[Info] The Retired Coat Gallery

By Retired breeder, 21st April 2009 08:58:18
This thread is here to show off your Retired Coats. This is not the place to post non retired coats. **The two exceptions would be coats that have been pulled (brief discussions) and the pre release coats.


******** absolutely no sales talk, no talk about spares or how many extras of a copy you got and selling them to fund your RC habit this is just a place to talk RCs

* although links and graphics are ok on this thread, they are not allowed normally on public forums

* any negative or unkind comments on artists or coats (or anyone!) will be removed, and depending on the case, it might mean an instant forum ban.

* DO NOT use this as a place to sell your horse/coats-if you feel the need to break this rule, it will mean an instant forum ban...

** Sales ads are NOT allowed in any public forums. Asking for spare coats will now be considered a sales ad. This includes stating that you plan to sell a coat, or point out coats for sale in sales.

* Do not use this place as a spot for rants or complaints-About coats/BG/or each other.

* This is not the place to ask players to price your coats, or to ask others the worth of a coat, you can check uses on your own by hovering your mouse over the gray apple and price it from there.

* This is not the place to bring up the subject of stolen images. Keep in mind that the rules of the BP used to be very different, and many old coats are from that time.
There is not any reason to bring that up, or report the coats.

*Please do not do a coat countdown for soon to retire coats.

* Please do not post coats that are currently in the GA and have either not retired, or will never retire.

* Please do not post coat/bg combos or ask opinions on them, except following coat release.

* Some coats may be removed in the future, whether that be for problems with the coats itself or just because they're clearing room on the server to allow other coats to be uploaded - if you're buying retired coats, please keep that in mind. If you want a permanent copy, I would recommend saving the graphic to your computer

* How to discover who many uses a New GC coat will retire-There is now a coat countdown in the GA, and it will show how many have been used and how many uses there are left.

** There is now a new creations directory which shows all coats. Go to Community>>>Directories>>>Creations>>>Click more criteria, and on the left hand side is a gold and silver apple. Click the silver apple and search to see all retired coats.

* To see who created/how many uses/name/or if you have it already of a RC coat, simply click on the silver apple, and it will tell you.

*** Posting links to other player's coats is NOT allowed and can mean a forum ban.

*#*#*#* If players feel the need break the main topic rules, such as sales ads/coat countdowns/spares-you can expect an instant forum ban without any warning prior to it *#*#*#*
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Got the last one I needed and finally completed the Έλεος 森本 collection! default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 433
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm so excited to share that my #1 dream RC is in my collection!!! I've tried so hard to obtain this coat. I'm forever thankful to the previous owner default smiley :)

Викинг 69

My beautiful RCdefault smiley (l)default smiley (l)default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 123
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Added this beauty to my collection today! Wasn't on my wishlist but as soon as I laid eyes on him I knew I had to have him haha, I don't buy RCs in sales often so this was a special treat default smiley ^)

Child of Aquarius
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Congratulations, I'm really happy for you!! That's a beautiful coat default smiley *-)
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By Retired breeder, 13th April 2021 04:23:13
I've been super busy lately what with school and preparing for college apps, so I haven't been on much and practically forgot that coat release existed. I'm saving for whenever Jade comes back around so I could only spend equus, but here's my consolation prize for missing out on coat release for the second time!
A year-long effort to restrain myself went down the drain, I just couldn't resist... I am totally broke, and totally happy now, at the same time. Is that even possible?! default smiley *-)

  • Posted messages: 1,536
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It is totally possible, because by the ponies, these coats are STUNNING!!! default smiley (7)default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 17,189
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Omggg..... I love the one that's second to the bottom! Stunningggg!
  • Posted messages: 7,299
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Found more passes, they are gone as well... This is sick... I am sick... Someone please help me...

default smiley :o default smiley :-x default smiley :$ Can't restrain myself...
  • Posted messages: 1,536
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That's getting out of hand, Prime! default smiley :-))
But really, those are some amazing picks! default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 17,189
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Yeah, I go offline now... Need to... To get some pills... You know... default smiley xd default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 1,536
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Finally added to my collection! Super excited.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 6,019
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So, today was an AMAZING day. If you know me then you know that I've been collecting all of the coats by sforcia; well, today, I got my hands on 9 of them! I am just over the moon about these additions, all on foundations with no affixes! Super duper happy, I now only need 7 more to complete the collection default smiley (7)

