[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 00:04:38
i got a grand prix ticket...but i would have much rather had MA..its what i need most.
but thats okaydefault smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 00:04:40
100 equus
10 apples
10 turnips
2 aging points
I also got a BM item but cannot remember what it was.
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 00:06:08
1000e 5 turnups,6 apples and another Horn of Plenty! default smiley :-))
100 Equus
10 turnips
10 apples
Medusa's Blood

Very Excited about the Medusa's Blood! default smiley :-))
Wild Horse Stables
  • Posted messages: 25
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By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 01:00:31
100 Equus
20 turnips
60 apples
Morpheus' Arms
4 horseshoes FG
Effect of the Tornado, A bonus for the Grand Prix:
Possibility to register 4 horses per day in events, instead of 2

Ohhhhh yeah!
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 01:45:33
600 Equus
10 turnips
40 apples
2 aging points
Pandora's Box
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 04:05:25
200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
Aphrodite's Tears

Thank you Stars for this HoP. I am now starting a stock pile of BM items. I really need that horse and those passes now
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 06:05:05
200 Equus
5 Turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
Golden Apple
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 06:08:51
the usual and a black orchid!! i also got a chronos timers in a different one!default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 06:56:16
OH! Grand Prix Entry Ticket, Nyx Pack, 300e, 6 aging points, 12 turnips, and... and ARCHIMEDES!
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 08:02:40
I got:

5 turnips
20 apples
Hera Pack
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 08:16:35
You have won...
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...
400 Equus
5 turnips
20 apples
3 aging points

If you are having a good day, you can...

grrr i shouldn't ever buy HoPs again
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 10:26:13
200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
Nyx Pack
MF bridle
Power of the Storm
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 12:37:52
A hop just showd up to me (I don't remeber ever getting one)

200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 13:12:11
200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
Eolus' Wind
4 horseshoes FG

Pretty good for being free. Thanks Xanthos!!!
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 14:42:45
2 apples
1 turnip
300 equus

Pretty disappointing...all that for 1 pass...default smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 15:13:04
Oh wow Iv'e opened so many hops I don't even remember all I remember is getting a nyx pack in one!default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 15:43:19
By alicecb, on 26 november 2010 07:56:16

OH! Grand Prix Entry Ticket, Nyx Pack, 300e, 6 aging points, 12 turnips, and... and ARCHIMEDES!

We still can have archimède and others ? Oo
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 16:55:28
You have won...

Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 100 Equus
* 15 turnips
* 10 apples
* 3 aging points
* MF bridle

By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 17:32:27
You have won...
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

100 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
Hephaestus' Horseshoes
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 17:35:46
Apollo's lyre and hera pack.
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 17:48:13
the usual and a zeus' bolt!
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 18:11:05
my best one was
100 apples
20 turnips
5 aging points
piece of cloud.( which i sold on jaguars page for16000e
Artmis arrow
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 18:11:43
oh and 300 equus
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2010 18:28:33
200 Equus 5 turnips 10 apples 2 aging points

default smiley :( that was such a waste of a pass, i'm never buying one again default smiley :'(
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