[FT] Howrse Spotters

Had a little look inside my ec forum and found a good idea.
why don't we play Howrse spotters!
It's very simple you just need to find an extraordinary Howrse and put the link to his page here.
We could look for the Oldest, the fattest, the skinniest, the biggest number of wins in one type of competition and so on, i'll let you imagine which ones we can search together.
Good searching ! default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

*** There will be NO more using this thread to advertise... You are all clearly breaking game rules. If you decide to do it anyway, you will be getting an instant forum ban without a warning. If you continue to break the game rules, you will get another forum ban and karma loss.

*** This thread is NOT for asking for opinions of what Background goes with what GA coat. That will be considered to be an opinion poll, and those are not allowed in public forums. If this continues, players will be getting instant forum bans.

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I don't think it was retired as it doesn't have that blurriness at the edges, and its number would date it to Feb 2017.

I'm just wondering if it will be pulled now that I've drawn their attention to it, in which case you might yet get a PM.

I only found it because I'm trying to deduplicate my rays, so every time I buy a horse I check if I've got the ray already.
  • Posted messages: 559
  • Karma: 10 points

Oh strange. That's weird that it wouldn't have been removed from the game like GA and RC coats are. Or, it's almost like they had removed it but for some reason they didn't remove it from individual horses with it applied. Maybe it was something overlooked whenever it was removed or "rejected", and they just never knew.

I do wonder now if they will remove it. I also wonder if there are any other backgrounds out there similar to this one.
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By Retired breeder, 21st June 2022 20:04:38
Hello friends.

I am looking for a savannah/grassland landscape for my wandering spirit Savannah horse. If anyone has seen one or would be willing to help me find one that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

What is the name of the robot koi coat that fits the namazu companion? default smiley :) can't seem to find it
  • Posted messages: 14
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anyone know the name of this rc?

  • Posted messages: 848
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Name: Draw The Emotional
Creator: Missisippi

200 use RC, 151 remaining, created in 2015
  • Posted messages: 12,544
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Is it Mechorse?

  • Posted messages: 12,544
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Can anyone point me to some peacock coats? I have two that I really like and am interested in getting more. Doesn't matter what breed.
  • Posted messages: 129
  • Karma: 10 points

Here are a few, I know there are a bunch more but I always forget to update my list when I see a new one default smiley (lol)

Click to display

Pfauenauge by Superkati

Pаon by Rueve

ஓ Eàrrsanh ஓ by Maïdie

Thousand Eyes by Maïdie

Black peacock by shameless

ρєтιт ραση ㄒяαιт by Fubuki Shirou
  • Posted messages: 1,158
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Heyo! Could I get some help finding some steampunk-esque backgrounds? Or some royalty themes with the color purple and/or gold? default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 183
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  • Seniority: 1,619 days
Still looking for some book related coats, if anyone knows of any default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 12,544
  • Karma: 10 points
Hello friends! I'm looking for some active riding horse or riding pegasus coats that are of the few spots variety. I know of one but i can't remember its name, although i think it might have been a uni so i can't use it anyway. Hoping there are more...any help is appreciated!default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 14,708
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Hey everyone! Does anyone know of a background that's an apple farm/has apple trees? Thanks!
  • Posted messages: 9,414
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Hi! Does anyone know if there is an avocado themed coat? Thank you for your help!
Queen of Naboo
  • Posted messages: 1,491
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Any REALISTIC coats that are also horror/fantasy based too?
  • Posted messages: 9
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anyone know the name of this coat?

  • Posted messages: 848
  • Karma: 10 points

Name: Teenager
Creator: Katrinqq

RC riding horse coat from 2016. There are 152 copies still left on the game.
  • Posted messages: 861
  • Karma: 10 points
Hello, does anyone know of any "The Last Unicorn"-esque GA coats? Also looking for more traditional unicorn coats, like with cloven hooves and long feathering.

Many thanks default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 136
  • Karma: 10 points
Hey, remember a couple of weeks ago I found a ray that didn't appear in the directory?

Well I've just come across another, on this horse. It must have been withdrawn recently as I remember putting it on the horse.

I wonder if there are more...
  • Posted messages: 559
  • Karma: 10 points

Oh wow another!default smiley :o

There are definitely more! I was speaking to others about this when you posted the first one, and I think one person mentioned that they came across a bunch of rays like this years ago. So they're out there, waiting to be discovered.default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 5,339
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Ok this one i know i have! I don't like this whole set up of lots of them being not in the directory...this is the exact reason we have a directory!default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 14,708
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Are there any unicorn coats that look like babies, or is a young horse (foal or smth)
  • Posted messages: 524
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Well, in the case of these ones in particular, they were removed from the game/directory. But for whatever reason Howrse doesn't actually remove them from the horse itself like they would with removed GAs/RCs.
  • Posted messages: 5,339
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There's this unicorn foal coat that I have, I'm not sure of any others:
  • Posted messages: 1,567
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Makes sense, but then it doesn't. When a GA is removed, its usually because of copyright issues, and i thought they were legally required to pull it off of all horses because of that. Why would a ray be any different? Also, i was thinking that last ray you offered, that i have, had been around for a good long while...plenty of time to have resolved any issues. Are we back to having older artwork being pulled?default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 14,708
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