[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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My Help Center is gone too. There's nothing in the Changelog about the Help Center changing this update. The whole Q&A aspect of it is gone. Do we think this is a glitch, or are they doing away with it? Personally I think we don't need it since we have the forums (it was kind of outdated and a lot of questions/answers were irrelevant), but it was nice to be able to ask/answer questions anonymously and vote on them. Maybe they will change up the forums so you can post anon and up/downvote answers?
  • Posted messages: 496
  • Karma: 10 points
segeorge wrote:

My Help Center is gone too. There's nothing in the Changelog about the Help Center changing this update. The whole Q&A aspect of it is gone. Do we think this is a glitch, or are they doing away with it?

There is a post form EchOw in game forum about the HC's disappearance being a known issue that's being looked into, so I think we can safely assume that it's a case of "oops, broke a completely unrelated thing while fixing others" rather than "hehehe, gonna remove a game function without telling anyone, let them find out on their own next time they want to use it"
  • Posted messages: 6
  • Karma: 10 points
I can't affix my teared foals from tearing. There is no team gp minimum it is set to 0.

Two days ago I could check all, assign an affix, choose incitato and all foals would be affixed. Today I do all the steps, but no foals get affixed...

  • Posted messages: 1,981
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LizardWizard wrote:

There is a post form EchOw in game forum about the HC's disappearance being a known issue that's being looked into

It's just weird to me because they also changed the Game Play Forum to say "Don't forget to read the Help section. It will answer all your questions about Howrse." It used to be worded differently and definitely said "Help Center"... Sounds like they intend to change it...
  • Posted messages: 496
  • Karma: 10 points
I just checked if I could breed my unis on UK. The reserved covers are back!!

Now off to breed them before my covers disappear default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 800
  • Karma: 10 points
This is ridiculous that I no longer have the option to cross breed my team horses if they're above team release GP. I feel that this option is good for protecting team GP if a member leaves with top stock but if the horse is team owned we should be able to breed however we want.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 2,818
  • Karma: 10 points
Can we please get a personal private covering section? Many of us used to put up tons of team coverings and use them to breed horses like fillers, but now that option is gone if it isn't a team horse being bred to a team horse on the same team. It's insanely tedious having to reserve a covering every time to the mare we wish to breed if using our own stallions.
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Thank you for sharing your feedback and suggestions about the latest game update with us! I'm sharing your messages with the team now.
  • Posted messages: 938
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default smiley (li) This handicapping of team breeding is ridiculous. Not being able to breed team mares (that's below the team cap) to team studs (that are over the team cap) is a horrible change. Team breeding should not be included in the changes. We should be able to breed our own team horses however we see fit.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 2,818
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm all for teams having the final say with what horses can and can't offer coverings from the team, but I am not all for that applying to horses sold before they set a GP. If I buy a horse from a team with 22000 GP, but then they set the GP to 21500, I suddenly can not breed a horse I paid for, which is very unfair. The restriction should only apply to horses that belonged to the team prior to it being set, not applied to horses sold before.

Like, I really want to buy a pair of top ungelded stock, which is still hundreds behind the team's top, but I am hesitant as they are several hundred passes each and that would be a big loss if the team decided to set a GP limit after they were sold. In short, I am really hesitant to buy team horses that I intend to breed due to the risk of me losing the ability to breed them at a later time, which means the team is losing out on possible sales.
  • Posted messages: 10,738
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Well, they went and ruined the HoP site, too.

Mobile design belongs to the mobile version/App, don't force it on those that play normal on PC/laptop.
  • Posted messages: 175
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"Improved the interface for the Horn of Plenty."
Pretty as the new interface pages are, players still have issues that have not been addressed - I don't see taking away the ability to see how many of an item you have in stock as an improvement. Could you pretty please work out a way to bring the old functionality features to the new interfaces before you continue to roll them out..?
  • Posted messages: 3,202
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Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 938
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I agree with Oathkeeper as regards being unable to breed "team" horses that you've already purchased.

