[FT] Howrse Spotters

Had a little look inside my ec forum and found a good idea.
why don't we play Howrse spotters!
It's very simple you just need to find an extraordinary Howrse and put the link to his page here.
We could look for the Oldest, the fattest, the skinniest, the biggest number of wins in one type of competition and so on, i'll let you imagine which ones we can search together.
Good searching ! default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

*** There will be NO more using this thread to advertise... You are all clearly breaking game rules. If you decide to do it anyway, you will be getting an instant forum ban without a warning. If you continue to break the game rules, you will get another forum ban and karma loss.

*** This thread is NOT for asking for opinions of what Background goes with what GA coat. That will be considered to be an opinion poll, and those are not allowed in public forums. If this continues, players will be getting instant forum bans.

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Actually, I deleted a few characters. My bad.

Here is the actual link to Lakesite.
  • Posted messages: 42
  • Karma: 10 points
Hi All,

Does anyone know the name of the Ow's Helio's Ray that's the background for the Spice Horses? I didn't see it when I looked through.

  • Posted messages: 949
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Does anyone know where can I find this coat on a horse? I just love this coat.

  • Posted messages: 239
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LovePony wrote:

Does anyone know where can I find this coat on a horse? I just love this coat.

It's an unlimited use coat, so it can be applied anytime you have a GA.
It's called Splashed Milk
Legacy Ann
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Elstupido wrote:

Hi All,

Does anyone know the name of the Ow's Helio's Ray that's the background for the Spice Horses? I didn't see it when I looked through.

It's "Spice market". Second landscape listed when filtered by chronologydefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
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@Legacy Ann
Thank you so much!! default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 949
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Looking for some vanner inspired active coats for a new project. default smiley (l) I know of a few, but I am hoping there are some more out there.
  • Posted messages: 10,562
  • Karma: 10 points
hi does anybody know any horse or winged horse coats that are kind of pirate themed ?
  • Posted messages: 162
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Does anyone know what this bonus is?? It was on a Facebook post... I've never seen it before...
  • Posted messages: 262
  • Karma: 10 points
love_tricia wrote:

Does anyone know what this bonus is?? It was on a Facebook post... I've never seen it before...
It's a Roby bonus. Likely from the Ice Palace (Doors) event, and the horse's horn was removed for an objective. Dehorned unicorns usually get a bonus
Roby was the "helper" for that edition of the event
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,277
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Thank you @ Legacy Ann!!
  • Posted messages: 262
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Im looking for any card like coats for riding horses if anyone could help! I havent found any so far rip. Pegasus or regular horse works, just no unis.

Anything related to cards like spades, aces, hearts, etc!
  • Posted messages: 557
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Gambit and theres a old coat i saw with card designs on it.
  • Posted messages: 1,268
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House of cards was other one i was thinking of
  • Posted messages: 1,268
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Hey guys! I'm looking for any type of coat that is made of something glass like, particularly with something inside...liquid like would be great. It could even be retired. I'm open to whatever.default smiley 8-) Thanks for any help!
  • Posted messages: 14,507
  • Karma: 10 points
Famousamos wrote:

Hey guys! I'm looking for any type of coat that is made of something glass like, particularly with something inside...liquid like would be great. It could even be retired. I'm open to whatever.default smiley 8-) Thanks for any help!

These are some I know of so far...

These ones are by Nephilim.
s a n s r ê v e s Unlimited winged draft uni

a m o r t e n t i a Unlimited winged draft uni

p a i x Unlimited winged draft uni

f e l i c i s Unlimited winged draft uni

This one is Spring in glass Author: RedCrane RC with 174 copies left riding horse

There are also some pony ones I know that I will keep looking for.
  • Posted messages: 2,727
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Does anyone know of any backgrounds that look like a castle or inside of a throne room?

Thank you!
  • Posted messages: 7,449
  • Karma: 10 points
Cʜoso wrote:

Im looking for any card like coats for riding horses if anyone could help! I havent found any so far rip. Pegasus or regular horse works, just no unis.

Anything related to cards like spades, aces, hearts, etc!

A couple of RC's I know of, sun1day did a whole series of all the suits, (note: all their coats are quite rare 50-70ish copies left and quite sought after as they are also pre-CS), an example of their work:

A more recent RC:

Purple Aces by Lily (100 copies left)
  • Posted messages: 830
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Hippo wrote:

A couple of RC's I know of, sun1day did a whole series of all the suits, (note: all their coats are quite rare 50-70ish copies left and quite sought after as they are also pre-CS), an example of their work:

Do you know of any GA coats? I should've specified! I'm looking for one to use on a future skiller
  • Posted messages: 557
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Royale wrote:

These are some I know of so far...

Wow thanks! Was not even aware of these!
  • Posted messages: 14,507
  • Karma: 10 points
Cʜoso wrote:

Im looking for any card like coats for riding horses if anyone could help! I havent found any so far rip. Pegasus or regular horse works, just no unis.

Anything related to cards like spades, aces, hearts, etc!

Any of these work for you?
Gambit (RH coat)
Tarot s reader (RH coat)
Hathor (RH Peg coat)
Du Soleil (RH coat, also has a peg version - Cœur D'or)

Others that don't quite fit.
Joker (Pony coat)
House of Cards (PreCS RH coat)
  • Posted messages: 6,416
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gabbigirl1 wrote:

Does anyone know of any backgrounds that look like a castle or inside of a throne room?

Throne of the fallen
Creator: Levest

Good to be alive
Creator: ArčacaT

Creator: Lenika

There are a bunch of backgrounds with a castle in the distance, but these are the ones that come to mind when you say throne room!
  • Posted messages: 496
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ᴄʜᴀɪɴsᴀᴡ. wrote:

hi does anybody know any horse or winged horse coats that are kind of pirate themed ?

Another player was looking for pirate themed coats last page. Here are a few I found, and I also recommend checking out the forums of 1kkurtz since she has lists of themed coat suggestions (so does Llon23, but no pirates in that forum).

Name: Dun Pirate
Creator: BeyondRedemption

Name: A l'abordage !
Creator: Plooo

Name: rackham
Creator: silvr

Name: Храброе сердце
Creator: Skiba613

Name: Pin Point Sparrow
Creator: pony10girl
  • Posted messages: 954
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Howdy! Does anyone know of some backgrounds that are reminiscent of Ancient Rome?
  • Posted messages: 1,659
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Hey guys!default smiley ^) Does anyone know of any active riding horse coats that involve cooking/baking/cheffery (if thats not a word i just made it one ha ha)? Any help is much appreciated!
  • Posted messages: 14,507
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