  • Posted messages: 3,266
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Well...he isnt a foundie, but he is affix-less default smiley xd My latest addition to my puny collection default smiley :p

  • Posted messages: 12,504
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Just out of curiosity, why do some collectors seemingly abhor affixes? I know that some can be somewhat annoying, or along those lines, but some can be perfectly reasonable too...I'm curious as to why some are willing to pay extra just to get the one without an affix?
  • Posted messages: 14,647
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Personally I prefer either no affix, or a nice looking one. I absolutely hate ugly all caps affixes! Those people have no idea how much less likely their horse will sell with an ugly affix. Also if the horse has poor skills, not as interested in a retired coat unless for it's time of release, it has decent skills. Some people like foundies. I prefer high skills, because overall that improves your ranking. So for all you sellers out there, remember that hard core collectors like me, will pay much more for retired coats with lots of skills and non ugly affixes, then vice versa.
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,837
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And the other side of that debate is I want the cheapest copy available, so the horse with zero skills verses the skiller wearing a retired coat is a no brainer for me. I am personally not willing to pay that extra premium above the base value of the coat. But then again I am not interested in my ranking either.
  • Posted messages: 17,161
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I've reached a point where if it's one I do not have, I do not care about anything but the coat.
I like that the affix is nice, for the same reason as Sissy Long Stockings.

but it is so rare that there comes one in sales I do not have, so I buy without checking anything at alldefault smiley (a)
  • Posted messages: 1,654
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I despise affixes on my coats for aesthetic reasons, and aesthetic reasons only! I'm very picky with what I spend my passes on so if I can, I try to find no affix + purebred. But as mentioned above, if it's a coat I am REALLY wanting, I'm willing to compromise!
  • Posted messages: 3,266
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I agree with Sissy Long Stockings, some people have very ugly fonts in their affixes.l, and it drags your attention from the horse/horse’s name to the affix. I personally normally dont care whether I’m getting affix or not, but when they are horrendous I always look for a different coat first

As for the guy up there I just got, he was affixless AND 50 passes cheaper then the next coat, so even if he had an affix I probably would have chosen him. The no affix was just an added bonus
  • Posted messages: 12,504
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I don't care about affixes either, if i'm honest most of my horses just sit in tabs collecting dust anyhow so I don't generally see the affix.

I do like my coats on horses i bred though, whenever possible.
  • Posted messages: 17,161
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Thanks for all the input, guys!default smiley :)

I don't mind affixes at all as long as, like you guys said, it is well done. I don't like certain kinds, especially when, like was said, they take attention away from the horse and its name and combo. If there are two or more of the coat for sale, i will certainly look at the affix. On the other hand, i will also certainly compare prices first. I am not rich at all, so if one is way cheaper, i will probably buy it even if it has an "ugly" affix. I just don't have that luxury. There are far too many coats out there i need for my collection. If the price is only a little higher, i will consider the better affix of the two. Also, i'm with haffyfan concerning the skills of the horse. If money was no object, i'd go for a nice skiller, or a 350 foundie, either one. Since that isn't the case, if i find a coat i really like, for the right price at the right time, i'm not gonna pass on it just because of low skills on the horse. Like haffy said, most of them just gather dust, and those "high skills" will be consider low or outdated before too much time passes anyway. And that affix...i don't have to see it very much, so no biggie.default smiley ^)

Sometimes i buy a horse in sales (talking about an uncoated horse now) just because i like the affix, if its cheap enough. I actually kind of prefer a (nice) affix to none at all, because i love to make a combo with a coat and/or ray that matches the theme of the affix.default smiley ^) It especially brings me joy when the horse's breed and coat match the GA/RC, along with the affix. This is why i keep my "apple seeds" farm as big as i can, and buy as many different, well made affixes as i can.default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 14,647
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Oh i forgot to say...i agree it is a nice added bonus when the horse the RC is on is one of your own homebreds!default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 14,647
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I like affixes if they don't have something derogatory in it. I try to match coat color breed or buy it anyway if I like the coat. I like cute and semi realistic coats best.
  • Posted messages: 1,583
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I'm a collector's nightmare I think, I don't bother matching coats or breeds either, and most of my coats go on low gp/skilled uni rejects default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 17,161
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