[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

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The Howrse Team
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Whats the point in owning a bee and ladybug and all the other cool things if I cant show them off when players hover over my trophys? POINTLESS
  • Posted messages: 2,144
  • Karma: 10 points
superauri wrote:

what on earth was the point in changing the trophies? Surely a bunch of items have just plummeted in value?!?! To think of the amount of time I have spent collecting them just for you in 2023 to NOT have a way to fix more than TWENTY boxes at a time?

Reminds me why I have pretty much stopped playing. Who comes up with this stuff?

Not to mention they cant fix the promotional videos. The team puts these silly new updates and basically drop off until they decide to do a new random update. They don't hear out the players. they do surveys and "ask our opinion" yet i never see them change what we ask for.

Why change trophies? on another note, why add the piggy bank? that update was to dumb too. let us fix all our boxes at once default smiley (o) let us change usernames like every other platform does default smiley (d)default smiley (d)default smiley (d) like its not hard to hear us out instead of implementing dumb updates. Ow, hear us out.
  • Posted messages: 3,679
  • Karma: 10 points
I never voice my opinions, especially on a game, but this update was so useless that i felt i had to... maybe i'll open a suggestion box in my forum and let people say what they want implemented in the game default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 3,679
  • Karma: 10 points
At this point you could just take all my karma away in order to give me my 13th reason to just not play this game anymore, so repulsive, so idiotic. just WHY
  • Posted messages: 2,144
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^^ honestly watch me lose karma for defaming Howrse
  • Posted messages: 3,679
  • Karma: 10 points
gollygee wrote:

Admins on the English Preprod (Ow and RobOw) confirmed that they heard our pleas about our Profile Page and will be working on a way of displaying our COLLECTIONS on the Profile page.

Considering how ugly and hard to navigate the collections page is now, not to mention how much progress got wiped, I'm...not super encouraged by that, either. default smiley :$

I'm really not trying to be a downer here but displaying collections as they are now would feel kinda insulting. I spent years and passes getting all my retired coats, and it's a measly 0% of the collection now. Before, I would have had a handful of trophies. Now, it's just gonna say "YIPPEE you have 0% progress!" for all that hard work.

It's... not encouraging.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
Im not a collector by any means, but I loved the trophies on my page, especially my birthday and seniority one
  • Posted messages: 3,679
  • Karma: 10 points
Like others have said, the new trophy icons are UGLY--but my biggest issue is I don't know where my diamond trophies have gone?? And I had more than one measly gold trophy before the update. My slate has practically been wiped clean and it looks like I've hardly made any progress in the game at all. default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 98
  • Karma: 10 points
Crookedstar915 wrote:

My RA by species is gone, my GA by species and color is GONE, and I didn't spend nigh-on 1000 passes on those just to have them taken away in one fell swoop, you know?

Same here. I've had several (I don't know specifically how many because the new pages are so incredibly cluttered) very expensive trophies completely removed or just clumped in with countless other things.

gollygee wrote:

Bumping this up from page 79 because I think it is encouraging...

This is a quote from Nalu:

Ah, before I forget.

Admins on the English Preprod (Ow and RobOw) confirmed that they heard our pleas about our Profile Page and will be working on a way of displaying our COLLECTIONS on the Profile page.

The update should thus go live in the future, they said.

This is... somewhat reassuring? At least they sort of understand what displaying our trophies meant to us.
  • Posted messages: 2,840
  • Karma: 10 points
Let me get my opinion out and clear on where I stand.

3/10 Score
Why you may ask:

1. The trophies you have already won - you have no idea what or why. They are ugly, and useless right now. Zero information and based on the conversion of 350+ old trophies resulting in 1 diamond, 11 gold, and 27 silver this seems VERY low. I feel that I have accomplished nothing.

2. The trophies are now based on luck, and asking players to get a certain amount by on random isn't fair. If you are going to offer custom trophy for every event, than you will have to recycle the same trophy for duplicated events - or end back at square one problem of too many trophies similar to the 'too many divine trophies' problem.

3. Massively increased the requirements on some trophies. I heard rumor that the manure is 500,000 droppings compared to the previous 75,000?

4. Not all trophies are treated the same. Some SHOULD be buffed and others nerfed. Yes, players sell and buy, but anything with Prix should be buffed at least a little. A distinction requires a player to place a horse everyday throughout the week of a prix AND land in top 10 score of all players. That requires buying skillers from teams which by old standards is a minimum 4,445p for 1 distinction - which doesn't include any BMI purchases for that skiller.
Nerfed - not even diamond for all the coats (Below)

Should be buffed (below)

5. There is a need of clarity on the trophies themselves. I just bought Prix Preps all this week to try and level up the Fountain trophy. In the process, I worked on rosettes, now this states you want me to obtain 500 rosettes on the SAME horse for next Silver. What is Diamond - 2000? I have no idea, or whether I can get 2 horses with 250 rosettes each to build such a trophy

6. Progression on Divine CARE trophies is a nice touch, but I am going to call out a bogus part. You are forcing people to breed out MORE perkless Zonkies for the sake of leveling up a trophy. There is no brag right for obtaining more of the obvious lineart look. I think it was forgotten or went over your head - no one wants them. You could of done Bellacorns, which is the original INTENDED breeding divine that offer an incentive to collect Fabellas and Falahorns.