Players (myself included) often pay a good amount of equus/passes for a high-GP horse that's in sales, with the intent of using the horse as breeding stock. To later discover that a horse you've already bought and paid for is useless for breeding (until the team decides to raise their GP release to above your horse's GP) is simply wrong.

Certainly, teams should have the right to decide which of their horses can be sold/bred but, in my opinion, only BEFORE the horse is sold. Once the horse is no longer owned by the team, they should no longer have any say in what is done with it.
Desert Dancer
  • Posted messages: 297
  • Karma: 10 points
On mobile I am unable to access my Equestrian Center. There is no section to be able to access it. All notifications about my Center direct me back to the homepage. If that could be addressed in the next update, that would help a lot, thanks!
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points
The app has never supported the ec, likely due to how much extra space it would require. You need to go to classic if you want to access it.
  • Posted messages: 10,738
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Desert Dancer wrote:

Certainly, teams should have the right to decide which of their horses can be sold/bred but, in my opinion, only BEFORE the horse is sold. Once the horse is no longer owned by the team, they should no longer have any say in what is done with it.

I don't agree.

This mechanism helps to avoid teams collapsing due to conflicts and betrayals. It keeps teams safe from former teammates stealing their hard work.

Without this limitation, anyone can quit their team with the most recent GP foal, and start competing with the original team.

I support this feature. It's a great relief knowing you can safely add people to your teams without having the constant fear of them stealing the GP at some point.
  • Posted messages: 194
  • Karma: 10 points
I support it being applied to horses sold after it is set, but feel it should not apply to horses sold prior. As far as I am concerned, I bought it with the knowledge that I could breed it, it's not right to take that away.
  • Posted messages: 10,738
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I support it being applied to horses sold after it is set, but feel it should not apply to horses sold prior. As far as I am concerned, I bought it with the knowledge that I could breed it, it's not right to take that away.

I, also, wasn't referring to team horses sold after the change was made.
My point was, that I could have purchased a horse a few days before this new feature was implemented, been able to breed it during that time, but then found (the day of the change) it was no longer breedable, because the team had now set the GP release higher than the horse.
Worse yet, I could have purchased a foal before the change, taken the time and used the AP to BLUP it, only to find that it was no longer of any use for breeding.

I do support the feature of team horses not being able to be sold/bred above GP release, while the horses are still owned by the team. The new feature does eliminate the problem of dropped covers and accidental public sales, which is a relief.
Desert Dancer
  • Posted messages: 297
  • Karma: 10 points
Sorry, I meant....

"set the GP release LOWER than the horse"default smiley (8)
Desert Dancer
  • Posted messages: 297
  • Karma: 10 points
Would it be possible to implement an error message/explanation of why a horse is unable to be sold/bred when a cap is in place for a team horse?

There's currently no explanation given on the sales page as to why the different selling options are locked, and when you go to breed a horse that's over the breeding cap, it just sends you back to your breeding farm with no explanation given.
I think a simple "this horse can't be sold/bred because it's over the team's cap" would be helpful.

Yes, players can check the affix, but it'd be more intuitive for the game to say why you can't do something when you try to do it, without always needing to check the affix. New players who aren't aware of team mechanics and the sales/breeding cap won't know to check the affix anyway.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,485
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Anything about the Help Center coming back??? default smiley (a)
  • Posted messages: 12,378
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I found a glitch with the update. Working my Egyptian Divines, when they earn skill points, I need to refresh the page in order for them show to be distributed.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 2,818
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you call what you did to the HOP page an improvement, i call it a joke,

you took away the ability to see how many HOPs we have left & covered the page in useless pictures telling us all the types of items we MIGHT get, now it looks like a crown page,

what comes next, triple the price then expect us to be thankful when you discount it to 1.5 times the original price during an event?

i HATE it
  • Posted messages: 1,042
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The change to the HOP page was totally unnecessary default smiley xd
Longest Ride
  • Posted messages: 746
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