[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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Got 2 manticore divines out of this event, and the one out of the Tyche crown from collecting cards with fragments in them.

total of 157 prizes. among those was:

x13 Golden Fleece
x5 Hestias gifts
x8 Achilles Heel
x4 hiking journal
x4 Tyches crown
x3 athenas medal
x4 victory pack.

Great source of Fleeces on top of 3 divines, i'll take it default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 92
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purplitessa wrote:

Does anybody know the drop range of Hippocampus?

I'm here because I hoped to find an answer to that question.
With 900 fragments from the cards I'd like to know how many crowns it'd take x) I guess it's about 10-20 crowns, so 5-10 (sometimes maybe slightly more) fragments, as ... "usual" for new divines? Idk, I haven't opened any crowns for quite a while now
  • Posted messages: 552
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it drops around 9-20 shards on average so probably 5-10 yes.
  • Posted messages: 92
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After the update it was 18 per crown - so I guess it was good to wait. Got it now ^.^
Rewards were

1 Pandoras Box
12 APs
10 Mash

1 Plutos Parchment
1 Classic Bridle 1*
100 Apples

1 AT
1 Bandages violett 2**
20 Mash

1 Harmony Pack
1 Classic Bridle 1*
7000 Equus

1 Morpheus Arms
2 APs
50 Mash

1 AT
1 Western Bridle1*
15000 Equus

and, as mentioned, 18 fragments each
  • Posted messages: 552
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Got Supernova within 8 Tyche Crowns! Not too bad since I also got a few Aphrodite's Tears from it as well!! Super happy as I have no Nyx giving divines yet and she's just soooo gorgeous!! Hoping to get a few more, but who knows.
  • Posted messages: 95
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Tried for the Crown to get divine but after 2 crowns only got 64 fragments (each gave me only 32 fragments) default smiley :-x
Horses of Angel
  • Posted messages: 3,029
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Opened a crown and got 32 fragments but no divine sadly
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For the first time since the Crown has been introduced, I lucked out on the first one for Supernova. Super happy default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 42
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Opened my four inventory Crowns from the Cards event and no luck at Supernova so far, but at 178 frags from those 4 Crowns - still variable fragments I think? I wasn't really paying attention though lol
And not bad items from them overall: Kairos Dial, Bonus Pack, Timer, and a Nyx Pack!
  • Posted messages: 179
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The Crown is set at 32 fragments for Supernova. default smiley :)
4 Crowns got you 128 fragments, and the remaining 50 are from today's horseshoe gifts
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,060
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Ahhhh okay that makes sense, thanks for the correction and math Legacy Ann! default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 179
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The Fragment ratio for Saturn is unbelievable.

14 WHOLE Fragments per Challenge.

I have this EXACT same Flashback from when he was released back in 2021-ish, with 15,000p being the cutoff.

I'm sorry, but Howrse is out of touch with prices. In WHAT world is Saturn (a 50p dropper per month) worth 15,000p? Ruthenium with the same drop rate was cut off at 6,000.

And before "Eh but you need it for Sun!" that is NOT a justification. We shouldn't be giving them excuses. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 17,233
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Please consider putting a cap for the legendary tack, it should not take 30+ horns just to get another piece. Something like 15 horns for a guaranteed piece would make a massive difference and likely encourage more people to try to complete the series. In the end, I likely opened over 100 horns, which was ridiculous. This has seriously made me reconsider trying to complete this series.
  • Posted messages: 11,322
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Well, I hope all the people who complained about the random fragments are happy. 14 frags per TC for Saturn is unbelievable.

I'm fuming.
Bohemian Anna
  • Posted messages: 8,104
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Bohemian Anna wrote:

Well, I hope all the people who complained about the random fragments are happy. 14 frags per TC for Saturn is unbelievable.

I'm fuming.

This has NOTHING to do with random fragments. Last time the range was 9-19 with 9 being the most common.

I haven't forgotten I had to fill THE WHOLE BAR for that little devil. It cost me an unbelievable amount of passes, which I had thankfully gotten by selling rare coats. All of my savings.
To luck out at 937 fragments. Delicious. default smiley (h)
  • Posted messages: 17,233
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Case in Point, Supernova.

Supernova is actually decently priced. She's priced at 2550p if you don't luck out, which is the exact same price REHUA (the other non-Balios Nyx dropper) had when he was released in the Elemental blast mine all those years ago.

