[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: March 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Anyone else notice that changing a horse's specialty (who has the colour bonus) no longer validates the "Receive the color bonus on a horse that never had it before" objective?
  • Posted messages: 6,540
  • Karma: 10 points
EmmaKate66 wrote:

Anyone else notice that changing a horse's specialty (who has the colour bonus) no longer validates the "Receive the color bonus on a horse that never had it before" objective?

Yes, I noticed that too. At first I thought I might've been doing something wrong myself but then when it happened again I realised Howrse must've made the change
  • Posted messages: 1,581
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2020 16:29:35
Hay great let play
By Retired breeder, 25th December 2020 16:31:26
default smiley (lol)good y we aren't we playing yet
I have an idea for the devs:

Why don't you put up a survey to determine which BMIs and store items players actually value as diamond, gold, silver and bronze so that you can stop overvalueing items that nobody cares for. Like, you can give the players a list and ask them to order it according to what they value most to what they value least. Or ask them to sort it into the different categories (diamond, gold, etc). Maybe after that we can get some decent promo prizes in their proper categories, not like 10 APs being considered precious for example. Also, don't forget to add a "this does not belong in a promo" category for prizes like 2 APs that we can easily get from catching a UFO. I don't think anyone would be desperate enough to go out of their way to get 2 APs or spend passes on a randomized chest to get 5 APs.

I'd also suggest that you only send it out to players with (for example) more than 500 days of seniority so that you can get a better reflection of what players actually value rather than sending it to new players who will likely consider everything to be precious because they have no or little resources and/or no idea of what items they really value. Of course that might prevent returning players who do know what they value from participating in the survey so there might be a bit of a problem with that though. So maybe just send it to everyone who has access to daily objectives then instead of adding a seniority minimum?
  • Posted messages: 811
  • Karma: 10 points
ShadowKokufu wrote:

I have an idea for the devs:

Why don't you put up a survey to determine which BMIs and store items players actually value as diamond, gold, silver and bronze so that you can stop overvalueing items that nobody cares for. Like, you can give the players a list and ask them to order it according to what they value most to what they value least. Or ask them to sort it into the different categories (diamond, gold, etc). Maybe after that we can get some decent promo prizes in their proper categories, not like 10 APs being considered precious for example. Also, don't forget to add a "this does not belong in a promo" category for prizes like 2 APs that we can easily get from catching a UFO. I don't think anyone would be desperate enough to go out of their way to get 2 APs or spend passes on a randomized chest to get 5 APs.

I'd also suggest that you only send it out to players with (for example) more than 500 days of seniority so that you can get a better reflection of what players actually value rather than sending it to new players who will likely consider everything to be precious because they have no or little resources and/or no idea of what items they really value. Of course that might prevent returning players who do know what they value from participating in the survey so there might be a bit of a problem with that though. So maybe just send it to everyone who has access to daily objectives then instead of adding a seniority minimum?

This. Please. This needs to happen. So badly.
Honey + Sprite
  • Posted messages: 9,406
  • Karma: 10 points
Also adding a mash as a prize in the Star Rain...not a fan. Like, seriously NOT. A. Fan.
Honey + Sprite
  • Posted messages: 9,406
  • Karma: 10 points
Star rain in whats been 'improved', no metion of the lag at all. Although the game has been running smoother since the maintenance.
midnight stargazer
  • Posted messages: 8,947
  • Karma: 10 points
Most of the new prizes for the star rain are meh in my opinion. Considering how few and far between they happen (twice a year maybe), Hera and Nyx packs are the only real good ones.

On the other hand, thank you for listening to all the players who have been asking for the ability to change the affix on bulk horses.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 3,011
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By Retired breeder, 5th January 2021 09:50:52
ShadowKokufu wrote:

I have an idea for the devs:

Why don't you put up a survey to determine which BMIs and store items players actually value as diamond, gold, silver and bronze so that you can stop overvalueing items that nobody cares for. Like, you can give the players a list and ask them to order it according to what they value most to what they value least. Or ask them to sort it into the different categories (diamond, gold, etc). Maybe after that we can get some decent promo prizes in their proper categories, not like 10 APs being considered precious for example. Also, don't forget to add a "this does not belong in a promo" category for prizes like 2 APs that we can easily get from catching a UFO. I don't think anyone would be desperate enough to go out of their way to get 2 APs or spend passes on a randomized chest to get 5 APs.

I'd also suggest that you only send it out to players with (for example) more than 500 days of seniority so that you can get a better reflection of what players actually value rather than sending it to new players who will likely consider everything to be precious because they have no or little resources and/or no idea of what items they really value. Of course that might prevent returning players who do know what they value from participating in the survey so there might be a bit of a problem with that though. So maybe just send it to everyone who has access to daily objectives then instead of adding a seniority minimum?

I like your profile pic default smiley *-)
Something I think would be wonderful with the multiple horse selection would be to have the option to open them all in new tabs.
Jem Stone
  • Posted messages: 2,846
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm sad they removed the Horn of Plenty and the Timer from the Star Rain, honestly. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 17,283
  • Karma: 10 points
Honey + Sprite wrote:

Also adding a mash as a prize in the Star Rain...not a fan. Like, seriously NOT. A. Fan.

