[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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I think I just used up all my pass Horses that guaranteed me a pass within 30 days, And opened approximately 12 HOP's. :U

This is from my Items history from my HOP's:

Fertility Wand
Apollo's Lyre
Hera's Pack
Pandora's Box
Aphrodite's Tears
Golden Apple
Zeus' Lightning Bolt
Aphrodite's Tears
Philote's Stroke
Morpheus Arms
Medusas Blood
Hypno's Blanket

Along the way I got the usual stuff like 150 Fodder, oats, 2** Ear bonnet/Polo wraps, Carrots, Apples, Mashes. Saddle, Bridles.
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First HOP I opened gave me a free HOP and 3 star tack to sell, the 2nd HOP gave me oats, fodder and some more 3 star tack to sell.
Captain Canada
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I opened 5 from my inventory (since I had the 1 free for every 5 opened), and while I didn't get Midas, I did get a few other nice things:
21,000e total
A Philotes Stroke, Helios' Ray, Aphrodite's Tears, and Chronos Timer
The Strength of the Thunderstorm Grand Prix bonus
And some aging points, tack, apples, etc.

Not too bad for HOPs from Xanthos! default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 00:48:35
Anyone have any little superstitions when it comes to opening hops or ideas of when I might be mor encumbered? 10 and counting, no Midas through hop or sales.
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 00:48:49
*more lucky

You got all that in only 12? The best I got out of over the last 30 is probably a P Pack at some point default smiley xd You didn't do bad at all.
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 00:51:16
90 diamonds and 4 HoP (also used two HoP I got in the HoP and the buy 3 get one free option so those were not counted)

2 Midas
Harmony Pack
Achilles' Heel
Water of Youth
Helios' Ray
Piece of Cloud
Morpheus' Arms
2 Philosopher's Stone
Zeus' Lightning Bolt
Ploutos' Parchment
Hera's Pack
2 HoP

Not bad at all, I am very pleased. default smiley :-)) Good luck everyone!
I just spent at least 40 passes to get Midas, But hes so cute I can resist default smiley :p Wont be getting another divine for quite some time
j7t85jf84 hfgb3
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Sweet; got Midas on the 9th HOP. All but two (the two were free) were from my inventory, so I really only used up 7.
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:02:13
Used 10 HoPs so far, and no Midas. I have 6 chances left and I am so scared...Midas is the only divine I have ever wanted and I will be quite sad if I don't get him.
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:05:16
AGH. i got a Z.bolt, when I just USED one. Oh well. Good for storage, I guess ^.^
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:06:04
First HOP (inventory):
Helios' Ray
4 000 Equus
50 x Oats
80 apples

Second HOP (inventory):
Apollo's Lyre
1 000 Equus
250 x Oats
40 apples

Third HOP (inventory):
Helios' Ray
3 000 Equus
150 x Fodder
10 apples
5 aging points

Fourth HOP (inventory):
Bonus Pack
1 000 Equus
250 x Fodder
40 apples
2 aging points

Fifth HOP (free from horseshoe bonus):
1 000 Equus
1* Western Bridle
50 x Oats
5 x Carrot
2 aging points

Sixth HOP (pass):
Horn of Plenty
1 000 Equus
250 x Fodder
5 x Carrot
3 aging points

Seventh HOP (inventory):
Medusa's Blood
1 000 Equus
500 x Fodder
20 apples
3 aging points

Eighth HOP (pass):
Philotes' Stroke
3 000 Equus
100 x Oats
3 x Carrot

Ninth HOP (pass):
Titan's Challenge
3 000 Equus
500 x Fodder
2 x Carrot

Tenth HOP (free from horseshoes bonus):
Horn of Plenty
1 000 Equus
100 x Fodder
2 x Carrot
3 aging points

Eleventh HOP (inventory):
Nyx Pack
1 000 Equus
250 x Fodder
150 apples
Strength of the Typhoon, A bonus for the Grand Prix: Doubles the gains of contestants from events

Twelfth HOP (pass):
Bonus Pack
1 000 Equus
250 x Oats
3 x Carrot
3 aging points

Thirteenth HOP (pass):
Medusa's Blood
1 000 Equus
100 x Fodder
5 x Carrot
3 aging points

Fourteenth HOP (pass):
Golden Apple
2 000 Equus
150 x Oats
10 apples
3 aging points
Tranquility of the Breeze, A bonus for the Grand Prix: Reduces the length of events from 10 to 3 hours for the horse

No Midas, but I'm going to trade for more HOPs, and keep trying. default smiley :) All in all, pretty pleased with this.
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:07:12

I'd be pleased just to get the TC.
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:07:53
default smiley :'(...I didn't get him, and I feel so paranoid. Getting those HoPs were weeks upon weeks of exchanges, Xanthos, passes. This is truly the worst I've felt opening HoPs, ugh.
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:08:51
However, I did get a Hera's pack and a harmony pack. Try to look on the bright side!
Got Midas in fourth I opened default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:11:46
I was happy to see that. I have the worst luck with them, though, so I'll probably trade it for something I find more useful. default smiley :)(*cough*HOP*cough*) default smiley (lol)
Oooo, I have just gained 1 more HoP thanks to the horseshoes default smiley :d

You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

achilles' heel Achilles' Heel
argent 2 000 Equus
oats 100 x Oats
apple 100 apples
tempete Power of the Storm, A bonus for the Grand Prix:
A bonus of +9 in stamina, speed and dressage for the Grand Prix events

Still no Midas, though default smiley xd

And 1 more from the amount of HoPs I've opened default smiley :d

You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

achilles' heel Achilles' Heel
argent 9 000 Equus
oats 250 x Oats
carrot 5 x Carrot
aging point 3 aging points

Darn this Midas is far too elusive for me ¬_¬ default smiley (lol)

Well, at least I've had plenty of ageing points that I've now eaten my way through. default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:12:37
I just used 20+ HoPs and no midas...
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:12:40
Must. Resist. Urge. To. Waste. Last. Pass. On. HOP.

Grr!! This is driving me insane. Should I save my last pass and buy something useful like a box, or should I buy a HOP?
Logical Side: Buy something useful, like a 3*** box! It will positively improve your ranking in the future.
Reckless Side and Exceedingly Optimistic Side: C'mon! You know that if you open that HOP, you will somehow, just somehow, get Midas! You will regret not opening it for the rest of your life!
Logic: Seriously, what are the chances of getting Midas from one HOP?
Reckless/Optimistic: It'll be a miracle! "New Player gets Midas from One HOP!" it'll be all over the news! You know you want to...
Logic: Stop, just stop.
Reckless/Optimistic: Succumb to the dark side... you know what's right for you...

And I'm fighting with myself. Jeez, talk about split-personality disorder...
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:14:34
Scrounged up another pass somehow, and with 17 HoPs no Midas. I was so looking forward to him, but alas, it looks like he will not be mine.
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:17:32
Some useless stuff:
3 000 Equus
3*** Western Bridle
100 x Oats
2 x Carrot
6 aging points

I tried so hard in the GC, it just wasn't worth it now. I mean, who wants 100 oats and 2 carrots?default smiley :@default smiley (li)
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:17:55
I guess Midas will never be mine, I don't have that much passes anyways...
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:19:26
Too bad. Hopefully you win something to get a hop with from the lottery!
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2015 01:21:00
I got okay items from my HOP, but no Midas.

Hera's Pack
6000 Equus
and a bunch of other useless stuff.
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