[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 11th October 2010 22:30:09
Last one:

1000 Equus
50 turnips
100 Apples
and a Grand Prix ticket!

This was my latest one, and my best one!

By Retired breeder, 11th October 2010 22:36:36
All I **ever** get is 100 equus, 2 aging points, 10 apples and 20 turnips. I hate HoPs. I would seriously give one away if I had one. I hate hoping for something actually decent, and getting stuff that I can buy myself easily.
By Retired breeder, 11th October 2010 23:19:49
You have won...

Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 100 Equus
* 10 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points
* 4 horseshoes FK

If you are having a good day, you can...
Try another Horn of Plenty
I at least get some horseshoes.default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 11th October 2010 23:47:50
Past 2 HoP-
1000 eq ( or some were in there)
50 apples (".....")
25 turnips ("....)
5 aging points
I have'nt got any bm iteams!default smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 11th October 2010 23:48:49
How did the default smiley ;) get there?default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 02:15:11

Best Hop EVA!
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 02:53:58
100 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
3 aging points
Morpheus' Arms
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 06:19:29
100 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
Marpheus' Arms
A Grand Prix Ticket

By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 07:06:08

100 Equus
10 turnips
10 apples
Water of Youth

It was OK... m.jonas and Lwhisperer and stallion999 you are sooo lucky!
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 08:29:02
200 Equus
10 turnips
30 apples
2 aging points
4 horseshoes FG
100 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
Hera Pack
  • Posted messages: 489
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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 11:11:06
Tried eight... only got an Atalante Pack and 2 Chronus Timers.... guess it wasn't my lucky day.
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 11:17:58
You have won...
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

300 Equus
10 turnips
10 apples
8 aging points
Philosopher's Stone
4 horseshoes FG

If you are having a good day, you can...

Try another Horn of Plenty

Really good horn of plenty!
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 11:47:13
Biggest Horn of ____ I have ever received:

I tried with the HoPs and failed default smiley :(
However... after my first HoL today (which included a 18m box) I got the above. default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 12:06:03
100 equus
50 apples
10 turnips
3 aging points
1 Hera's Pack. (:
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 13:29:35
My last one was smth like
and Hera's pack.
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 13:34:19
100 Equus 5 turnips 10 apples 3 aging points MF bridle

not much but still
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 13:34:47
I need a p.stone horribly much! D:
maybe i'll get it somehow in a hop...
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 13:47:22
* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 90 apples
* 2 aging points
* Hera Pack
* 4 horseshoes FG

and one with the usual things

both from stroking the xanthos, ty howrse!

And I got a Golden Apple yesterdaydefault smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 1,319
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 16:05:37
This is what I got it was a ufo

200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
Hephaestus' Horseshoes

Not bad default smiley :)
In mine I got:
* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* Hephaestus' Horseshoes
* 4 horseshoes FG
  • Posted messages: 462
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2010 17:25:48
UGH horrible!
5 turnips
20 apples
5 aging points
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2010 12:18:21
got 2 today from xanthos. I wish I could do screenshots like you guys. If someone'd PM me on how that'd be great!! anyway, I got:

200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
Aphrodite's Tears

which isn't too bad and

200 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
Fertility Wand
4 horseshoes FG

2 breeding BMs in one day! Must be lucky since I normally get junk
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2010 12:25:39
100 Equus 10 turnips 10 apples Water of Youth
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