[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 30th April 2016 03:59:00
I got 2000e, some carrots, some oats, and a Wand. I can't remember what else.
By Retired breeder, 30th April 2016 06:50:25

So lucky! I tried a Golden Fleece last night with 2 passes, and it was a complete waste. No Dew, and only 1 star. :c
By Retired breeder, 30th April 2016 11:08:19
I have so far recieved a ticket to the grand prix and the huricane thingy that lets you enter 2-4 horses in the grand prix a daydefault smiley ^)
You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

Achilles' Heel
1,000 Equus
150 x Fodder
10 apples
2 aging points

...whoop dee frickin doop
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By Retired breeder, 30th April 2016 13:56:35
is it me or do the HOP have very low quality items...

all I won was 2 000
a 2** ear bonette
and 5 aging point

By Retired breeder, 30th April 2016 14:13:48
I opened a Golden Fleece and found Dew on my first try default smiley *-)default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 1st May 2016 15:07:06
Pandora's Box
3,000 equus
250 fodder
10 apples
6 aging points
By Retired breeder, 1st May 2016 15:08:25
I wonder if I could get a HOP in an HOP...default smiley xd
You've won!

Last time, you won with the golden fleece...

1* classical saddle
1* Classical Saddle
40 x Mash
achilles' heel
Achilles' Heel

You've won!

Last time, you won with the golden fleece...

pink 2** polo wraps
Pink 2** polo wraps
aging point
5 aging points
achilles' heel
Achilles' Heel

You've won!

Last time, you won with the golden fleece...

8,000 Equus

1* Ear Bonnet

Achilles' Heel
You've found Dew, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!

Yesssss! With $15 I was able to get my last card for Taurus AND Dew <3 THAT makes me very happy haha.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd May 2016 02:35:44

That used to be one of the last objectives, back before the trophies. You had to find a HoP in a HoP, breed a unicorn and get 10 wins with a foundation horse. Those were the three I dreaded, but I got them finished (over on US).
By Retired breeder, 2nd May 2016 02:46:24
Received a HoP from the Cards, decided to open just one, to sate my curiosity on my luck with HoPs. Luck, or lack thereof, confirmed:

Ploutos' Parchment
1,000 Equus
100 x Fodder
20 apples
By Retired breeder, 2nd May 2016 03:08:03

I'd agree with that. It seems that you can no longer find Nyx Packs, Hera Packs, or any really good BMI's. It would be nice to have a HOP promo or something. Something like for two hours a HOP will give you one BMI that is definitely over 1 Pass, a BMI that is totally random, and aging points, equus, tack, feed, or whatever. But, I dunno. Maybe that's what the Golden Fleece and the Titan's Challenge are for.

I got that but only 50 fodder and 10 apples.
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By Retired breeder, 8th May 2016 06:17:47
I have 1 question. Should I trade my HOP for MA? I want a pass horse, send it to heaven, and get something. I don't want to waste my HOP on a horse and that horse didn't get me a pass. Please help me.
By Retired breeder, 8th May 2016 06:22:41
oh yeah.
From my HoP...
From THAT Hop...
Grand prix ticket
Got another from Xanthos and saving that one for an event when you open a horn of plenty and try to get a divinedefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 9th May 2016 10:36:56
I got a Morphesus Arms, 50 carrots and some equus.default smiley 8-)
By Retired breeder, 9th May 2016 13:26:37

Wow, a morpheus' arms! Well done! ♥
By Retired breeder, 9th May 2016 15:59:22

A nice HoP! default smiley (lol) Nice job!
By Retired breeder, 9th May 2016 16:01:16
Got some carrots, 3*** classical saddle, and 20 apples, Fertility Wand Zeus' Lightning Bolt default smiley :p
Not bad, I guess default smiley (8)
I've had a HoP in my inventory for a while, let's see if I get anything good....

You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

4,000 Equus
1* Classical Saddle Cloth
150 x Fodder
3 x Carrot
3 aging points

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Hop #1:

Helios' Ray
1,000 Equus
50 x Oats
40 apples
2 aging points

Hop #2:

Harmony Pack
3,000 Equus
150 x Fodder
40 apples
3 aging points

default smiley :d
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You guys might want to start saving your HOPs... Just a hint default smiley ;)
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Do you know something we don't?
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Check out the Spoiler Zone~
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By Retired breeder, 15th May 2016 15:45:34
2,000 Equus
Piñata 2** polo wraps
50 x Oats
10 apples
3 aging points
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