[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 12:50:06
I already have divines which give me diamonds so I'm waiting for good divines. default smiley :-))
I've used almost 40 HOPs and I've not gotten the divine. Looking through these posts it seems no one (?) has been able to get him?? I have some extra diamonds and passes remaining, but if he's bugged there's no way I'm wasting the rest. Indigo is the last color divine I need to complete my collection. Has anyone gotten him yet from the HOPs?
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By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 14:50:11
Should someone let the admins know or something?

I'm not sure as people *have* been getting Indigo, but still a suspiciously large amount of people haven't after dozens and dozens of HOPs. I had 220 diamonds, 6 passes, and approx 20 HOPs saved up, and now I have almost nothing left and no divine. This has never happened to me before and I have always gotten the divine in under 10-15 attempts (mostly because of luck haha).
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I sent in a ticket to Contact Us about the issue; I'll let you know what happens. I spent 50 more diamonds on HOPs and got nothing.
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By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 15:23:22
It's the same on the US server. I've sent in a ticket asking for answers as to whether the drop rate has been lowered significantly or not.
By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 15:24:09
It seems as though it targets specific players too. A lot of newer players on the US server get HOP promo divines on their first and second try whereas the older players have to pay a ridiculous amount of passes and still go home empty-handed.
By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 15:25:04
I used my one and only pass on a HoP, and here's what I got:

Poseidon's Pack

3,000 Equus

100 x Fodder

2 x Carrots

2 Aging Points

And Devoted Indigo! First time I've bought a HoP and actually participated in an event like this. Gotta say, I'm not dissapointed XD
I just got Indigo, suspiciously on the first use of a pass (after ten HoPs I had and 20 diamonds, I had to use a pass, and got Indigo on my first one). He's in my "Your Life is Divine" tab now, along with the two I already had, Carrot and Red.

Now I'm just wondering what the heck "changeable weather" means in relation to Rainbow and whether or not I want to hold out hope for getting all the rainbow Divines in order to get him :/
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By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 15:52:14
10 horns and 1 pass..still no divine for me. Oh well guess it is not in the cards this time default smiley :(

If you hover your mouse over the in game weather it will say "changeable" sometimes
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Bought 6 pass horses to convert into passes; still no Indigo.

I did receive a reply from Howrse; according to the response, there is no bug with Indigo, though I'm still doubtful the chances haven't been raised to some extent. If nothing else, a lot of players have just been extremely unlucky, which seriously sucks.
Hello animaloverangel,

Thank you for your message.

I have researched your request, and see there are Devoted Indigo on the game that are born today. This is the result of players winning the divine in the Horn of Plenty.

We are not aware of an issue with Devoted Indigo in the Horn of Plenty. Winning the divine is based on chance. Each time you open a Horn of Plenty, you have the same chance to gain the divine. The number of times you open a Horn of Plenty does not change the chances for each one.

Please open a new request if you would like help with any other issues. Good luck!

Kind regards,
The Howrse Team
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Finally got Devoted Indigo lol
the third of 3 additional pass horses was the lucky one.

Total used: 220 diamonds, 9 HOPs, and approx 16 passes (including 9 pass horses, for a total of 1,015,000e)
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I received Fertility Wand, 1,000 equus, 150x Fodder, 20 apples, 3 aging points, and Devoted Indigo
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I got him after using 2 HOP's, 10 diamonds, and four passes. It's not bugged, I got him earlier this morning, before 7 AM, central time.
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By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 17:30:10
Can they tell us the probability of finding devoted indigo or any divines in the horn of plenty?
By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 17:34:01
Golden spurs
250 fodder
2000 equus
50 apples

Are you actually serious Howrse? Does that look like it's worth a pass?
By Retired breeder, 11th March 2016 17:40:55
There we go

hypno's blanket
3,000 equus
100x fodder

You've found Devoted Indigo, who will be added to your account in a few minutes!

Took me 3 passes, the first one was awful, second one got a MA, third one is the charm.
13 HOPs...... no divine
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I've only opened two so far, but I'm not sure if it's even worth me trying to get Indigo haha (I always seem to get terrible hops)

1 x 3*** Western Saddle
3 x Ageing point
2 x Carrot
1000 x Fodder
1 x Spurs
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I got Indigo on the first try! default smiley <:o)
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I got the following after I traded one of my Titan's Challenges for a Horn of Plenty:

1,000 Equus
3*** Western Saddle
250 x Fodder
10 apples
3 aging points

I guess I'll have to wait until a divine is released in the TC to try my luck again! default smiley (lol)
ஐ Floral Unicorn ஐ
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I got Indigo in my fourth HoP default smiley :p Now just Brave Purple to go, and I've completed the set. default smiley (l)
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I spent my proud saved up stash of 60 diamonds, 13 passes and 3 HoPs earlier today got nothing, bought 10 more and still no Devoted Indigo.. I need to get him but I am honestly scared to buy a new 10 pack of passes and get nada... I've never had this bad luck with the devines in the HoPs!!! default smiley :'(

Congrats to those of you that did so far though default smiley :) (Jealous smile lol....)
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2,000 Equus
3*** western bridle 3*** Western Bridle
fodder 250 x Fodder
carrot 3 x Carrot
aging point 3 aging points

worst ever !
Emma 9
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