[FT] Howrse Spotters

Had a little look inside my ec forum and found a good idea.
why don't we play Howrse spotters!
It's very simple you just need to find an extraordinary Howrse and put the link to his page here.
We could look for the Oldest, the fattest, the skinniest, the biggest number of wins in one type of competition and so on, i'll let you imagine which ones we can search together.
Good searching ! default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

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*** This thread is NOT for asking for opinions of what Background goes with what GA coat. That will be considered to be an opinion poll, and those are not allowed in public forums. If this continues, players will be getting instant forum bans.

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If you go into the golden apple section, there should be a side panel where you can select colors and things of the sort.

There should be a few textboxes saying things like "my favorites, coats I've never seen before, and limited use coats.

If you click on the limited use coats, it should pop up any coats that are available.

Personally, limited edition riding coats are hard to get because they're usually very popular and depending on the usage can go in minutes because of coat collectors. I don't believe any are available as of now but later this month you can try and snag one!
  • Posted messages: 7,299
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So has anyone seen one of these coats around in the sales? Narwhal GA

I missed its release before retiring and I am in desperate search of one
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Please disregard the link above... somehow the link takes you to a completely different horse *face palm* the coat in question is a now RC for drafts. It is a narwhal... thus the link title default smiley (lol)
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I know which one you’re speaking of without having to search for it, it seems in high demand and not in sales very often at all. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one for sale unfortunately. I think you’re just gonna have to check whenever you can and hope you’re there at the right moment if another pops up for sale. Or you might get lucky and come across a players page whom might advertise that they are willing to sell theirs.

Best of luck!
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By Retired breeder, 17th December 2020 04:39:44
Has anyone spotted a Topaz with the "осенний лес" (autumn forest) background?

I know which coat you're talking about!!! It's my favorite and I want to collect it so bad.

Name: Arctic Sea Unicorn
Creator: Thunderhorse
RC: 100/100 copy uses

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Can anyone help me find helios which contains owls? default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 14
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Sure! Here are a few that I found (:

Click to display

Name: Geode
Creator: Northy

Name: ShinyCristal
Creator: Dongabe

Name: Endless Purple
Creator: Jasper.19

Name: jewel
Creator: Rising_Sun

Name: Geometry in Cave
Creator: A 412-es Lány

Name: Crystalcave
Creator FeherfarkasBlue
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some lovely choices from treehugger there but I think the 4th one with the dragon isn't available anymore (retired helio) just thought i'd give a heads up on that
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I once saw one for sale for 2500 passes for a while, but no one bought it so i think eventually the owner decided to keep it for themselves.default smiley :o
I tried to negotiate the price, but apparently the owner is not selling it for anything lower than 2500 passesdefault smiley (d)
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I just double checked and you're right! I'm so sorry about that! They should have something in the directories for active rays :\
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Thank you so much for your help! The issue here is that I play mainly in Italian version... where we haven't breeds like Brumby, Chincoteagues, Quarter Pony, Newfoundlands and Australian Pony, so I can't relate sometimes default smiley xd
i.e. we have Haflinger breed now, but they came with the new graphic and they are the only ones like that there (same thing with Highland Pony).
So I guess I could look around in this server, keeping in mind your hints, to get some ideas, thank you! default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 69
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Hello! I'm looking for some penguin like GA coats...seems like there was at least one but I havent been able to find it. Species doesnt matter. Thank you!
  • Posted messages: 14,684
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At the moment the only one I can think of is Pengasus by bloodredarabian ! Hope it's what you're looking for!

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  • Posted messages: 9,100
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Aha! That's the exact one i was thinking of lol...thank you!default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 14,684
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Well well well...look what i found!

Lol, i was totally gonna get this coat and put a penguin on it, since its the only one left in the companions chest that i haven't gotten yet...looks like i beat myself to the punch!default smiley xd

So, i guess my new question is, are there any OTHER penguin coats i can put my penguin on?default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 22nd December 2020 03:54:08
Has anyone seen any Texas Chainsaw/Bubba Sawyer style coats and backgrounds? I'm tryna base my new skiller bb off that default smiley xd
Anyone know of any dragon themed coats? Preferably riding horse/pegasus - to match this background

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  • Posted messages: 23,871
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"Hello! I am looking for GAs (species does not matter) that have to do with/are lizardy. I'm not looking for snakes or dragons or anything of that sort...just lizard like. Thanks for any help!"

Just a couple pages back i asked this question, but was unable to find what i was looking for. Welp, thanks to the new prerelease today, i found the perfect lizard, and it was even the perfect lizard species...an iguana! Lol, i was just looking for a good match for my iguana companion!default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 14,684
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is there any japan themed alicorn coats?
  • Posted messages: 2,913
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I remember once upon a time there was a player who had a bunch of different topics in their EC forum for different categories of coats and landscapes, would anyone happen to have a link to it?
  • Posted messages: 173
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Does anyone know of any blossom rays?
  • Posted messages: 12
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I've got quite a few coat topics and a couple HR topics in my forum. There are definitely some other players with more topics (especially HR) but none are coming to mind at the moment.
  • Posted messages: 451
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Anyone know of some (active) Fox coats? Preferably the classic orange/red. Doesn’t matter the species!
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