the forum has to remain usable for other players to get answers to their queries.
Posting congratulation requests elsewhere may get you in trouble.
Thank you for your understanding. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:45:43
Will return the favour please pm me if u have congradulated me.
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:46:16
Hey guys, can you please congratulate me, I will do my best to return the favor. Thanks!!
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:46:42
i return all congrats

200th person to congrat me gets a 200-400 skiller GV foal!
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:48:37
need about 40 more. the 300th one to congrats me will earn a 40* nokota female... pm me if you get it. Thanks for all the congrats already. keep them coming!!
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:49:49
need about 30 more plz
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:53:35
about 24 more or 22default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:55:34
please only need 3 more! Please congrats! I promise I will congrats you back!
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:56:06
about 12 more plz hurry
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:56:45
c17pilot needs congrats! She'll return the favor!default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2012 23:59:07
I need congrats! I'll return the favor! default smiley :p Also If you congratulate me you'll have a chance to win a pass! ( Look In My Forum! default smiley ;)default smiley (y) )
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:00:34
Thanks Lexy! Yes, I do need congratulations, and I will return the favor!
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:00:54
need about 6 more please guys roll them in!!
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:02:13
Please congrat me! sweets101 will return the favor
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:03:29
Congratulations please! I return them! No matter how manny there are!
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:03:47
Please congratulate me!I will return the favor.Also last person to congratulate me will receive a black orchid.Thank you!
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:05:19
congratulate me please
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:07:15
congrats me.. then pm me that you congarads me? 300th wins a 40* female nokota!!!
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:08:25
I'll return the favour! Thanks guys default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:10:45
I will congratulate anyone who congratulates me. No 5 minute waits either, immediately. (:
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:13:39
thanks everyone for all the help got my horse!!! go to my page gongradsing me get you a 40*nokota female if you are lucky number 300
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:14:02
Please congratulate me! I return all congrats and I'm only 15 off Aprodite
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:14:37
Please try to congratulate me, I need to win Athena. Please congratulate milkyway2222 also, she's my sister and we will both try to return the favor.
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:17:26
Please! I'm only 12 congrats off! I return all ongrats, promise!
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:18:37
Last one I need!
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2012 00:20:05
Thank you everybody.Let's all help needy players!
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