[FT] Howrse Spotters

Had a little look inside my ec forum and found a good idea.
why don't we play Howrse spotters!
It's very simple you just need to find an extraordinary Howrse and put the link to his page here.
We could look for the Oldest, the fattest, the skinniest, the biggest number of wins in one type of competition and so on, i'll let you imagine which ones we can search together.
Good searching ! default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

*** There will be NO more using this thread to advertise... You are all clearly breaking game rules. If you decide to do it anyway, you will be getting an instant forum ban without a warning. If you continue to break the game rules, you will get another forum ban and karma loss.

*** This thread is NOT for asking for opinions of what Background goes with what GA coat. That will be considered to be an opinion poll, and those are not allowed in public forums. If this continues, players will be getting instant forum bans.

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Thank you Rody76!
  • Posted messages: 10,478
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I am looking for Diamond apple coat horse and would like to see some pretty ones before I buy just to keep me podived default smiley ;)
Princess Rhiannon
  • Posted messages: 194
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Does anyone know of bug/spider themed GA coats? Any species is fine.
  • Posted messages: 1,329
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  • Seniority: 1,004 days
What steampunk HR options are there?

I've found quite a few coats with this theme, less background options tho
  • Posted messages: 820
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Name: Idyllic steampunk
Creator: (by the talented) Lenika

Also... would you mind sharing the steampunk coats you've found? default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 5,326
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Does anyone know of any GA coats that look like wanders, wild horses or divines?

And any fairy, butterfly or nature/flower themed coats?
  • Posted messages: 1,586
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Butterfly themed:

Японский бабочко by Саня-Босаня

Nature themed:

Lothlorien. by Панкова


~ Merops Apiaster ~ by Anja 13

Malachite kingfisher by MUSONART

Phasia by Luccain

Sinipäämomotti by Lupinia
  • Posted messages: 1,655
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Oh, found some other coats


Epimon by Daschenka

Divine (probably we could count it as a divine coat):

Hippalectryon by Kallona

It's not really a divine, wander or wild horse coat, but I definitely remember those paired coats were in the event about releasing horses


and Le Messager by Sandman
  • Posted messages: 1,655
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I'm not Tzipporah (sorry default smiley xd ), but I can share some coats that look like steampunk (for me)

Изобретатель by Мауна Тау

Покоритель глубин by Мауна Тау

Steampunk by Eos
  • Posted messages: 1,655
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Found only Ungwëliantë by Green_Tree

And another coat for wynter12

Ustas Lemark by Satinette.
  • Posted messages: 1,655
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@wynter12, adding on to what Марзалис suggested:

One Horsepower by Thunderhorse
Late Modern by Lenika

The Idyllic Steampunk is the best I've found so far so I'm already using it. I think there is a retired ray or two of the same theme but not much else that I could find default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 820
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Thank you @Марзалис !! Wow those are gorgeous, I added them right to my favourites.

This one I wanna use right now but I don't have a horse to put it on lol, time to blup!

I swear the Russian users are some of the best artists, I already had a bunch of Мауна Тау creations saved and used and I didn't even know! default smiley ^) Going to check out more of the other artists, too.

(Also, I didn't ask for them, but thanks for posting those Wanderers coats!)

Thank you for those too! I hadn't even realized that one by Lenika was Steampunk. Though I don't know too much about the genre, I just enjoy the art lol.

And oh geez, that's unfortunate. Yeah nothing really shows up in the search. But Мауна Тау has this one that kind of has the right vibe, it's called Мастерская Изобретателя

I'm not too keen on the backgrounds, GA's are more my forte, but I'll keep a look out for any I might come across. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 5,326
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Any time)

I'm not familiar with the genre so it's hard to suggest some suitable backgrounds. Probably Bonfire of the Vanities or Secret laboratory (less confident about this one) by Lenika will be fine too
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I might can find some help here! Anyone know of a post apocalyptic golden apple coat? I believe it is wearing a gas mask and has a gray/dark color scheme if my memory is correct, it's also in a side view position. I forgot to favorite it and now I can't find it anywhere. Can anyone help?
Seru Blackthorn
  • Posted messages: 31
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Is it this one?

The future. Version 1 by Lenika
  • Posted messages: 1,157
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It is! Thank you! is there a way to search for it?
Seru Blackthorn
  • Posted messages: 31
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Has anyone got a link to a HOG forum?
  • Posted messages: 1,485
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Community > Directories. You'll see a creations tab, click on it and you can search for it. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 5,326
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Is this a character of some kind, or a divine I don't know very well? I put this specific coat on a draft a while ago for the GA species trophy, and didn't think anything of it. But I've seen multiple renditions of this type of illustration, on the game and in creation space voting. So I'm very curious of where it came from.

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I don't know anything about it looking like a reference to/of something. It could also just be a new common style some people have chosen.

However, I searched the name on Google, (it's name here is • FEYN •), and found out it has something to do with Skyrim? I don't play so I don't know. I found a thread on Reddit that mentions this: "Skyrim - 'Alduin feyn do jun' ("Alduin bane of kings")"; (it was a picture of a dragon with a warrior type character, maybe). I also found a website which is: "A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim". "Feyn is a word in the dragon language that means Bane."

Maybe it's supposed to look like something from the game or maybe it was just named after it. Or neither, lol, I don't know anything about the creator so.
  • Posted messages: 2,111
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I am looking for Coats that look like My little ponies default smiley :d
Princess Rhiannon
  • Posted messages: 194
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It seems like it very well could be a character from Skyrim!, or something from the game. There are also these by a completely different player:

The first one is called ~Mécréant, which translates to "disbeliever", and the second is, get this, ~Feyn. Both by Grey-draco. Looking at their creations, it looks like they might have creations based on other characters too. I know some players do that.

And the creator of the first one, estellou222, also named theirs • FEYN •. They're both coincidentally French, or I assume they're both French because they play on the French servers. Not sure if that means anything, just thought it was interesting.

Did even more digging based on the information you found, and it looks like Alduin is a dragon character from Skyrim. His, uh, normal? look doesn't look much like the creations, but his "deathwing" look, or maybe it's a completely different dragon character, I don't know, looks a little like the creations. But... they also don't have wings, so maybe not? I don't know. Could be more human characters too. It's just interesting that all three creations are basically the same, and that I've seen others in voting. I'm not sure if there are anymore on the game, but I have for sure seen multiple in voting that I guess didn't make it through, or maybe they did. Maybe it's something from a French audience that's Skyrim related. Could potentially be combined characters too maybe.

There's also a chance it's completely something different, from Skyrim, or something else. But I should probably let this go now, it's starting to get off topic from the point of this forum lol. (if anyone plays Skyrim and can offer insight, pls PM me!)

Sorry, final note lol, I found 6 more from lilas 1999 in the directories, also a French player. one of them is called " Feyn Le Mécréant", or Feyn the disbeliever. There's that disbeliever word again, or Mécréant. So, must be some sort of French Skyrim thing. Or not Skyrim thing, no idea.

Okay, letting it go now, I promise. default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 5,326
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Heyo, does anyone remember the info for a coat similar to this one? It's more silvery and is either a riding horse or pony coat, preCS. There was a player who had a ton of copies of the coat, too.

I cannot for the life of me remember the name or artist of the coat, and I can't find it in the directories. Thanks~
Glory Days
  • Posted messages: 2,207
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Name: Dikoda
Creator: kezrocks
RC Riding Horse
  • Posted messages: 2,111
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Thank you, I don't know why I struggled to find this one so badly! <3
Glory Days
  • Posted messages: 2,207
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