[FT] Howrse Spotters

Had a little look inside my ec forum and found a good idea.
why don't we play Howrse spotters!
It's very simple you just need to find an extraordinary Howrse and put the link to his page here.
We could look for the Oldest, the fattest, the skinniest, the biggest number of wins in one type of competition and so on, i'll let you imagine which ones we can search together.
Good searching ! default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

*** There will be NO more using this thread to advertise... You are all clearly breaking game rules. If you decide to do it anyway, you will be getting an instant forum ban without a warning. If you continue to break the game rules, you will get another forum ban and karma loss.

*** This thread is NOT for asking for opinions of what Background goes with what GA coat. That will be considered to be an opinion poll, and those are not allowed in public forums. If this continues, players will be getting instant forum bans.

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Hi Emas! Welcome! Unfortunately this isn't really the place to discuss this, but there are places you can! The Finding a friend topic in the events forum is a good place to look for new friends. There is also an Equestrian forum that you can talk about real horses in. There are also many private forums that have discussions like this, or you can start one in your own.
This thread is only for discussing unique/rare/special horses in the game.
  • Posted messages: 2,816
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CrimsonDax wrote:

This just leads to the general Golden Apple page. Did you happen to snag a picture of the coat? Or perhaps a general description? Sorry I can't be of more help..

I'm sorry, i didn't...i was trying to find a way to get back to it, and found i was stuck with just the number. I thought some players had a way of finding it via the coat number, but perhaps i was mistaken about that! I can't even describe it honestly, as i continued to work other horses and such, i have forgotten what it even looked like! The memory ain't what it used to be!default smiley xd
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How can I stroke another player Xanthos horse?
  • Posted messages: 1
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  • Seniority: 151 days
Makoloves22 wrote:

How can I stroke another player Xanthos horse?


You should go to the Community tab, click on Directories, then go to the Horses tab. There, you can type in "Xanthos" in the search engine (don't forget to select "special horses," too) and you should be able to find a Xanthos to visit and stroke.
  • Posted messages: 590
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Famousamos wrote:

I'm sorry, i didn't...i was trying to find a way to get back to it, and found i was stuck with just the number. I thought some players had a way of finding it via the coat number, but perhaps i was mistaken about that! I can't even describe it honestly, as i continued to work other horses and such, i have forgotten what it even looked like! The memory ain't what it used to be!

I'm doing the trick that I usually do with coat numbers, but all I'm getting is the regular GA page (as in, pick a coat from this listing)... Does anyone know of another way to find GA names?

Here's the way that I use to find coat names (I'm using this coat as an example):

On a desktop or laptop, if you right-click this image, you'll get a whole string of options. What we're looking for is "Open Image in New Tab." This is going to take you to a page that just shows you the coat against a white background with no other information.

From there, you want to click into your address bar. you're going to see a URL like this:

The only important part of this URL for our purposes is that string of numbers after the .com/ [i.e. 100444666]. You're going to need to copy these numbers.

After that, you're going to want to either go into your farm and select a GA-coated horse or go to someone else's presentation and click on one of their horses that has a GA. From there, you want to click on the golden apple icon, and then click into the address bar (you'll get a URL like this one: https://www.howrse.com/marche/noir/object?qName=pomme-or&creation=100445548). You can then take those numbers that you copied [again, 100444666] and put them in place of the numbers after "creation=".

So, with our example, you get this URL: https://www.howrse.com/marche/noir/object?qName=pomme-or&creation=100444666

This takes you to the GA page for that coat which will tell you the name, artist, and if it's retired or not. This coat's page tells us that its name is Szikra by nataa and that it's a 100-copy RC for riding horses.

For your 70950413 coat, I've tried inputting it in normally and I've also added a 0 at the beginning and end of the number (the newer coats have 9 digits; it was just an idea but I guess not really a good one since it didn't work). I'm afraid that I don't know what else I can try. I definitely wish you luck in the hunt, though!
  • Posted messages: 831
  • Karma: 10 points
Hi All,

What was the name of this coat and is it still available?

GA Coat in Safe Haven
  • Posted messages: 954
  • Karma: 10 points
Elstupido wrote:

Hi All,

What was the name of this coat and is it still available?