"We're not fixing the lag... but here, have the *chance* to get a free mash instead"
  • Posted messages: 8,274
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By Retired breeder, 5th January 2021 11:28:39
Imagine one player getting a mash and the other getting a nyx pack. Like... those prizes are *not* equal.
The text in the reindeer rankings box has changed to French. This happened yesterday on preprod and I reported it, but I see it's the same here too now:

Jusqu'à la mise à jour du 15th January 2021, inscrivez Dancer en compétition de ski-joëring pour grimper dans le classement et gagner des pass.
  • Posted messages: 559
  • Karma: 10 points
If you’re going to give out the vintage apples and/or Ow’s Rays for things like this, PLEASE make them to where we can sell/trade them in the item exchange. I have only used one vintage Apple since they came out. I have so many of both that are useless to me.
  • Posted messages: 116
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 5th January 2021 11:53:10
So now when my Egyptian divines gain skill points, I have to refresh the page on mobile to allocate the new points instead of just allocating them because that’s efficient default smiley :@
Hello Howrse team, default smiley :)
I have been playing this game for many years and I love it but there are some things you should change to make players happy:

1- Remove objectives like: default smiley ;)
a. Cover a Draft mare or Donkey (since they can only breed 3 times, it is expensive and hard objective. Also, no one have to breed draft horse or donkey to complete daily objective.)
b. Give birth to unicorn (it is 1/5 chance, hard and expensive)
c. Send horse to safe haven (this is completely pointless objective)
d. Open Luck item from Black Market (the cheapest one is Horn of Plenty and it gives very bad rewards. The objective only gives 20 passes. Why do we have to spent 100passes to earn 20 passes?)

2- Improve rewards of luck items. You are doing good in event rewards(this is my personal thought) but the luck item rewards can be better. Horn of Plenty is the worst to buy. I don't want to pay 100passes for apples, fodder, mash, oat and 1* tack items. default smiley (d) They are not rewards, they are just store items which we can buy for low amount of equus or produce in equestrian center. The rewards should be the items in Black Market because we need passes to get them. PLEASE change those things.

3- There is also one thing I want to see in game. There was 3 different tack item packs along with Poseidon's Pack in Black market some years ago and it was cool but there is only Poseidon's Pack left today. Please add some more tack packs lile Poseidon's Pack. Put them in Black Market and let us chose which tack item we want to use on our horses. At least, you can add some colors we can choose to Poseidon's Pack. Blue is not look good on every horse coat if we want to use it without customization items. default smiley :-))

The number 3 is my personal request but the number 1 and 2 are everyone's common problem and I think many players agree with me. Please consider those things and make Howrse great again. default smiley :d

Thank you for reading this feedback.
  • Posted messages: 43
  • Karma: 10 points
You could have left the vintage apple off of being a reward.
  • Posted messages: 100
  • Karma: 10 points
Pass seeds are nice, but I wouldn't be surprised if we only get 1 - 5 of them... so not even enough to plant them. On top of that, its very rare to be able to acquire the others needed as they only appear once or twice a year usually. If we get the full amount, then you can disregard this comment.

I usually get terrible prizes from star rain, and very little chance to try again as they are stubborn to reappear. So I've previously been left feeling a little disheartened, hearing others getting Nyx and I get an easy to acquire, common item. So I am very happy the probability of them appearing has increased. Hopefully this means I may give me an additional 'shot' at getting a better prize.

Adding mash is completely unnecessary in my opinion. No one cares for it, its a dud. If anyone needs any its very simple to buy from the store. I don't consider it to be a prize. I kind of feel the same about the vintage apple too. I've never cared for the VA designs and I know many others feel the same.

Aging points are fine, but if its a small amount like those we can already grab by daily UFO's (1-6ish) then I wouldn't really consider those a prize either. 15+ might make it feel a little more special, and less of a consolation price.

I don't like to be so critical every time Howrse tries to do something *good* but in all honesty, these supposedly 'great' changes just don't make me feel any excitement anymore. I would be over the moon winning something like a companion... a golden apple... iris coat...

You know, something exciting?
  • Posted messages: 1,431
  • Karma: 10 points
Hopefully this means it may**
consolation prize**

sorry, typos.
  • Posted messages: 1,431
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I guess that's 95% of us winning one, singular, un, mash or aging point on celebration days then default smiley xd default smiley xd default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 7,841
  • Karma: 10 points
Tiger has pretty much summed up my thoughts now that the shock of being in with a chance to win one, one.. mash or AP has sunk in.

I agree they cannot be classed as prizes or celebratory items by any stretch of the imagination. 10, 15.. maybe, hey it least it ain't just one..

VA - also not a prize for a lot of players. Dust gatherers. I currently have 24 and have put them up as UFOs but I even feel guilty about that now as I usually offer coloured tack. I'm just trying to build my stocks up after the Rider's Store event.

Come on Howrse, coloured tack would be a great celbratory prize! What, three or four times a year, not like anyone will be able to stockpile them and reduce the rarity.

Grumble, grumble, sigh.
  • Posted messages: 7,841
  • Karma: 10 points
MY FIRST star rain, yay!! default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 1,565
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By Retired breeder, 5th January 2021 14:08:49
<font color="0066ff"> For those just joining us! </font>

<img src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/all.static.owlient.eu/media/user/6be60161d9fcdf479922fd29ccf3dc48.png" style="padding: 0px 20px 40px 0px;" height=150 width=150 ALIGN="right"/><div style="border-radius: 8px; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; padding: 40px 40px 40px 40px; background: url('https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/all.static.owlient.eu/media/user/a648ab1cbbb2044285d27f13dc4222c7.png') top center no-repeat ; height 0; background-size: cover;"><div style="border-radius: 8px; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; background: #F8FCFD; color: #0086A8; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px;"><br/>We worked on a brand new star rain that you will be able to see soon!

Check out the full list of updates and features in the <a href="/jeu/log">Dev's corner</a> change log!

Best wishes,
The Howrse Team</div></div>
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