[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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PhoenixStorm wrote:

So just read and caught up on all the messages on here (finally) .....great....looks like I wont even be getting a divine in this event either default smiley (d) getting really annoyed now. Ive tryed and tryed and tryed and yet still no divines, no wilds, no nothing! Even on my account before this one (been here for a long time default smiley ;))

Starting to feel like to give up trying now default smiley (d)

I know what you mean. I had luck with Spring, Fall and Tianma. Since then, my luck has gone down the drain.default smiley (d) Where it has gone....i don't know.default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 7,881
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PhoenixStorm wrote:

So just read and caught up on all the messages on here (finally) .....great....looks like I wont even be getting a divine in this event either default smiley (d) getting really annoyed now. Ive tryed and tryed and tryed and yet still no divines, no wilds, no nothing! Even on my account before this one (been here for a long time default smiley ;))

Starting to feel like to give up trying now default smiley (d)

I know how you feel. I had luck with Tianma, Spring, and fall. Now, my luck has gone down the drain.default smiley :$ Where it has gone.....i don't know.default smiley :@
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2014 20:27:13
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Flaxen Chestnut Haflinger

By Retired breeder, 18th November 2014 20:27:29
katiedingo wrote:

Well they sure got that guy not right, don't really look like one.

Well, it's really the same with Chincoteague ponies, Thoroughbreds, and KWPNs.
Yeap, you got that right.default smiley :)
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CowboyCrazyGirl - seems like we need to hang ourselves some horse shoes! get that luck to come to us for a change default smiley ;) Ive never been lucky to be honest, not even once. It shows when I have no divines and no wilds what so ever default smiley :(
Get really jelous when I see players who are a lot luckier than me, and angry when I see players who have loads of these wilds and divines but do nothing with them and then delete there game default smiley (d) Im like .....default smiley :o nooooooo!!!!!! default smiley :'(
Ive even spent my own money in the hopes of being lucky to recieve a divine in the past.....nope....wasted all of it default smiley (d)
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2014 20:56:04
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
New breeds GP

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Genetic potential
Total: 350.00
Stamina 65.00
Gallop 75.00
Speed 55.00
Trot 20.00
Dressage 90.00
Jumping 45.00
Donut Lady
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2014 21:23:47
JadedHunter wrote:

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Back a page, if that's whatcha mean...
JadedHunter wrote:

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Some people were given them from the Divine Hipparion (who gives a foal of a breed and coat color your don't currently own when you reach a skill level of 200 points with him) - this is also how some players already got Lippizans without opening the gifts

And for those of you interested in upcoming EC changes (not the ones coming in December)

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The next phase

The next step will be implemented at the beginning of February.
Production Cycle

Thanks to the location of your Equestrian Center and your boarders, you can collect a brand new type of resource: wood for the forest, iron for the mountains, sand for the beach.
There are two types of resources:
Resources associated with the location of your Equestrian Center: acquired via missions done by your boarders or purchased from the store.
Resources available for all Equestrian Centers: agricultural products (fodder, straw, flax, etc.) and livestock products (leather).
By combining different resources, you can make most of the products and facilities in your Equestrian Center
At the store, the price of products that you make depends on supply and demand.
You can change the location of your equestrian center for 30 days after the next update, to test the various possibilities.


Workshops allow you to make:
Buildings: boxes, greenhouses, new workshops
Box (shower, trough) and meadow (trough, tractor) improvements
Products (equipment, mash, fertilizer)
Depending on their size, they allow you to make more or less of your chosen product.
The number of workshops that you can simultaneously have producing goods depends on the prestige of your Equestrian Center.
Production time depends on the product that you are making.

Raising Cows

You can dedicate the use of some of your fields to raise cattle
Cows allows you to get leather
You can have 6 fields simultaneously growing crops and/or containing cows.

Buildings in your Equestrian Center

A new improvement is available for boxes: the drinking trough. It allows your boarders to obtain 4 times more energy and morale via the “drinking” action. This improvement does not count toward prestige.
The tractor replaces the scarecrow.
The trough is an improvement for fields with cattle: it allows you to obtain 30% more leather.
When a building is used too much, it is disabled until it is repaired with resources.
You can have several greenhouses. They are available in three different sizes and wear out as they are used.

Horse's Page

Lessons carried out by horses have been renamed Missions.
There are two types of missions:
Lessons, which bring in money to the Equestrian Center manager
Gathering missions, which bring in resources to the Equestrian Center
This action always brings in money for the horse owner and skills for the horse.
The “Put in the meadow” and “Put in the box” actions have been deleted. Adjustments have been made to counteract the loss of energy/morale.

What's next...

The following is a general overview of what has been planned for the future. We will provide more details of each feature closer to their release date.

A tutorial is offered when creating an Equestrian Center
Draft horses are coming to the game
Complete overhaul of the Secret Market
Trophies for Equestrian Centers
VIP advantages specific to Equestrian Centers
And perhaps other features that will be produced along the way
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default smiley :) the EC changes seem very interesting.... default smiley :)
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 18th November 2014 21:52:13
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Donut Lady wrote:

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Genetic potential
Total: 350.00
Stamina 65.00
Gallop 75.00
Speed 55.00
Trot 20.00
Dressage 90.00
Jumping 45.00

YeS!!! Lippys!!
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yeah the zanners will be fun
  • Posted messages: 3,821
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2014 23:44:09
Here is the thing for spoilers:

[spoiler**] Text [/spoiler***]
By Retired breeder, 18th November 2014 23:44:25
Delete the **s.
What are the
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Are they like gypsies?
T i g r e s s
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No they aren't like Gypsies, google what they look like in RL, they are bigger and usually all white or grey.
  • Posted messages: 524
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 00:02:44
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 00:03:43
T i g r e s s wrote:

Are they like gypsies?

No, they are short for
T i g r e s s wrote:

What are the
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Are they like gypsies?

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Zanners is short for Lippizan or Lippizanner. They are one of the two new breeds we will be getting (Haflinger being the other). The Lippizan shares its coat with the Purebred Spanish horse, while the Haflinger shares with the Chincoteague pony
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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