They could have gone the obnoxious route with Supernova, justifying it with "She's a Nyx Pack dropper!" but they DIDN'T, so they're perfectly capable of pricing Divines, they just arbitrarily chose not to for Saturn.
  • Posted messages: 17,233
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Can anyone tell me the frag number for brave little tailor please?
  • Posted messages: 308
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26 horns opened and one piece of tack. The price for the legendary tack is seriously getting to be ridiculous. I guess I'm not bothering. Altair is the last divine in the series that I need. He isn't worth what it'll cost considering I still need 3 more pieces of tack default smiley (n). Thankfully all those wasted HoPs were from inventory
  • Posted messages: 547
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Oathkeeper wrote:

Please consider putting a cap for the legendary tack, it should not take 30+ horns just to get another piece. Something like 15 horns for a guaranteed piece would make a massive difference and likely encourage more people to try to complete the series. In the end, I likely opened over 100 horns, which was ridiculous. This has seriously made me reconsider trying to complete this series.

I agree; the drop rate for that tack is *ridiculous*. I spent 4,900 passes on HoPs and used the 38 I had in my inventory; in those first 38 I found *two* pieces of tack. I had to spend nearly 5,000 passes for the other three.

I understand that if I'm going into this with zero pieces from the set, it's going to be more expensive to complete unless I luck out. But *five* pieces of tack for a Legendary horse should *not* cost me almost *9,000* passes (converting the HoPs to passes). He gives 24 hours of VIP, which is the same prize that Kirin offers and I think I spent, on average, closer to 2,000 passes per Kirin. Maybe 2,500.
The Fifth Queen
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DestinyH wrote:

Can anyone tell me the frag number for brave little tailor please?

set at 47 per golden fleece.
  • Posted messages: 5,182
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sɴᴏᴡғʟᴀᴋᴇ wrote:

set at 47 per golden fleece.

4400p, I expected a bit less but it's honestly not too bad if you had leftover fragments from the Decoration event.
  • Posted messages: 17,233
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I'm legit wondering if the company is trying to make a bunch of money off us this specific weekend, because I got offered a Platinum custom pack, but the $30 Deluxe pack only comes with 203 frags (I only have 555 right now) and the $9 basic pack only has 95 frags...
That's low right? I'm not crazy? Previously I've been offered enough fragments to finish getting the horse in Deluxe packs, and in this case I'd have to buy TWO deluxe packs AND a basic pack (for about $70CAD) or like 5 basic packs for $50CAD (or some other combo). Hypothetically if I were to spend that much money, I may as well just buy two $30 pass packs for 4400 passes... it would take forever to Platinum to actually pay off.

Here's the Deluxe breakdown (5200 pass "value"):
- 203 Platinum fragments
- Kerry bog pony
- 30 days VIP
- 550 passes
- 69,900 equus
- 85 APs
- 4 Hera Packs
- 2 Hestia's Gifts

Basic pack breakdown (1300 pass "value"):
- 95 Platinum fragments
- Kerry bog pony
- 44,900 equus
- 40 APs
- 5 fertility wands (useless as I have wand privilege)
- 1 artemis arrow
  • Posted messages: 179
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kiragm123 wrote:

That's low right? I'm not crazy?

Some Divines are just a terrible pack mashup.
Promo Divines are hard set at 1 Deluxe Pack + a Small pack at most, while others follow this arbitrary system they gave them and has the Balios Deluxe Pack at a whopping 86 Fragments.
  • Posted messages: 17,233
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Just got Saturn on my first try! Could not be more ecstatic!
  • Posted messages: 29
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Just had to go back and look for my notes on the tack, but when they were offered in the Black Market for a flat price, all the tack pieces collectively would have cost you 3,250 passes. That's a decent price for these divines, in my opinion.

I got lucky in that I was just missing two of Altair's tack pieces, but it still took me 47 HoPs to get TWO pieces of tack. And, yes, I did get some nice BMIs from opening all of those HoPs, but it still felt incredibly insulting. I was hoping that I'd be able to get Bucephalus finally, but that price is ridiculous. The equivalent of 4,700 passes for two pieces of tack is absurd. Please consider putting a cap on how many HoPs it takes.
  • Posted messages: 859
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