[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 18:13:55

yeah that's mine you are probably looking at Xena. Just want quick passes and want people
who don't have lots of passes to get some as well. Plus with 60 something Falla Bellas I have won I don't really need them plus the highest you can get them for is 15 passes now.
By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 18:17:49
Did 3 HOPs

First try got a philosophers stone

Second try got a Achilles heal

Than on my third I got a Russian fellabella and a posidons pack!!! default smiley :ddefault smiley :ddefault smiley :d so happy!
You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

4 000 Equus
MF bridle
30 turnips
20 apples
2 aging points
You've found Falabella, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!

Second Falla. :3 Still waiting on it to be added to my account though.
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Not much
Used 4 hop and I should not have... Guess it's not my day
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By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 18:23:50

Be happy that you even got one, most people try so hard to get one and don't, my friend used up all her passes and didn't get one default smiley :@
Got Малыш and Klein. default smiley ^) I'm about broke but I can make it up eventually. I'm quite happy.
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Hop 4:
Philosopher's Stone
1 000 Equus
10 turnips
80 apples

Good bmis but still no falabella
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I'm just waiting for my RC's to sell so I can buy HoP and maybe get a Falabella
ғʀᴏsᴛιι ғᴏx
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I've had 7 fallabellas and I'm now broke default smiley xd
Happy though because through selling my fallas I got my DA uni .. So happiness it is I guess default smiley (lol)
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Achilles' Heel
4 000 Equus
30 turnips
3 energy mashes
You've found Falabella, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!

I'm happy!
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If you read the thread, you'll see that a LOT of people are getting them. The average seems to be around 10-15 HoPs in order to get a falla.

HoPs are a gamble, just like Challenges. If your friend cannot afford to lose her passes by gambling, she ought not spend them.
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I think that Howrse should have made the fala's a 24 hours thing.
I mean there are fala's for sale for 7 passes. default smiley (o)
Miss Fortune
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If peeps are grabbing them for investment purposes, it will likely pay off as prices go back up (once the promo is over). But it will take some patience. Like, maybe a LOT of patience.
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Oh my gosh! I just got a Falabella! And I only used 4 HOPs! Plus a Grand Prix entry ticket! This is awesome!default smiley :ddefault smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 18:42:57
I wish I did. I used my only HoP and got junk.
By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 18:44:45
Cryfenril said

"If you read the thread, you'll see that a LOT of people are getting them. The average seems to be around 10-15 HoPs in order to get a falla. "

It's just chance. I used 4 and got a Falabella, it's just where Owlient puts the Falabella's in the HOP's. Some have em' some don't.
Poseidon's Pack
1 000 Equus
15 turnips
3 caloric mashes
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I only had to use 4 HOPs and they were in my inventory from the last promo! So basically I got him for free! I got 小さな! I'm super excited right now if you haven't noticed! This will be my first divine...ever (including previous accounts)! Super happy!default smiley :d
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I am not complaining though. I completed my set, got over 30 of them that I sold, and got tons of useful BM Items including 19x MA, 10x P.Stone, 3x N.Pack, 24x GA's, 20x Harmony Packs etc. default smiley <:o)
Miss Fortune
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Is 小さな a more rare than the other Falabellas? Because they are going for a lot more in sales I see. Just curious!
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I just want a falabella of my own. But I seriously can't get my RC horses for sell for 2 passes, like it's saddens me seeing all these players who have gotten over 30, even 60 and selling them for 8-9 passes... I have none :')
ғʀᴏsᴛιι ғᴏx
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By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 18:57:29
A little nervous to try my luck on the HOP……I have 1 but at the same time I could trade it in the exchanges for a harmony pack...
By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 18:57:49
I blew through 10 HoPsdefault smiley :@default smiley :kdefault smiley :kNothing
By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 18:58:48
Another 2, and nothing again. PLEASE howrse!!!default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 28th March 2014 19:05:34
I think this promo should end to night, too many fall bellas, they aren't rare any moredefault smiley (o)
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