[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 22nd December 2010 15:38:25
100 equus
15 turnips
30 apples
2 aging points
M ARMS!!! default smiley :-))

I really needed those for my new horse, Super Star... Thanks Howrse!
By Retired breeder, 22nd December 2010 15:47:15
5 aging points
another HoP
5 turnips
5 apples
atlantes saddle
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 00:22:58
5 apples
5 turnips
1 AP
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 00:27:22
Holy. Frickin. Cow.

You have won...

Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points

Waste of a pass? no... sarcasm intended.
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 01:26:36
I got a zeuses lightning bolt!!!!default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 01:29:48
i got a Medusas blood.
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 01:38:58
100 equus
10 turnips
10 apples
5 aging points

Not the best I've ever gotten but it was free from Xanthos. Thanks Howrse
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 02:04:13
I think I'm going to faint!!!! Here's what I won in my HOP:

100 equus
5 turnips
10 apples

And in that HOP...

100 equus
20 turnips
30 apples
3 aging points
4 horseshoes FG

It was a disappointment, the second HOP, but the first HOP was to me, *sheer madness*...
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 02:08:26
This is my best HOP *ever*!!!!

100 equus
5 turnips
10 apples
Morpheus Arms!!!!!

a...Grand Prix TICKET!!!!!!!

I can't believe it!!! It's like I'm in heaven right now! Oh gosh...This is one amazing day...
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 02:22:02
Amazing! I don't know what happened but my friend fudge_cookies here on Howrse won a ticket! Like me!

100 equus
5 turnips
50 apples
E. Wind!!!!
Grand Prix TICKET!!!!!!

I hope fudge_cookies doesn't get too competitive with me! Heh, heh, heh, heh! I'm going to use this ticket!
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 02:41:43

100 equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
Medusa's Blood

the Oh.My.Gosh. factor item:

Tranquility of the Breeze: A Bonus for the Grand Prix: Reduces length of events from 10 to 3 hours for the horse.

What IS Tranquility of the Breeze anyway?! Can someone explain to me what this is?! I don't even have a Grand Prix Ticket but boy am I lucky!
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 02:43:43
Hm. I didn't think you could get grand prix items without a ticket... but yeah, you are lucky! If you get a ticket you can still have a whole day for the horse!
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 12:57:45
I got....
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

200 Equus
5 turnips
20 apples
Hera Packdefault smiley :-))
4 horseshoes FG

If you are having a good day, you can...

Try another Horn of Plenty
That was good!
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 14:22:26
i tried 3 and got bad a but in the 3 one i got woy default smiley ;)
# 200 Equus
# 5 turnips
# 20 apples
# 2 aging points
# Water of Youth
Power of the Storm, A bonus for the Grand Prix:
A bonus of +9 in stamina, speed and dressage for the Grand Prix events

Hmm.,... no HoP. I'm on that objective and this is going to take ages. WOY is nice though, and only 2 more GP bonuses to get before I have them all.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 15:26:42
Ive had 2 nyx packs this week default smiley :d.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 18:47:24
I am trying an experiment. I got a HoP from Xanthos. Usually, I don't get really good ones, so I'm trying to wait until Christmas to open this one - maybe I will get something good.
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 18:50:30
in one i got a grand prix ticket and then in the second one i got a alantic pack woop woop default smiley (lol)default smiley :-))

25falabellasdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 19:01:03
One time I got a Medusa's Blooddefault smiley (y)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 19:02:31
200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
Philosopher's Stone <--
4 horseshoes FG

Ahhh! Yes! I have been needing one!
anyone get any reindeer
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By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 19:35:19
200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
3 aging points
Eolus' Wind
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By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2010 20:04:01
I was very lucky and I got a Philosopher's Stonedefault smiley :)
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