[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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A golden apple and aphrodites tears out of 4 HOPs, and won 6 stars from 2 golden fleeces so got 2 MAs too! No divines but a decent spend of 4 passes I'd say default smiley :)
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^^using 3 hops in my inventory + the free one and buying the fleeces
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2017 02:04:26
I opened three HOPs (one from Xanthos, one bought, and one free because of the promo). I got a Chronos' Timer, a Pandora's Box, spurs, fodder, oats, and a couple of aging points.

I mean, I appreciate the C. Timer, I suppose. But everything else... /sigh/ I never have good luck with these things.
I was really lucky. Caryopsis on first try. I also got my divine I Love You on the first try.

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Havent you already posted this like 2-3 times default smiley xddefault smiley :p
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I've gotten nothing but rubbish in mine I got the divine for free when the derby started but since then, any hop I got including the ones I paid for I got complete junk
∂α૨ƭɦ ѵα∂ε૨
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2017 12:06:41
Croeus fortune
50 oats
2,000 equus
3 carrots
2 aging points

I just wish that these HoPs were actually worth a pass...even if they didn't have a divine. I got mine for free because I stroked Xanthos so I can't complain too much. default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2017 12:13:32
I spent 1 million equus on pass horses to buy HoPs, and didn't get the divine. I also drained my inventory of HoPs default smiley (li)
I woke up this morning to get a message that Xanthos gave me 2 HoPs, so I traded one and opened the other one. I looked at the contents, a bridle, some equus, and I'm like, seriously Howrse?
But then I scanned down the page to click out of the page and I saw that I got Caryopsis!

Since I live in Australia, the gum leaf like thing on her back attracted her to me default smiley (l)

Good luck to everyone else!
anyone else really lucky today? i decided to try for Caryopsis but didnt get him after the cap i put for buying hops, so then i decided to try for neptune and got on my second try. went back to the hops and tried a few more times and got Caryopsis too! default smiley (7)
moon gem
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I used 10 horns-Now I'm completely out and I did't get the divine.
I did get a lot of decent stuff though including a Nyx, harmony, and hera pack.
So I suppose it's not terrible, but no divine which was the only thing I wanted.
I have one pass.
I am debating whether or to to use it since it will be another two weeks at least until I get a pass from the loyalty bar.
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Well... after TWENTY SIX HoPs I don't have Caryopsis. Cool.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2017 17:58:30
Second HoP- You have won the divine Caryopsis!! Only my second divine ever! I'm so excited! default smiley :ddefault smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2017 18:41:28
I just got Caryopsis in a HoP. I felt sorry for her - 23 hands and crammed into a HoP. She was probably glad when I let her out. default smiley (l)
I got the divine after opening 9 HoPs. I just wish that the other things that you get with the HoP were worth 1 pass. I only got one or two things that were worth it. I remember when HoPs gave very good prizes and were highly sought after, now they are more lame and gimmicky than anything else.
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2000 Equus
500 Fodder
20 Apples
4 Aging points
Caryopis default smiley *-)

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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2017 23:42:57
I opened 8 HoPs and still no Caryopsis... I wish I was lucky like others that got her after 1-5 tries!default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 24th July 2017 10:24:18
Caryopsis in my 19th and last HOP that I'd saved up!!! Patience pays off default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 24th July 2017 11:42:27
14 HoP's down and no Caryopsis default smiley :( Most contained absolute rubbish too, though I did get a Titan's Challenge in one. I wish HoP's were actually worth the pass that you spend on them, rather than a bit of fodder and tack...
By Retired breeder, 24th July 2017 12:29:04
Not my best HOP, but at least I got a Pandora's Box for my Greyfells.
By Retired breeder, 24th July 2017 12:31:46
When I first joined, I thought HOPs were horse abuse because they were stuffing full size horses in to little cornucopias. default smiley xd
I didn't find Caryopsis in 28 HoPs overall...
lorica loraine
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By Retired breeder, 24th July 2017 13:42:38
I got 2 more HoPs from the exchanges, cost me 3 MAs and 1 Golden fleece... my last chance to get Caryopsis. Opened 8 HoPs already. I open the first one (9th in total), and I GET CARYOPSIS!!!default smiley <:o)default smiley <:o)default smiley <:o)
ah i tried but alas, had no luck at all with any of my HOPs, both divine and BMI wise default smiley :'(
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Tried and not successful - no divine default smiley :(
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Wow- that was *totally* worth 1 pass. (sarcasm)
Lᴀᴠᴇɴᴅᴇʀ Lɪʟᴀᴄ
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