[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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You've won!
Last time, you won with the golden fleece...

Black 2** polo wraps
50 x Mash
Harmony Pack
You've found Falabella, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!

first try on us server
Princess Celestia
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umm so i sold that klein for 10 passes. IDK if this is luck or what but....

You've won!Last time, you won with the golden fleece... 6,000 Equus Piñata 2** Classical saddle cloth Achilles' Heel You've found Falabella, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!
You've won!Last time, you won with the golden fleece... Red 2** polo wraps 30 x Mash Ploutos' Parchment You've found Falabella, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!
You've won!Last time, you won with the golden fleece... 1* Polo Wraps Bell boots Horn of Plenty You've found Falabella, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!
8000 Equus 1* Western Bridle Hypnos' Blanket You've found Falabella, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!

i won 4 more
Princess Celestia
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and then like 4 more after that
Princess Celestia
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Were all those on the US server? I also opened a GF on the US server, and my one and only gave me a Falabella. Just as my one and only Titan's Challenge use the other week won me a Wild horse over there. Why can't my luck be like that on this server?
Legacy Ann
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Sorry for the double post, but I take that back...my luck turned around! I decided to try one more Golden Fleece on this server and won: 2** polo wraps, 9 aging points, the 1 star item I chose was an Achilles' Heel, and a Falabella. I got the green one, which is my favorite color so this item did really good by me this time. Took me 3 Golden Fleece's total and I used diamonds on all three.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 9th July 2016 00:52:32
I got a Petit from Golden Fleece default smiley :d

Can someone explain its bonus to me? I am a little confused!

Congrats! default smiley :)

Each time you enter a competition with a horse, you have 1 in a 100 chance of winning the bonus called "falabella".

Say you enter a show jumping comp, then the bonus will be in the three skills needed for SJ. One falabella gives you 1 out of 100, 2 gives you 2 out of 100, three equals 3 chances out of a hundred of finding the bonus.

I think they last about 4 days.
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By Retired breeder, 9th July 2016 04:18:13
I didn't try the golden fleece, but I bought one of my friends doubles, so I am super happydefault smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 9th July 2016 04:18:29
*Double Falabellasdefault smiley 8-)
I got Cancer with my first HoP. default smiley (l)

(Good thing because last time I didn't get the divine after 46 HoP's)
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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By Retired breeder, 16th July 2016 20:42:10
I found -

Philotes' Stroke
5,000 Equus
250 x Fodder
20 apples
2 aging points

default smiley :d

I'm literally shaking right now I'm so happy!!! I thought, you know what, I'll try and if worse comes to worse I've still got two in my inventory and one on the way from the promo.
On the first one, up to level 3 there wasn't really anything good so I kept going, level 4 was a Bonus Pack so I thought eh, at least if I lose I usually get P. Packs which I could really use. Level 5 I was getting a little more excited, but I've already got a 5th element in my inventory so I kept going. I aaaaalmost stopped at the 500k equus but I thought, I'm doing good so far, I'm almost there.
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Okay totally forgot, Ruby is boy pffft. Totally think should be a girl, but whatevs. I have him.
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Aww thats awesome!
My first HoP ever and it wasn't the best....

$4000 equus
150 fodder
5 carrots
10 ageing points
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2,000 Equus
1* Classical Saddle Cloth
50 x Oats
3 x Carrot
3 aging points

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Nothing much yet!
A Piece of cloud and other not so special things
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By Retired breeder, 20th July 2016 13:15:09
Ive opened about 15 HOPS to try and find cancer and i feel like the prizes are so much worse then they usually are! I usually get a bit more BMI items then i have.
By Retired breeder, 20th July 2016 13:19:53
Opened 6, so disappointed, just low amounts of eqqus and carrots, pandoras box... so disappointed
By Retired breeder, 20th July 2016 13:32:45
Opened 3 and I got

8,000 Equus
2** blue and white Western saddle cloth
100 x Fodder
70 apples
3 aging points
Philotes' Stroke
200 x Oats
Morpheus' Arms

Might try again tomorrow
By Retired breeder, 20th July 2016 14:27:14
I can't believe my luck. I opened 3 HOPs and got TWO Cancer divines, lol. default smiley xd I have a friend that opened 50 HOPs as a VIP during the GC and then another 20 this morning and got zero divines. She bought her from reserved sales. Craziness.
Normally I'm pretty lucky when opening HoPs to win divines so I thought id try my luck. I think the last time I tried to get a divine in the HoPs I got it on my very first one. (Either a falabella or my Quarts)

Worst decision. Opened the two id been saving and got the third one free from the deal.

Ploutos' Parchment
Black Orchid
Medusa's Blood
6,000 Equus
200 Oats
5 Carrots
100 Fodder
and 2 Aging Points default smiley xd

Eh I guess luck just isn't on my side tonight
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Opened 4 HOPS

Got a Zeus' Lightning Bolt, the best thing I have gotten in a HOP in a very long time. The rest was a bunch of carrots, apples, equus, aging points, low level tack, and yet another Water of Youth.
Lady Leurona
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By Retired breeder, 20th July 2016 14:44:59
The first HOP i opened during the festivals today, I won another HOP and some smaller stuff (Typical polo wraps, AP's, small amounts of equus etc.) I decided to try again for the fun of it and ended up winning....

I am really happy, but then again she is kinda pointless to me as I was not born under her sign:/ I'm still happy I won!
By Retired breeder, 20th July 2016 14:46:43
Also, when the wilds were in the T,Challeges a couple of weeks ago, on my first try I won the Abaco Barb. Yay!

I decided to try another one, and this time I did not want to win the wild since I already won it. I was hoping to try and win a treasure chest or something big and rare. Turns out...I won another one, this time a male! Crazy right?!?
Spend 4 hops from my inventory and one free one with the horseshoes that I collected. Ended up getting a fertility wand, GA and cancer. =] Didn't even have to use passes and I'll get two divines. Great deal this time howrse!!
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