[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2017 08:39:06
You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

1 x Harmony Pack
3,000 Equus
100 x Oats
5 x Carrot
2 aging points

A wild horse of the Dülmen Pony breed.

i got the wild on my first try default smiley <:o) default smiley <:o)
I tried 3 HoPs:
1x M. Blood
1xP. Box
Power of the storm Grand Prix bonus
400 Fodder
5 carrots
8 aging points
3,000 equus
10 apples
50 oats
1x 1* western bridle

A Dulmen Pony!!!
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You've won!
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1 x Pandora's Box
1,000 Equus
100 x Fodder
10 apples

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You've won!
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1 x Morpheus' Arms
2,000 Equus
100 x Fodder
2 x Carrot

Not too bad of an item x)
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You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

1,000 Equus
3*** Classical Bridle
100 x Oats
3 x Carrot
3 aging points

No Dülmen for me :/
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You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

golden apple 1 x Golden Apple
argent 2,000 Equus
fodder 250 x Fodder
carrot 3 x Carrot
aging point 5 aging points
dulmen A wild horse of the Dülmen Pony breed, that will be added to your account in a few minutes!

I haven't tried these offers in years because I don't think they're worth it but I used my "free" HOP from the cards default smiley ^)
love never dies
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After using 4 HOPs from my inventory, I got the Wild horse! default smiley *-)
The other prizes weren't really that good.. default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2017 11:18:41
My 5th HOP

1 x Black Orchid
1,000 Equus
100 x Oats
20 apples
3 aging points
A wild horse of the Dülmen Pony breed, that will be added to your account in a few minutes!

WOO! default smiley :d
Got him on my second try, along with a Hera's Pack default smiley :)
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I got the Wild Horse with my third HoP default smiley <:o)

Got another HoP on my first try (not bad, not bad at all). Golden Apple on the second (always welcome). And something I don't remember in the third.

And some equus, aging point, fodder etc of course
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2017 13:49:11
x1 Philotes' Stroke
2,000 equus
150 fodder
10 apples

Luck was not on my side. Oh well. I can't complain considering the fact that I got 2 Garranos last time.
6 HoPs later and the best thing I got out of all of them was a Golden Apple.
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1 x 1* Western Bridle
250 x Fodder
10 apples
5 aging points

Such a waste of a HOP
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3,000 Equus
1 x 3*** Western Saddle
100 x Fodder
20 apples
2 aging point

2nd and final attempt:default smiley :-))default smiley :o
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Okay, so I had 3 HoPs on my account; all from Xanthos! And I tried them all...Just got 2x ZLB. I had one pass though so I tried it..Still nothing...SO I used a pass horse (all raised from foals on my account) and finally got the wild! default smiley *-)

Normally I would NEVER waste HoPs like that, but I had so many lying around and then I noticed it took a few for everyone else before they got theirs so I wasn't gonna stop at the 4th one when I already had a horse ages 29

tl/dr: I got the wild after 5 HoPs from Xanthos, and pass horses.
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2017 14:58:30
I only had one, no Dülmen but I got a Nyx pack, so that's still pretty good.
1 x Horn of Plenty
1,000 Equus
100 x Oats
20 apples
4 aging points

I got 3 HoPs from Xanthos just today, and I've gotten three form other stuff (probably still Xanthos. I love that divine). Then when I saw that I could get a thing from HoP, I opened one. Ad from it I got...Another HoP.

6,000 Equus
1 x 2** green and white Western saddle cloth
250 x Oats
3 x Carrot
2 aging points

Not as good, but 2** tack is always good.

2,000 Equus
1 x 1* Western Bridle
100 x Oats
3 x Carrot
2 aging points
Grand Prix Entry Ticket

Yes! I was hoping for that!

1 x Hera's Pack
2,000 Equus
100 x Oats
20 apples
11 aging points

Ooh, 11 aging points! And a hera's pack too.

1 x Harmony Pack
1,000 Equus
50 x Oats
3 x Carrot

1 x Whip
2,000 Equus
250 x Fodder
3 x Carrot
A wild horse of the Dülmen Pony breed, that will be added to your account in a few minutes!

Yes! What I was hoping for! I still have 1 HoP as well! I got it and some other good stuff and it was all from free stuff that I got.
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7 HOPs later (I was determined !!) and finally got the wild, though I did get a NYX pack , Pandora's box and Apollos lyre too , along the way so not too bad!! default smiley :)
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You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty..

5,000 Equus
1* Classical Saddle
100 x Oats
2 x Carrot
3 aging points

A kind player gifted me 2 HOPs so I actually got 2 more tries.. None in this one..
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You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

1 x Aphrodite's Tears
3,000 Equus
100 x Fodder
20 apples

Aw no Dülmen but you know, maybe this wasn't my wild :3
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2017 19:50:11
1 x Hera's Pack
2,000 Equus
500 x Fodder
10 apples
4 aging points
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2017 21:06:02
1,000 Equus
1* Classical Saddle
100 x Fodder
2 x Carrot
2 aging points

TOTAL VALUE: 1738e (not counting aging points)

default smiley (li)default smiley :k Are you kidding me Howrse? I understand that I won't find a BMI in every HOP, but is it that much to ask to put rare/expensive items like 2* tack, enhancements, or bonuses? Or at the very least, put more than 2000e worth of stuff in? I could literally sell a newborn foal with low GP, buy the loot above with the money, and still have equus left over. default smiley (n)
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On my second try! default smiley :d

1 x Morpheus' Arms
1,000 Equus
150 x Oats
3 x Carrot
aging point
6 aging points
dulmen A wild horse of the Dülmen Pony breed, that will be added to your account in a few minutes!
  • Posted messages: 344
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First time opening the HOPs I saved up from Xanthos. I opened 6 of my own, won 1, and then got my first wild horse! That's all I was hoping for! I got a Hera's pack and then mostly stuff I don't really want other than a few aging points. default smiley xd I'm so glad that I've never used one hoping for anything else because it doesn't seem like there's anything really great in there often.
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