[FT] Howrse Spotters

Had a little look inside my ec forum and found a good idea.
why don't we play Howrse spotters!
It's very simple you just need to find an extraordinary Howrse and put the link to his page here.
We could look for the Oldest, the fattest, the skinniest, the biggest number of wins in one type of competition and so on, i'll let you imagine which ones we can search together.
Good searching ! default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

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*** This thread is NOT for asking for opinions of what Background goes with what GA coat. That will be considered to be an opinion poll, and those are not allowed in public forums. If this continues, players will be getting instant forum bans.

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Yes, it's the first coat!! Is there any way I can search for it?
  • Posted messages: 4,507
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Anyway I can search for it in the sales? Not the directories.
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By Retired breeder, 7th June 2018 05:37:46

Unfortunately no, but keep an eye out in the sales because the coat still has quite high users. I believe that the Admins have wiped out a whole lot of inactive accounts only recently, causing RC numbers to drop, meaning that hopefully, the players are still active that still have copies of this coat and may sell it at some stage. You could always advertise this coat on your page, that you're looking to purchase. This is how I have obtained around 5 RC's I currently have, that otherwise wouldn't be listed - or someone else may purchase them before I even knew they were for sale if someone were to have that coat and list it for sale. default smiley ;)
Okay thanks! I will advertise on my page for sure!
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By Retired breeder, 7th June 2018 10:33:50
Hi, Um...I was just wondering, are there any vaguely Avengers themed GA coats?
Not necessarily specifically...
Thank you.

There's the Norse Divines. XD


Spirit of USA
somewhat Captain America-ish??

Maybe a Thor?

Eerie Friends
Black Widow?

Galaxy star
Nebula/Doctor Stranger

Rakastan sinua

You're going to be very hard-pressed to find any actually resembling any Marvel character, since it's so well-known and would be a super obvious copyright issue... =\
Wolf of the North
  • Posted messages: 32,505
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Hi,I was just wondering if there were any rabbit themed GA's or Helios rays?
  • Posted messages: 385
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I have a couple:

Wings're in the Mind

Towards The Horizon

You should try drawing out the pose or finding an image that best fits. XD That'd make it a lot easier. =D
Wolf of the North
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Click to display

Ƒ ⇜Easterhorse⇝

Easter Time

Dreamed Easter Ball

JackRabbit Ravine
Wolf of the North
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Thanks Wolf of the North!
  • Posted messages: 385
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omg the rules are too crazy lol, Im sorry that I worded my first post wrong. default smiley (l)

Anyway is there any landscape that are native american themed? all the ones I have now are retired.
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These Helios Ray's have rabbits in them
Click to display

Name: Calming silence
Creator: PegaNeko

Name: La forêt de Paya
Creator: laurie_doll

Name: Auf der Bühne
Creator: Cecs

Name: Tu veux une Sucrerie ?
Creator: Muguet

Name: Под белым покрывалом
Creator: fray

Name: New-year fairy-tale
Creator: antoniy

Name: JackRabbit Revine
Creator: slingshot_mama

Name: Korab
Creator: Jinxy

Name: Dreamed Easter Ball
Creator: tapeciara85

Name: Lapin Ravin
Creator: Gipsík

Name: Divine Xmas
Creator: Pifia

Name: ~Forest~
Creator: Flammeum

Name: Northerlight
Creator: Levest

Name: Ƒ ⇜Small Stream⇝
Creator: Fhebral

Name: Silent Bunnies
Creator: Levest

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Click to display

Indian sunset

North America


Parched Valley
Ow's Helios' Ray

Arizona sunset

Ow's Helios' Ray
Wolf of the North
  • Posted messages: 32,505
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Here are the three that showed up as a draft foal:
Click to display

North America

Indian sunset

Parched Valley
Wolf of the North
  • Posted messages: 32,505
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*** There will be NO more using this thread to advertise... You are all clearly breaking game rules. If you decide to do it anyway, you will be getting an instant forum ban without a warning. If you continue to break the game rules, you will get another forum ban and karma loss.

^^ From the main post in this topic.
Raf's Mum
  • Posted messages: 123,016
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Does anyone know any rainbow themed riding horse/pegasus coats?

I think there was someone here who had a forum filled with backgrounds and coats that match a specific theme e.g. space, forest, animals

Anyone know who this was?
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Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of any glitched horses?
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So i'm not allowed to say that a coat is rare and it would be hard to find? ok... Sorry I didn't know that was advertising..

I've seen a glitched horse once, it was a diamond apple that seemed to be shrunk. The owner said it happened when they used the diamond apple a long time ago and they named it tiny horse. If I come across this player again i'll post a link. default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 9th June 2018 21:01:27

I know many rainbow themed GA coats.

Magical Rainbow

End of the Rainbow

Rainbow Moon

The Rainbow Phantom

Rainbow Mane

Rainbow Angel

There are actually quite a few. But their names get changed sometimes and I keep forgetting to bookmark them default smiley (lol)
Unfortunately we can't post links in public Fourms, so here are some names to search.

Dapple Grey Appaloosa = Sterling Stardust
Invisible Horse = Invisible
Low Resolution Horse = Glitch
Shutterfly glitch horses = Tiny Tim
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I found a glitch default smiley xd To bad he doesn't stay like that when I put him there

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Anyone know of Joker/Clown Themed GA coats that are still available to use?
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