[Info] The Retired Coat Gallery

By Retired breeder, 21st April 2009 08:58:18
This thread is here to show off your Retired Coats. This is not the place to post non retired coats. **The two exceptions would be coats that have been pulled (brief discussions) and the pre release coats.


******** absolutely no sales talk, no talk about spares or how many extras of a copy you got and selling them to fund your RC habit this is just a place to talk RCs

* although links and graphics are ok on this thread, they are not allowed normally on public forums

* any negative or unkind comments on artists or coats (or anyone!) will be removed, and depending on the case, it might mean an instant forum ban.

* DO NOT use this as a place to sell your horse/coats-if you feel the need to break this rule, it will mean an instant forum ban...

** Sales ads are NOT allowed in any public forums. Asking for spare coats will now be considered a sales ad. This includes stating that you plan to sell a coat, or point out coats for sale in sales.

* Do not use this place as a spot for rants or complaints-About coats/BG/or each other.

* This is not the place to ask players to price your coats, or to ask others the worth of a coat, you can check uses on your own by hovering your mouse over the gray apple and price it from there.

* This is not the place to bring up the subject of stolen images. Keep in mind that the rules of the BP used to be very different, and many old coats are from that time.
There is not any reason to bring that up, or report the coats.

*Please do not do a coat countdown for soon to retire coats.

* Please do not post coats that are currently in the GA and have either not retired, or will never retire.

* Please do not post coat/bg combos or ask opinions on them, except following coat release.

* Some coats may be removed in the future, whether that be for problems with the coats itself or just because they're clearing room on the server to allow other coats to be uploaded - if you're buying retired coats, please keep that in mind. If you want a permanent copy, I would recommend saving the graphic to your computer

* How to discover who many uses a New GC coat will retire-There is now a coat countdown in the GA, and it will show how many have been used and how many uses there are left.

** There is now a new creations directory which shows all coats. Go to Community>>>Directories>>>Creations>>>Click more criteria, and on the left hand side is a gold and silver apple. Click the silver apple and search to see all retired coats.

* To see who created/how many uses/name/or if you have it already of a RC coat, simply click on the silver apple, and it will tell you.

*** Posting links to other player's coats is NOT allowed and can mean a forum ban.

*#*#*#* If players feel the need break the main topic rules, such as sales ads/coat countdowns/spares-you can expect an instant forum ban without any warning prior to it *#*#*#*
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By Retired breeder, 20th June 2009 20:51:53
Half of these coats are not retired. why are people posting them?
I have tons of truley retired coats under oher horses and retireees farms.. I have a foeum in the EC THAT IS FOR JUST PICTURES.. please help me by posting pictures of theses retired horses for me..I can't seem to make it work.. I will congradulaate all that do and who know I may even reward some with a special prize~default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 9,684
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There are two types of retired coats.

First is the truly retired coat that you cannot buy in the black market. Some of these were retired by active players and can come back if they feel like doing so.

Second is the glitched retired coats. One you can buy even though the maker's account is deleeted. They are not truly retired and are worth $500 and one pass at most as that is what it costs to buy a hworse and put the coat on it.

There are some people even saying a coat is retired when it is not. Watch for scammers.

If it says you cannot access the coat then check the howrse to see the coat type and try to buy it. I use chronological to find the coat. My EC has coats belonging to paint queen and I am helping her with her collection.

I strongly advise you all to watch out for people wanting $20000 or in one case 100,000 and 10 passes for a coat. I told someone to take 50,000 cash for a rarity and not a penny more. Remember that that coat I paid $14.99 US for could have bought me a cheddarburger, french fries, soda pop, and popcorn. That or dinner at home for mom and me and a pint of ice cream to boot.
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By Retired breeder, 21st June 2009 14:47:01
forget that but what are you talking about retired coats?
By Retired breeder, 21st June 2009 16:59:56
i want GA coats for sleipnirs!!!!!! default smiley :@
heres one
  • Posted messages: 5,276
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It is in safe haven

Coat 486 was retired permanently.

Once a coat is retired there is no way to know who made that coat unless someone has noted that on a website or elsewhere. I only know of the CraXoR coats and one by Strange. Thankfully that then protects those who take from models and artists. I can point to at least 6 coats that are taken from models and art. I know of right now one is a painting, one person has two from bronzes, one is a model, and one is from a famous dog painter's arabian painting. There are more but those stand out.

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By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2009 10:58:03
I really love this coat!!!

I have some coats on my Pass Hanoverian tab. I really don't know if some of these are retired or not. If anyone is interested in any of these please pm me.
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,155
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By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2009 19:48:55
GA coats for sleipnirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! default smiley :@ default smiley :@ default smiley :@ default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2009 19:50:51

retired? default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2009 20:51:16
Not sure if this has been posted yet.

By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2009 20:51:49
pony10girl's Post

By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2009 20:52:35
wings of spirit's post

By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2009 20:55:33
Then those must be Links?

Here they are:
pony10girl's Post
wings of spirit's post
I laready posted that one in the correct URK and stated that it is retired because it came from a Breyer model.

Wings of Spirit's horse is a RobbinLara coat and not retired. It can be bought.

Please folks I have stated over and over again.

click on the picture, if you can buy it then it is not retired
If you cannot buy it then you have to try to buy it for one of your howrses.
Only then can the coat be considered truly retired.

Some people like CraXoR unretire coats but a truly retired coat cannot be bought and the maker is not play the game any more, quit the game, or the coat was retired by Owlient staff.
Quit player coats and staff removed coats are definitely retired.
  • Posted messages: 5,598
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I have noticed this fact.. some coats that were retired for horses have came back under pony coats.. I gues it could be considered a retired coat for horses but still active for ponies.. just another way to frustrate the collectors!
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I like that one Eclipse295! What I want to know is how do u create a coat when u hav a black pearl?
  • Posted messages: 462
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By Retired breeder, 23rd June 2009 12:47:36
doggerclaw buys retired and not retired coats for 4000e and under. default smiley :) PM her to sell your horse to her.
I dont know if it is retired
  • Posted messages: 256
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ill post a picture of it instead
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  • Posted messages: 256
  • Karma: 10 points
  • Posted messages: 256
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By Retired breeder, 23rd June 2009 14:35:44
default smiley *-)I believe they are retired but I'm not sure if they are retired as in not being put back into the gallery. Using the coat number, the coat didn't show up when I checked.
By Retired breeder, 23rd June 2009 14:37:29
For Eclipse295:
-That coat is not retired because we can use it!default smiley :)
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