[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 22:56:29
I never have any passes or horns of plenty when these offers come around default smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:02:30
I've gotten like, 5 messages for me to just give away one of my mists from different people.....
By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:04:08
haha good thing they cant be sold horsey do they know that?
By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:05:44
no and its annoying the crud out of me...arrrrrgh!!!
By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:06:47
when i say no, they cannot be sold and even if they could, i wouldnt just give one away! they say, but you have 4!!!
By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:11:06
wow thats annoying im sorry
I cant buy passes. I have no equus. Nobody will buy my horses. No HOPs for me default smiley :(
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I've just got the regular stuff..lol....
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By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:15:35
ageing my horse like mad for a pass 81 ageing points left like 1 hour for a pass if i dont get a mist i am going to cry if i do i am going to cry. either way i am going to cry, how sad of me
* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 90 apples
* Water of Youth

default smiley :-))
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By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:21:39
35 ageing points later and i am shaking infront of my mum well this is embarrising
By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:23:44
About 10 passes so far, and only a woy and h. horseshoes-_-

OH well, happy with the woy, but i want a snow!!!!!!!!
By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:26:56
ahh her health is deteriating and she is not 30 yet
By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:38:11
100 Equus
5 turnips
20 apples
2 aging points

calendar HOP default smiley :(
* 400 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points

default smiley :'(
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By Retired breeder, 29th December 2010 23:42:19
100 Equus
30 turnips
10 apples
Hera Pack

well thats a little better I spose default smiley (o)
* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 20 apples
* 3 aging points
* Chronos' Timer

A little better...
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* 200 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points
* Hephaestus' Horseshoes
* 4 horseshoes FG
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2010 00:10:07
I am not aloude to buy any passes so I only getthem when given to me and that is not muchdefault smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 30th December 2010 00:10:32

200 equus
10 turnips
10 aging pionts
5 apples
1 water of youth ( why!!!!!! )
1 my saddle

well, it has been better thatn my other 3, which have only had turnips, equus,apples, and turnips. No mists or snows.default smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 30th December 2010 00:22:42
A Snow! default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 30th December 2010 00:23:23
100 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
well that was a silly idea
* 200 Equus
* 30 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points
default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 1,972
  • Karma: 10 points
* 200 Equus
* 10 turnips
* 30 apples
* 2 aging points
* Hephaestus' Horseshoes
  • Posted messages: 1,972
  • Karma: 10 points
* 200 Equus
* 10 turnips
* 20 apples
* 3 aging points

default smiley :'(default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 1,972
  • Karma: 10 points
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