On the matter of points or story plots from other divine series, are you releasing other divine series that are older and have that already such as Celtics and Maori? Is your intention to leave all 'old' and 'legacy' divine series in the past, by making them considered only a collection?

7. You clearly state you are no longer doing horseshoes.
"Elimination of the Golden horseshoes
The Golden horseshoes are being eliminated to make room for the contest trophies." - Ubisoft Owlient

Why am I finding a trophy on collection of 700 horses? Was this an oopsie missed when releasing the trophy patch or a miscommunication?

8. My old collections where did you go. You brought back Retired Coats and Golden Apple counts as some form of brag right, only because of the public outage that sparked when first shown. I would like to kindly point out that you purposely kept Ow Ray collection, but what happened to the REGULAR helio rays? I have over 1,000 which counted for a few helio ray background trophies, but that is considered worthless now.

9. The divine prize for tier 3 and 4 should be way more buffed. Offering a Tiamma and Etrian is not good enough. You should be offering the chance of picking whatever divine we want for the blood, sweat, sleepless nights, and money you are asking out of us just to be capable of resetting the end trophies. Go actually see how much people spent on passes to reach these levels because I can guarantee you there is no way its below 14,000 passes.

I gave a 3/10 because I like some new trophies added, and how they had some level of buffed/nerfed trophy concepts as some are easier or harder to obtain. Otherwise, there are still a lot of improvements, and I know Ubisoft provided a Minimal Viable Product - but they can at least tell us send out more surveys to see how trophies and the divine prize should be adjusted.
The Yardarm
  • Posted messages: 473
  • Karma: 10 points
i made a howrse update discussion and suggestion box so we can voce our opinions without the risk of howrse deleting our accounts default smiley *-) (joking)... so if you want to discuss more, visit my discussion.
  • Posted messages: 3,679
  • Karma: 10 points
This is a joke.

I want my detailed, exact counts back. The percentages are useless. Yes, I can do the math to figure out which exact number I am at out of the trophy requirement but... WHY? Why could you not just display the actual number any trophy progress is sitting at?

I guess I will - sadly - be adding Howrse to the growing list of games that have decided to cater to mobile users over desktop users.

Just you remember that the desktop users and the desktop experience is what grew the game to start with.
  • Posted messages: 323
  • Karma: 10 points
sorry if this is a really stupid question guys -- but is there really not a 'golden apple' category in collections? theres a retired apple and a vintage apple - but unless i'm being super blonde and missing something, there's no golden? i'm confused!
  • Posted messages: 148
  • Karma: 10 points
So... are all the collections no longer trophies? (That is, having all of a certain kind of divine, or all of the pets, or all of the coat colors for each breed, a unicorn of each breed, a winged horse of each breed, the fifth elements, the seal of the apocalypse coats... all of that?) I see the collections are still available to view, but are they trophies? Because I worked awfully hard to get some of those purely because it was a trophy... Do you think I'd have bothered getting every single coat color of every single breed for any other reason? Or putting dozens of fifth elements on my horses trying to get a metal one? Or collecting divines that don't really do anything like Falabellas and the Prehistoric and Chinese divines? I collected all of that for the little trophy icon to be displayed on my page... and now it seems like the trophies are gone.

I've always said I wanted more trophies - like higher trophies for entering and winning competitions, catching UFOs, and collecting droppings and whatnot, and it's great that there are more of those now... but did we have to delete the existing ones? Why not add trophies and not take anything away?

And all the trophies that I have already - I have no idea what they are... Is there a place to see what individual trophies I have besides just seeing "1 platinum, 12 gold, 29 silver, and 56 bronze" on my page? Like... what are they? Are the collections still a trophy just in a way that's impossible to see? Most of my trophies before were collections... So what are they all now? What did I do to get all those trophies? Why can't I see them? Why is this so hard to navigate?

I don't mean to complain endlessly, but trophies have been my main motivation for playing this game and I feel like literal years of work just disappeared. I've spent passes on divines I didn't even care about purely because I'd get a trophy for having the whole set. I've spent so many hours breeding horses trying to get rare coat colors, making sure I have a winged unicorn of every single breed... It seems like a majority of the trophies I spent eight years collecting are just completely gone.

