[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

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You can post screen shots as long as you also use the spoiler banner to cover them.

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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Lilith, I'm fairly sure she was merely making a joke...
  • Posted messages: 45,098
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Serpentine wrote:

Lilith, I'm fairly sure she was merely making a joke...

Not how i took it. I don't appreciate the hard work i put into my forum being "laughed" at because Ow decided this was needed, after certain players couldn't be bothered to keep information out of the puzzles topic
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα
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By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 20:35:22
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα wrote:

Not how i took it. I don't appreciate the hard work i put into my forum being "laughed" at because Ow decided this was needed, after certain players couldn't be bothered to keep information out of the puzzles topic

I didn't even know you had a topic in your forum like this. I figure Howrse did this because it was needed, and not everyone knows to check other people's forums for this kind of information. I don't think the other player meant to be rude.
I'm not sure where you got that idea -- personally, I found your forum very helpful and interesting, along with a very good strategy tactic for planning upcoming promo budgets.

Either way, they both serve the same purpose of sharing new info. default smiley :) I am just glad it is apparently "allowed" now so nobody gets in trouble, as previously we technically weren't allowed, or were at least discouraged from releasing any of this information.
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мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα wrote:

Not how i took it. I don't appreciate the hard work i put into my forum being "laughed" at because Ow decided this was needed, after certain players couldn't be bothered to keep information out of the puzzles topic

I actually meant it as a compliment. I figured that Howrse just decided to take the idea in your forum (which is a very useful resource) and make an official topic for the same use which is a bit easier to access. I appreciate all the work you put into your forum and used it multiple times. Didn't mean to offend you.
  • Posted messages: 663
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Retired breeder wrote:

I didn't even know you had a topic in your forum like this. I figure Howrse did this because it was needed, and not everyone knows to check other people's forums for this kind of information. I don't think the other player meant to be rude.

Or maybe they were just jealous that i locked down my forum because the information in there was being abused. I've had spoilers in my forum for months now....Even was the first person to post in THIS topic the info i had. I keep it clean, streamlined and easy to find. Old stuff is moved out, new stuff added. But hey...if it was such in inconvenience to have everything neat, clean, and organized without a million spoiler tags to open....so be it.
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα
  • Posted messages: 50,826
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Or maybe I've already tried to clarify what I meant ...
  • Posted messages: 663
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I'm always amazed how howrse turns stuff 180 degrees if it suits them.

10.000 times, stuff that was supposed to "never happen" actually happened with "You all asked for it so here it is"

And I'm not saying I don't like some of those changes, but howrse appears to be completely random in lots of things.

I'm not sure if I want to invest my money in a game, that can turn around completely in blink of an eye...

I just hope my beloved horse breeding game will go back online soon default smiley ;)

But anyway... that's an interesting topic you stuffed in here... Shame it's so unorganised, but I hope it'll change soon default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 2,775
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By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 20:52:44
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα wrote:

Or maybe they were just jealous that i locked down my forum because the information in there was being abused. I've had spoilers in my forum for months now....Even was the first person to post in THIS topic the info i had. I keep it clean, streamlined and easy to find. Old stuff is moved out, new stuff added. But hey...if it was such in inconvenience to have everything neat, clean, and organized without a million spoiler tags to open....so be it.

I took it that she was complimenting you. It was a joke and I thought that it was quite nice. I have no clue why everyone is fighting over this...
By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 20:52:59
Why is it that every time Howrse has posted a topic lately, it makes everyone so angry?? Must be something in the air... default smiley :o
By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 20:54:07
Retired breeder wrote:

Why is it that every time Howrse has posted a topic lately, it makes everyone so angry?? Must be something in the air... default smiley :o

I know! Can't anyone be grateful or at least nice?! default smiley :o
By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 20:57:44
glitchy_karma wrote:

Or maybe I've already tried to clarify what I meant ...

You did. Lets just change the subject because this was clearly a misunderstanding...
If I understand it correctly, the [FT] at the top means it's a Fun Topic, which also means it's not going to be permanent. So how about we all relax and enjoy?
  • Posted messages: 10,248
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Retired breeder wrote:

Why is it that every time Howrse has posted a topic lately, it makes everyone so angry?? Must be something in the air... default smiley :o

I used to be gratefull and nice long time ago...
Ok, joking...

I'm not ranting guys, I've been plaing this game for a long time now, and if I didn't liked it, I wouldn't be here.

But there is stuff
Annoying stuff
That howrse does everytime
And this has to be said aloud
Because there are games, that are better than howrse, and if they want to keep going, they have to listen...
That's all...

And I love Onyx... I want him so bad x)
  • Posted messages: 2,775
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By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 21:07:45
Cryfenril wrote:

If I understand it correctly, the [FT] at the top means it's a Fun Topic, which also means it's not going to be permanent. So how about we all relax and enjoy?

