[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: March 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Reaction on newest Dev's Corner:

Payment change: default smiley (y)default smiley <:o)default smiley (y) Finally!!! No more mistakes spending passes while you have the item in your inventory. Very happy with that!!!

Few points of criticism on the alphabetical order thing:

I'm partly happy with it. As being a librarian most of my working life I am VERY happy the breeds and all that can be found alphabetically, that will save me a lot of searching in collections.
But inside a breed, I wish you had kept the coats on rarity order, like when you need to pick one when you used a Hera's Lily. Most common ones first, rarest one last is way more logic. It's a lot more confusing that the coat colours are alphabetically ordered too now.

And one more point of criticism, and this may differ per server: in the Special Horses collection, most collections have a name that start with their own letter, like Seasons Horses, Solar Horses, Japanese Horses and so on. But some have names that start with 'Horses of ...' (or in Dutch, where I play too: 'Paarden van ....'). I don't look for Taurus in 'Horses of the Zodiac', I'd go look for 'Zodiac Horses'. Which is in a totally different section of the alphabet. I'd look for Rainbow Horses and not Horses of the Rainbow.
By the way, that is also how they are announced on the Special Horses page too. Not one of them is called 'Horses of ...' there.
In mu eyes, it would make searching for the horses you need much easier if the same names were given to the collections as they are on the Special Horses page.
Not sure if I explain this in a way that makes sense LOL. I'm not native English.

(I put this comment on Discord too in the official Howrse Discord page, #general chat.)
  • Posted messages: 2,963
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Well thank you
  • Posted messages: 1
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I never heard of Champion Seed or Gaïa Foal item.. What do they do and how do you get them?
  • Posted messages: 317
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Love the payment change default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 1,546
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Thank you for your feedback regarding the latest Dev's Corner! I have shared your messages with the team. default smiley (ow)
  • Posted messages: 938
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Wait did I click on a meadows message earlier and then get redirected to my greenhouses automatically instead of needing to click on greenhouses after being redirected to my meadows page? If I wasn't imagining it, then thanks! That is a nice change.

I think I'm actually more irritated by the items payment change. I specifically save my inventory TCs, GFs, etc so that I can splurge them on divines worth splurging them on when I have gathered enough passes and items combined to fill the meter. I use passes on weekly offers, and that helps me to avoid wasting my passes on junk divines considering just how difficult it is to get passes in the first place. The update means that I am constantly needing to switch from item to passes as payment and that is a change that I am not happy about.
That said, I tend to get very irritated if I breed a horse with a wand that I paid for with passes instead of my inventory items. Thankfully that was a rare mistake (only happened once) because I almost never use items when breeding - it's usually just on Isis day for a draft or donkey unicorn if I have a pair at 100 BLUP.

Weighing the two situations against each other, I don't like the payment change because I tend to use more TCs/GFs than any other BMI and now I need to be constantly remembering to switch from inventory to passes before I use the item. This makes it difficult to gather the items that I need in the numbers that I need them to fill the meter for divines that are *actually* valuable seeing as how the chances of "lucking out" on a good divine are practically zero.

Now when are you going to implement the change of winning an entire horse (1000 fragments) when you luck out to solve the problem of hitting the "jackpot" that only contains 12 fragments because we have to fill the meter almost all the way every time?? It's almost like you're conning us out of a divine when we clearly needed only 1 more item to gather the last fragments and then that last item ends up being a "jackpot". Saying this from the irritation and outrage that "hitting a jackpot" caused me after filling a meter to 997 fragments. I should have gotten 2 divines for that, not 1, and I'm not going to get any happier about it anytime soon (it wasn't recent). Not to mention how ridiculous it is that the "jackpot" only contained 3 fragments when previously we'd get enough to add a few spill over fragments for the next time we try for the divine. default smiley (li)default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 810
  • Karma: 10 points
I just checked and it was Rhenium and I filled the meter all the way to 999 fragments and I have screenshots to prove it, although I didn't bother taking one after winning Rhenium because there was no point. I should've gotten 2 divines for that, not 1, so I'm one of the players who are waiting impatiently for you to fix tthis. What a "jackpot" I got when I won 1 single fragment. default smiley (li)default smiley (li)

Please fix your broken system.
  • Posted messages: 810
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I hope this is the right place to put something like this. A) I'm intrigued by the Gaia foal item and how it differs from the Champion Seed. B) It'd be really, really nice to update the Black Pearl system to add like a little, "Coat didn't make it through voting" or "coat made it through voting but didn't pass inspection." I really wanted to be apart of the focus group, but I couldn't take the money default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 353
  • Karma: 10 points
Naturally, i had JUST worked my Egyptians ugh...default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 14,701
  • Karma: 10 points
Famousamos wrote:

