[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: March 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2020 03:20:42
jsniper wrote:

Anybody else seeing the general ranking places on people's pages really weird? default smiley :s Its annoying the stuffing outta me default smiley xd

I feel youdefault smiley xd
Welp my two Grail horses are broken too...but thankfully i literally just finished the quest for my timer, and had only completed the first day toward my new timer after the last update.
  • Posted messages: 14,711
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Honestly, as someone who has terrible eyes that they were born with, this change to the font is horrible and I can barely see it. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 11,401
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I have three grail horses; each one says that I already have an ongoing quest with another grail horse! So, between my three, it seems none of them are on a quest, but when I click on the link, it just takes me to my horses without a breeding farm! Does anyone have any information about this issue? Thank you!
  • Posted messages: 59
  • Karma: 10 points
Emerald01 wrote:

Removing a unicorn's horn literally changes its species. How is that not mutilation? That said, I know that some players have reasons they might WANT to remove a Pegasus' wings, and so I think the option should be available at all times, but never required. I don't think much of the "Remove a Water of Youth" objective either. Anything that requires you to undo something that cost passes to create in the first place is just not very reasonable. I don't think anyone should feel guilty over it, and more than I should be made to feel guilty for objecting to that as any kind of requirement. It creates an unfair advantage to longer standing players who can afford that kind of thing, though. I depend on the objectives for passes because I can't afford to buy them. So, I don't think it's unreasonable to object to objectives that basically COST passes to complete.

It’s not mutilation because they’re pixels that don’t experience pain and don’t know what’s being done to them because it’s really just clicking a button. Mutilation suggests hurting the horse, but horses who have their horns or wings removed experience no side effects and are not altered in any way besides becoming a new species. It’s fine if people want to object to these objectives for whatever reason, but mutilation is absolutely not the right word to describe it, and using it necessarily aims to guilt parties who don’t mind completing those objectives.

Also, the comment about older players receiving an ‘advantage’ over younger ones doesn’t really make sense because... that’s sort of how it works? The longer you play, the longer you have to amass resources. If everyone was on an equal playing field right from the beginning, there would be no incentive for new players to log in to gain seniority and participate in promos to earn prizes.
The Fifth Queen
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I see there's no update or comment from admin on the Grail horse issue yet.

I don't want to enter my Percival into comps if a win today won't count towards his quest default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 7,842
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Strawbz wrote:

I see there's no update or comment from admin on the Grail horse issue yet.

I don't want to enter my Percival into comps if a win today won't count towards his quest default smiley :(

My issues are fixed, are yours not fixed yet?
Yesterday it was broken but now it works just fine for me default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,285
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To specify, both yesterday and today counted for me, I was 400 exp short on Monday and now I'm 200 exp short. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,285
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Nalu93 wrote:

To specify, both yesterday and today counted for me, I was 400 exp short on Monday and now I'm 200 exp short. default smiley :)

That's great Nalu93 default smiley (y)

Where are you seeing the updated XP total though? I can't see the progress on either my Percy or LotL.
  • Posted messages: 7,842
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Oh dear, I just saw your message above saying the issue has resolved for you.

No, I'm still 'locked' out on both of mine.
  • Posted messages: 7,842
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Okay, logged out and iback in as I realised I was still in from 5 minutes after update this morning.

My issue now resolved default smiley (y)

Thanks for the heads up Nalu93 default smiley :)

Anyone else still locked out of quests try doing the usual log out, clear C & Cs, log back in. Hopefully it will resolve for everyone.
  • Posted messages: 7,842
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Is anyone else experiencing really bad issues with auctions ever since maintenance took place?
Vanilla Cookie
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2020 15:40:41
Hello, default smiley :)
There are some things you should change. They will make Howrse a better game: default smiley :)default smiley (y)