Retired breeder wrote:

How do you get to the test server? Just curious!! default smiley :d

Well, I know you can get to the howrse blog if you scroll all the way to the bottom
  • Posted messages: 3,538
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By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 21:10:32
paranoya wrote:

I used to be gratefull and nice long time ago...Ok, joking...I'm not ranting guys, I've been plaing this game for a long time now, and if I didn't liked it, I wouldn't be here.But there is stuffAnnoying stuffThat howrse does everytimeAnd this has to be said aloudBecause there are games, that are better than howrse, and if they want to keep going, they have to listen...That's all...And I love Onyx... I want him so bad x)

I wasn't referring to you, no worries. I'm more referring to the people who are literally spitting mad about the new smilies and the forum topics. Like, if were face-to-face, I feel like there would be a fist fight. It's getting kinda scary in some of these forums. default smiley :p
Retired breeder wrote:

I wasn't referring to you, no worries. I'm more referring to the people who are literally spitting mad about the new smilies and the forum topics. Like, if were face-to-face, I feel like there would be a fist fight. It's getting kinda scary in some of these forums. default smiley :p

It's fine default smiley ;)

I just really feel like this game is changing... It must be cool for new-ish players, but I feel strange playing it recently... maybe I'm just getting too old x)

You know what I'd love to see in this topic?
New horse coats... with tack on them... default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 2,775
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By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 21:15:29
paranoya wrote:

New horse coats... with tack on them... default smiley :)

YES default smiley (y) As soon as someone spies one of those, post it please default smiley :d
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα wrote:

Or maybe they were just jealous that i locked down my forum because the information in there was being abused. I've had spoilers in my forum for months now....Even was the first person to post in THIS topic the info i had. I keep it clean, streamlined and easy to find. Old stuff is moved out, new stuff added. But hey...if it was such in inconvenience to have everything neat, clean, and organized without a million spoiler tags to open....so be it.

Mimicking is a complement. Take things in a stride and try not to take them the wrong way. Maybe they were jealous, or maybe they liked your idea and did it. You never know. Take the complement the person gave you instead of blowing up on their heads.

I am excited about some of the new changes. I am warming up to the Equestrian Center thing too. (I don't want to use a spoiler tag so...Leaving it vague.)
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By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 22:15:03
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα wrote:

Further spoilers

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Upcoming changes

Other changes to look forward to!

Immersive horse's page
With the immersive horse's page, enjoy the Howrse experience with more intensity!

From now on, your horse is placed directly on the game background. The beige background is gone, enjoy the lush green grass and the mountains!

Horses with Helios' Ray will enjoy a bigger one because it will cover your entire screen.

We have increased the size of the existing Helios' Rays as best as we could. To ensure the best possible quality for these creations, until the 5th of April, when the Creation Space closes, the creators will be able to send their old Helios' Rays in the new format. The creation won't pass through the voting stage. Helios' Rays that didn't get updated by their authors won't be available for sale after that date. They will however remain on the horses that wear them.

Helios' rays that have been replaced or that are available in the new format will have a logo attached to them.

Additionally, Helios's Rays can be used on:
horses after they are born
horses that have a Bewitched Pumpkin
In order to celebrate this, Helios's Rays that are already used by your horses can be traded without limitation!

Game news
From now on, the latest game news will be available on our Twitter feed.

Our Twitter feed is now integrated to the home page in order to give you the info you need in a seamless way; more frequent, shorter updates, and easier to read. Hypertext links will redirect you to the forums or somewhere else if you wish to know more.

You don't need a Twitter account to read the news!

You can also read the latest news about the game without being logged in: just follow our Twitter account

Other improvements
Learn more about very useful improvements you have requested.

Enjoy new search criteria in the sales menus such as Hestia's Gift , Studs , and the presence or absence of an affix.
On the horses page, you can run a search based on the number of coverings.
When a stallion offers a reserved covering, the mares that appear first in the list are those with the best genetic potential and that belong to the same breed as your stallion;
Team member roles are shown on the team's public page.

VIP account
The VIP account has received two improvements.

You can save 100 search settings for your breeding farms, your sales, etc., instead of 50 previously.
Automatic purchases can now be differentiated from other purchases on your desktop

That's amazing!
By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 22:22:00
how do you get to the howrse blog
Retired breeder wrote:

how do you get to the howrse blog

look in the dark green area at the bottom of the page default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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By Retired breeder, 14th February 2014 22:41:56
Cryfenril wrote:

If I understand it correctly, the [FT] at the top means it's a Fun Topic, which also means it's not going to be permanent. So how about we all relax and enjoy?

Thank you! People are getting so mad over tiny little things. This IS a fun topic, so please keep that in mind before you post! default smiley :-))
Retired breeder wrote:

Thank you! People are getting so mad over tiny little things. This IS a fun topic, so please keep that in mind before you post! default smiley :-))

Could anyone guide me to non-fun-topic? I'd grow nice roots in there default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 2,775
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