[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 21:26:57
I got the mustang on first try!!! (well i couldn't afford any more any ways so yay!)
and i got the greyfell last time,wow,i feel lucky (plus i'm not a pass buyer so i feel extra lucky!)
I spent MANY MANY passes, 800K, SIX HOPs that I had, & 50 Diamonds to get one. Still have 4 HOPs left will try opening them later.
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YES just used one of my FOUR HOPs left & got one so I opened the rest but at least I got one. Theses are the things I got during the opening of the HOPs.

1x M. Arms
3x P. Pack
6x HOPs
4x Hera Packs
3x Harmony Packs
2x Griffons
2x Pheonix
9x Other Companions
& some other stuff that I can't remember.
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Taz, you got 6 more Hops!!? how many did you open in all?
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Ummm around 90 altogether I think. Not sure.
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Wow! That's lot of Hops you opened. Have fun with your S-M!
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Notbob yeah I was hoping I would have the same luck I had with the Greyfell's but I didn't.
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By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 21:42:55
My one and only HOP:

Helios' Ray
500 Equus
5 turnips
2 caloric mash

default smiley (lol)
I opened 15 and finally got my wild boy, yay I love him!
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By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 21:56:09
I wasted my only HOP and got a sheep. A sheep. Why do I fall for these things?default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 22:11:12
I spent 14passes best thing i got as p Pack
Goshdefault smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 22:19:20
I opened 10 HoPs. I got 2 WoY, a F Wand, a BO, and I think I got an M Blood too.... Oh yeah, and I got a frog. Those were the only things that were worth mentioning... Congrats to all who have better luck than me!
You have won...

Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

Golden Spurs<~~default smiley (y)
800 Equus<~~default smiley (y)
15 turnips <~~Always needed
1 caloric mash <~~Don't
3 aging points<~~Always needed

If you are having a good day, you can...

The Golden Spurs will probably be used on a random horse default smiley (y)default smiley (y)default smiley (y) lol (: Truly not that bad all stuff I can use.
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Golden Spurs
1 000 Equus
30 turnips
4 apples
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default smiley (lol) got a swallow in my last hop.
i have one pass left. i dont know if i should use it becuse i'll just be mad at myself later when i dont get a mustang.
Amber q
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Zeus' Lightning Bolt
500 Equus
10 turnips
4 apples
3 aging points

Meh, no mustang, but good!
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By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 22:43:58
One of my horses died, and with the pass, I got:

800 Equus
20 turnips
6 apples
3 aging points
Grand Prix Entry Ticket

Nice! default smiley :d default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 22:46:53
WATSTE OF PASS!!! 3 aging points And 5 turnips default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 23:41:45
First one, I got a HoP.

Second one:
Philotes' Stroke
800 Equus
10 turnips
4 apples
A wild horse of the Spanish Mustang breed: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon!

default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 23:44:28
I opened a total of 7 HoPs and got my mustang in my 4th
By Retired breeder, 16th February 2012 23:48:36
Wow, the best thing I got was an MK saddle, Wow I love wasting 80 diamonds!! default smiley (li)default smiley :'(default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 17th February 2012 00:03:48
I got a male Spanish Mustang at around 10 HoPs and a female at about 30.......Cheers Howrse, I'm very pleased! default smiley (y)
31 passes, 60 diamonds and a HOP later i finally got a mustang...=]
xXxKat rox!!!xXx
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I got the mustang on my first try!!!!! yaydefault smiley :)
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0/6 of the HOPs I opened had Spanish Mustangs in them.
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