Naturally, i had JUST worked my Egyptians ugh...default smiley (d)

I'm not even joking when I say that I hold off on working divines that don't have a trophy on update day, in case they sneak in a new trophy. default smiley (lol) While we usually are in the know before it happens, they did sneak in a series at one point, now I wait and see what happens.
  • Posted messages: 11,374
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I never even remember its coming.default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 14,701
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Check out the latest features via the newest Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 938
  • Karma: 10 points
There are so many things players have adressed over years and yet there is another month with wasted opportunities.
I am getting more and more disappointed every time.
  • Posted messages: 403
  • Karma: 10 points
There are so many things players have adressed over years and yet there is another month with wasted opportunities.
I am getting more and more disappointed every time.

But hey, as long as Owlient/Ubisoft earns tons of money, why should they care.
  • Posted messages: 403
  • Karma: 10 points
The Egyptian divine trophy not being retroactive (even just a little bit) is unfortunate. default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 3,276
  • Karma: 10 points
Same here at least 2 weeks. I only have amun from when i bought passes and i work him almost every day and use or trade golden fleece.
  • Posted messages: 1,656
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I don't believe any Divine trophies so far have been retroactive so it's not a surprise, but it's still disappointing to have to start from the beginning/drag unworked Divines out of decommission every single time. Plus the requirements are always SO high. I only have Sekhmet so I'm going to be doing this for another 3 years, I guess.
  • Posted messages: 30,019
  • Karma: 10 points
Not having trophies be retroactive is catch-22...on one hand, you may have to spend x more year(s) working on it, but on the other hand, it does give some of us something to work on a bit more quickly while we're slogging through other difficult trophy levels.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,157
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I feel bad for those who don't have a full set or are close to it as that makes the trophies very difficult. I have complete sets of most and it's still painful when they take more than just grooming as I don't have hours in my day to work them.
  • Posted messages: 6,243
  • Karma: 10 points
Something seems messed up with the breeding farms...? I was on a divine and clicked the arrow to go to the next horse and it took me to a completely random horse like 12 horses later, and from there it took me to horses over a page later..

Am I the only one with this problem?
  • Posted messages: 12,541
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jsniper wrote:

Something seems messed up with the breeding farms...? I was on a divine and clicked the arrow to go to the next horse and it took me to a completely random horse like 12 horses later, and from there it took me to horses over a page later..

Am I the only one with this problem?

Did you set a filter or a search by accident? I checked and nothing's happening but I HAVE had it happen before when I had a filter on and didn't realize.
  • Posted messages: 30,019
  • Karma: 10 points
Crookedstar915 wrote:

Did you set a filter or a search by accident? I checked and nothing's happening but I HAVE had it happen before when I had a filter on and didn't realize.

*face palm* I thought I switched tabs but turns out I was searching on one that filtered for drafts. I swear I'm not stupid lol - thank you for the reminder to check!
  • Posted messages: 12,541
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this month's Devs' Corner with us! I'm sharing your messages with the team.
  • Posted messages: 938
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ShadowKokufu wrote:

Now when are you going to implement the change of winning an entire horse (1000 fragments) when you luck out to solve the problem of hitting the "jackpot" that only contains 12 fragments because we have to fill the meter almost all the way every time?? It's almost like you're conning us out of a divine when we clearly needed only 1 more item to gather the last fragments and then that last item ends up being a "jackpot". Saying this from the irritation and outrage that "hitting a jackpot" caused me after filling a meter to 997 fragments. I should have gotten 2 divines for that, not 1, and I'm not going to get any happier about it anytime soon (it wasn't recent). Not to mention how ridiculous it is that the "jackpot" only contained 3 fragments when previously we'd get enough to add a few spill over fragments for the next time we try for the divine.

Yeah! I've been furious over this before and it really is so upsetting when you spend thousands of passes and then you only need less than one luck item... bam! you win the "jackpot" that is less than the fragments you would have received otherwise! It feels like you are being cheated out of a divine. If it was one luck item later you would receive double the divines.
  • Posted messages: 1,042
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Ok, i do think the improvements for the trophy page are great! They aren't the old pretty ones that were on our pages, which i miss, but i do love to be able to see the numbers of what is needed to reach the next trophy, instead of just a percentage!default smiley :d And of course, the filters...it was a pain searching through the whole list to find one!
  • Posted messages: 14,701
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