1-Please remove some daily objectives: default smiley ;)
a. Open a BM item from luck category. (I don't have to spent 100 passes to win 20 passes. it is my last day before horn of plenty and it is very bad to see a daily objective like that because I am not able to complete it.)
b. Cover draft mare and donkey objectives. (since both species can only covered for 3 times in their life, it is expesive and hard to complete if a player don't have those species.)
c. Give birth to a unicorn. (It is again a hard objective. If I am not wrong, Unicorns have 1/5 chance to give birth to a unicorn. So, it is hard and it consumes too much aging points to get uni foal and all this effort is for 20 passes)

2- Please, Add some more black market items to seach in horse sales. For example, if we can search a horse with aphrodite tears, it could be very good. default smiley :)

3- Please add icons to Bewitched pumpkin and seal of apocalypse like other customization items. Book of monsters, Magic hat and wanderer spirit have tiny icons placed before horse's name and it looks cool. default smiley :)

4- Please, put customizations items more frequently to black market. last weeks there was catrina brooch and wanderer spirits available and they were very good. default smiley (b)

It is a bit long message. These are changes I want to see in game. Thank you for reading, and sparingyour time. Have a good day and stay safe. default smiley (7)

My percival is back to normal it appears, I was able to accept my Chronos Timer. It didnt get the points for his first place win yesterday while he was "under the weather" but Im not too worried about that, the Timer is what I was worried about and I got it. default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 798
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So I was able to collect the Water of Youth from my Grail horses today but when I started a new quest and chose Water of Youth again (it's the only quest I choose) it put me on the Chronos Timer quest. Not happy with this. Forcing me to go for an item I don't want that will take twice as long than the item I do want. default smiley :@
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 3,011
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Can someone help me with a Rosette's question? Since the latest update, I can't see how many rosettes my horses have won anymore. Has that been moved/deleted? If so, why?
  • Posted messages: 35
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Never mind, I found it. They drop down when you click on the 'Rosette's won part. default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 35
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Now we get one more thing that is not really horse related. We are getting way off mark from the original hoarse game. It is not as much fun as it was. We had new people getting jobs, learning about care and feeding of horses. Now it is mostly about money and passes. Not as happy and sociable place as it was. default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 145
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Don't really know where else to say this, but I'm really bothered by the PM I jut got about the Black Friday thing next week. I don't go on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, and I kind of resent that I'm supposed to follow those to get things on Howrse. That's it.
  • Posted messages: 798
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Emerald01 wrote:

Don't really know where else to say this, but I'm really bothered by the PM I jut got about the Black Friday thing next week. I don't go on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, and I kind of resent that I'm supposed to follow those to get things on Howrse. That's it.

Players usually share the information in the spoiler topic in the events forum, so you shouldn’t have to go off of Howrse to get the information.
The Fifth Queen
  • Posted messages: 15,109
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Still a few issues with notifications that may or may not be adjustable in the future.
1. When meadows and workshops are ready to collect, it would be nice if we got the notification right away. Not at the top of the next hour. Especially for meadows as this could be the difference between getting one last harvest going before season change.
2. It would be very helpful if there was a way to keep certain notifications "unread" so the little red number stays up as a constant reminder of something. I've got a Wanderer visiting but unless I leave myself a post it note I may not remember to breed something worthy of the coat later in the day.
Crystal Coven
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By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2020 18:29:38
Daily objective says "groom a divine horse" but I don't have any divine horse. How can I groom a divine horse? please remove tihs objectve.
I managed to get Lancelot today, which completed the current quest I was on. Again I chose the Water of Youth quest and AGAIN it switched to Chronos Timer quest. Not happy that after spending 1000s of passes my Grail horses won't let me choose the quest I want. default smiley :@
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 3,011
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Am I alone in not wanting every single even remotely difficult objective to be removed?
.: Dяєαм :.
  • Posted messages: 7,860
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I am not a fan of the monsters being under the animals trophy. They should have their own category like the Darumas or Albertjies imo
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