[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 02:36:41
You have won...

Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

4 000 Equus
4 horseshoes FK
15 turnips
2 apples
2 aging points

If you are having a good day, you can...

I never have gotten anything good! There goes ten diamonds! default smiley :(
Had 3 to open, the first had turnips etc. The second had a treasure chest with a P.stone, MA, dog, c. fortune and I got my Greyfell. So I opened the third and got turnips etc.
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I spent 1 pass and got......default smiley :-))default smiley :-))default smiley :-))

Water of Youth
Treasure Chest
800 Equus
15 turnips
2 apples
Power of the Storm, A bonus for the Grand Prix:
A bonus of +9 in stamina, speed and dressage for the Grand Prix events

and in my Treasure Chest I got.....

Croesus' Fortune
Medusa's Blood
Zeus' Lightning Bolt
5 000 Equus
10 aging points
Greyfell: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon!
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oh and my very first divinedefault smiley :d
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Horn of Plenty
Treasure Chest
800 Equus
20 turnips
6 apples

-Best. HoP. Ever.

(Well, the first two things, that is XD)
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Yay!! default smiley :d
Treasure Chest
500 Equus
15 turnips
1 caloric mash
2 aging points
  • Posted messages: 482
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In my Treasure Chest:
Croesus' Fortune
Zeus' Lightning Bolt
5 000 Equus
5 aging points
Greyfell: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon! default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 482
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* Water of Youth
* Treasure Chest
* 800 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 12 apples

I won a HOP in the last draw (I entered with only 4 tickets) and this was what was inside! Treasure chest on my first try! Woohoo! I haven't ever won something during an HOP promo! And hopefully the Greyfell will be a Female, since I already have a male!
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* Turtle
* Croesus' Fortune
* Chronos' Timer
* Dragon
* 5 diamonds
* 5 000 Equus
* Greyfell: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon!

This is what came in my Treasure chest! Awesome! I am so glad I got GOOD stuff (although anything coming out of a treasure chest is fabulous!)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 04:52:14
I just opened my Treasure Chest! (Yes, I finally opened it default smiley :-)) )

*Archilles' Heel
*Horn Of Plenty
*5 Diamond
*10,000 Equus
*Greyfell: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon!


- default smiley (l) Zozo default smiley (m)
By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 04:54:30
default smiley (l) My First ever Divine! default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 04:58:24
Aphrodites' Tears, HOP, Treasure Chest (which had a divine) companions, aging points. Also some useless stuff like 300equus and apples and MG saddles
I won a Treasure Chest with a HOP and this is what was in my Chest:

Achilles' Heel
Helios' Ray
Apollo's Lyre
7 500 Equus
5 aging points
Greyfell: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon!
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I won a treasure chest in mine!

Borea lunge
croesas fortune
water of youth
5 aging points

and a greyfell default smiley :)

Bought three passes to get that, other two hops were meh.
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Golden Spurs
Treasure Chest
1 000 Equus
5 turnips
3 energy mash
Finnally in 12th HOP I got a Treasure Chest!!!! Yay my 565th day and I will get my first divine. I am so happy!!!! Thank you howrse. Atleast now I can stop selling off all of my horses to get passes default smiley :)
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Croesus' Fortune
Golden Apple
Harmony Pack
20 000 Equus
10 aging points
Greyfell: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon!
Yep spending 12 passes was totally worth it!!! I got a greyfall and 5 passes worth of BM items!
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Spent 104 passes, but I have 11 greyfells, and I still have to breed one female! So excited.

Total I got: (104 HOP & 5 Treasure Chests)
5 Greyfells (Plus a baby greyfell from the female)
48x Diamonds
11x Apollo's Lyre
10x Black Orchids
10x Philotes Stroke
8x Horn of Plenty
8x Pandora's Box
6x Zeus' Lightening Bolts
4x Philosopher's Stones
4x Helios Rays
4x Croesus Fortunes
4x Water of Youth
4x Achilles Heel
3x Fertility Wands
2x Hera Packs
2x Medusa's Blood
2x Poseidon Packs
2x Morpheus Arms
2x Harmony Pack
1x Borea's Lunge
1x Golden Apple
443x Aging Points
56 563 Equus
139 Energy Mashes
345 Turnips
8x Griffin
7x Phoenix

Total collective pass worth= 151 passes + 6 Divine Horses.

Seriously not to bad!
6x Dogs
4x Turtles
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By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 06:01:40
got a Treasure Chest in my HOP and in my chest I got
You have won...
Find out what you've won with the Treasure Chest right now...
Croesus' Fortune
Chronos' Timer
Medusa's Blood
15 000 Equus
5 aging points
Greyfell: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon!
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By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 06:10:08
800 Equus
20 turnips
2 energy mash
3 aging points

default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 07:57:47
Got a treasure chest from my one horn of plentys and found another horn of plenty inside my treasure chest! default smiley :)
Got a treasure chest in my third HOP default smiley :)
And got a HOP from my first HOP.
Here is what I got in the treasure chest:

Croesus' Fortune
Horn of Plenty
Medusa's Blood
5 000 Equus
10 aging points
Greyfell: Keep an eye out for it. It should be arriving very soon!
  • Posted messages: 2,255
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Oh wow - you guys seem to have been pretty lucky so far!
I really cannot decide whether to open more hops - I already got one greyfell yesterday ... :/
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By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 11:14:32
800 Equus
5 turnips
2 apples
2 aging points

By Retired breeder, 3rd February 2012 11:21:05
Daphne's Laurels
1 000 Equus
45 turnips
1 caloric mash

Thought I would get lucky maybe, after my past with HoPs. I've never gotten a good one. Ever.
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