GA Coat in Safe Haven

This is an unlimited coat called "Colours of the wind" by harlequin.

Here is the link to the Golden Apple page.
  • Posted messages: 2
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Does anyone know of any good unicorn coats that are ocean themed?
Thank you in advance! default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 7,197
  • Karma: 10 points
Does anyone know the name of this coat and if it's still available?


Uni GA Coat in Save Haven
  • Posted messages: 954
  • Karma: 10 points
Elstupido wrote:

Does anyone know the name of this coat and if it's still available?


Uni GA Coat in Save Haven

Author: Yaveth
Unlimited riding horse GA
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Could anyone remind me when the ermine and fox companions were released? I feel like it may have been when I was not playing and missed them.
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Vampire wrote:

Does anyone know of any good unicorn coats that are ocean themed?
Thank you in advance! default smiley (l)

I know far too many, but here's some I have saved.

Click to display

Голубая бездна by 'Emeli'

Spirit of Sea by Slovák

Kelpie Alariaceae by Kipduif

Хукер by Ainsworth

Creatures of the Sea by Mᴇᴛᴀʟʜᴇᴀᴅ

Anglerfish by HorseofLove

[Oceanic Killer] by VenLightChaser

Fire seahorse by Mox

Русалочка by Панкова

Sea God by flagru Kurooukami
  • Posted messages: 10,478
  • Karma: 10 points
Hi all,

Does anyone know the name of this coat?

GA Coat in Safe Haven
  • Posted messages: 954
  • Karma: 10 points
Elstupido wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know the name of this coat?

GA Coat in Safe Haven

Nothing In My Way
Author: Nylïha
Unlimited riding horse GA.
It's a good thing I have a US account because it rerouted me to the US server. default smiley :p
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I would like to know if anyone can see what landscape this Topaz has? I don't have an Unlimited Helios Ray, so the game isn't letting me see its information when I click on the Topaz's items. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 590
  • Karma: 10 points
Juicy wrote:


I would like to know if anyone can see what landscape this Topaz has? I don't have an Unlimited Helios Ray, so the game isn't letting me see its information when I click on the Topaz's items. default smiley :)

Its a retired landscape, when landscapes don't show up when you click its not because you don't have the unlimited ray (cause those have the exact same landscapes as a normal Helios Ray) its because they're just not available anymore. I think lots of Pre-CS rays get/got 'retired'.

I'll search around for its name
  • Posted messages: 12,360
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Juicy wrote:


I would like to know if anyone can see what landscape this Topaz has? I don't have an Unlimited Helios Ray, so the game isn't letting me see its information when I click on the Topaz's items. default smiley :)

Landscape is:

Name: O-Rigine
Creator: Anegribou
  • Posted messages: 2,108
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Jsniper, thanks for letting me know. I've been seeing stuff I liked for months now, and every time I thought I couldn't see the info because I didn't the "right" Helios Ray... default smiley (lol)

Sirionmaster, thank you very much for sharing the landscape info, as well! This creator's other backgrounds are really cool. default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 590
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Does anyone recognize this coat I saw in safe haven?
  • Posted messages: 355
  • Karma: 10 points
IDK if anyone can help me find a coat themed kinda like Red Dead Redemption. I just got the game on my switch and I can not stop playing it. It is one of my favorite games. So. I am wondering if anyone knows of any coats that reminds them of Red Dead Redemption. Thanks to those that can help.
  • Posted messages: 7,872
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Does anyone know of any Paris themed rays? Preferably ones that are NOT retired
  • Posted messages: 1,033
  • Karma: 10 points
Jayco wrote:

Does anyone recognize this coat I saw in safe haven?

This coat is "fly away" and is retired due to the creator being a retired breeder. It is a riding pegasus coat with 263 copies.

Here is a horse with this coat: Fly Away
  • Posted messages: 2
  • Karma: 10 points
Does anyone know of any golden apple coats that look like wild animals/other animals?
  • Posted messages: 13
  • Karma: 10 points
also how do you search for coats?

so that you can add them to your favourites
  • Posted messages: 13
  • Karma: 10 points
ive found out how to search now so dw about that default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 13
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