I've waited so long for new trophies to be added only to lose most of the ones I'd already earned once it finally happened. What a disappointing update...
  • Posted messages: 18,753
  • Karma: 10 points
I’ve never cared that much about collections and trophies, but even I don’t really like this update. The prizes are nice, and I do feel more incentive to work on the ones I could easily achieve if I just used all the companions, VAs, special coats, etc. that have just been sitting in my inventory. That is a positive. However the layout and aesthetics have been made worse, not better. I agree with everyone else that the medals look sad and generic, especially when compared to how they use to look. Each one would instantly tell you what it was for just by looking at it, and they felt a lot more special. I can’t even imagine being someone who collected trophies for years and spent tons of resources to do so, only to have this update make their efforts feel worthless. And going to someone’s page to view their trophies? Now there’s just a number of different colored “ribbons,” with no ability to show which trophies specifically that player has achieved. I waited to decide whether this update was good until it came out, and now that it has, I have to say I’m not a fan. I think it could have been good, and it still could be good, if Howrse updates it again to reflect the concerns and needs of long-time trophy collectors. Even though I was mostly unaffected by the change and received a good amount of quality prizes, this update has negatively affected the gameplay and enjoyment of many faithful, pass-buying players.
  • Posted messages: 47
  • Karma: 10 points
Oh my gosh, I absolutely love the trophy redo, I'm seriously so happy about it! I've literally always thought that it would be really really nice to get some kind of reward for collecting the trophies since they can be very time consuming and/or very pricey to achieve!
.: Dяєαм :.
  • Posted messages: 7,860
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@ The Yardarn

I feel these should be clarified:

6) The Divines included are only the newest series, which statistically more players will have as they have been regularly released. The other series will be added at later points, this has been confirmed by Cailow on Equideow.

7) those are Great Challenge horseshoes (those you collect 100 of daily during the event) and NOT golden horseshoes.

Hope this helps default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,946
  • Karma: 10 points
Oh, I hadn't even noticed they got rid of the regular Rays. default smiley :( That's depressing. I wasn't far along in that collection thank god, I only had maybe 30 cause I'd just started when this came out, but to have them devalued like that...

Man. This whole thing is just devastating. I have no idea what I'm even going to do on the game anymore.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2023 23:13:39
I dont really collect trophies and while I like the little ribbons cause personally I like the way they reflect horse ribbons you win irl competitions, but I don't care that you can't see which trophies you've won. Though I have to say I do like that if you get a certain coat the trophy wont go away if you sell that horse which i think is nice to coat collectors.
s.ilvie wrote:

sorry if this is a really stupid question guys -- but is there really not a 'golden apple' category in collections? theres a retired apple and a vintage apple - but unless i'm being super blonde and missing something, there's no golden? i'm confused!

No, there isn't. GAs are under trophies, not collections. No clue why, as they were a collection item, or used to be.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
A few things I hate about the trophy update:

1. Unable to see collections on player pages.
Isn't that the point of a collection? To see everything you have obtained? Not to mention being able to share what you have collected with others. Big step back on the loss of this feature.

2. Unable to see all the trophies and progress/levels of the different trophies.
The pie chart meter was much nicer, and it showed which level out of the total number of levels you were on so you could see your progress over time. That was a much more user-friendly interface, and it was also quite a bit more pleasing to use.

3. Loss/increased difficulty of some of the trophies.
Literally what is the point? That's all.

4. The trophy icons.
I liked when the icons had something to do with the trophy achievement itself - for example, the Golden Apple icon for the GA collection trophy. Just diamond, gold, silver, and bronze literally tells you nothing about what you have achieved. The display box is smaller, and it just looks insignificant. Hard to be proud of a bunch of little things that look exactly the same when compared to how it looked before. A suggestion: The old icons are brought back, maybe have an outline or additional small feature that shows whether it is diamond, gold, etc.

The one thing I like:

Prizes from trophies. This is cool. I like that it fills a meter, so you are rewarded with earning them over time. I think the prizes I collected from my current trophies were actually very decent and useful. Although just earning the trophies were a good incentive alone, this is a neat way of rewarding players.
  • Posted messages: 1,661
  • Karma: 10 points
This update is absolutely awful.
I am in shock, i am sad and i am incredibly disappointed.

When you guys said you would listen to complaints i had my hopes up but this is even worse than my imagination before that hope...

What am i supposed to do with those medals?
Why would i care that i or other players have a random amount that say nothing about the actual achievement...

I was working towards having my 12/12 trophy of owning special horses. I was worthing towards trophies because i liked their look... i loved checking peoples pages why seeing which trophies they had and what they were consisting of.

Did anyone of you developer's even ask any actual players before making this change? It does not feel like this was done with a thought about the community but more as an attempt to appease to children because that's what the aesthetic r reminds me of :/

I am sorry but the frustration i feel is unbelievable...

If this does not get changed significantly (to the point of reinstating the Old system about 90%) I do not see myself having a Future in horse where i spend any kind of money. If you w want to treatc us like children that need everything simplified, don't expect money because your target audience doesn't have it yet...

Truly hope you listen to the overwhelming negativity of the responses here and start listening to people before implementing such changes :/
The embarrassment on your part and the frustration on ours could have been avoided with proper prior research into the actual community opinion default smiley :( default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points
Please ignore spelling mistakes, my autocorrect was turned off default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points

that is an.... interesting choice! from the developers. interesting for sure. thank you for telling me default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 148
  • Karma: 10 points
Personally, I love the changes.
I especially appreciate that the trophies no longer require us to keep the horses given the kerfuffle that was the Repopulation event.
Also, the collections page is epic.

HOWEVER, I do thing things could have been explained better. Especially anticipating that collectors might react (understandably) emotionally and not wrap their heads around both new pages instantly.
Also, I think there could have been more graphic design effort. The new trophies look very plastic.
  • Posted messages: 1,645
  • Karma: 10 points
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