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Not even going to waste passes for extra lotto tickets as I never have any luck with TC and Dew was woth trying for but no anymore as she is is not part of the GC
Horse Fan
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I'm sorry if my spoiler thing doesn't work

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If the TC is available tomorrow, will it be available only to the VIP's or will it be available for all?
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all.... I am guessing thou
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 14th January 2015 23:36:24
Does anyone know when the next GC will be?
Horse Fan
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Horse Fan wrote:


i don't think so
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By Retired breeder, 14th January 2015 23:52:45
I doubt it'll come before the Snowball Fight ends.default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 00:00:48
I'm so anxious to get
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I'm hoping that the HoPs I've collected will be enough to get him! I have 9 now, and counting. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 00:02:34
Horse Fan wrote:


I highly doubt it. Howrse doesn't usually have two promos at the same time. (Like the Great Challenge and Magic Ride at the same time, or the Magic Ride and Snowball Fight.)
By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 00:04:09
^They had the seal of apocalypse, a GC and the candy fight all ate the same timedefault smiley (y)
Snowball fight is a m inni promo, that would not be a problem with the 2 running togather.

They are going to have to have new things to do to collect horse shoes do to all the changes, the old ones won't work.
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By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 01:21:52
Horse Fan wrote:


I highly, highly doubt that, they never start a promo in the middle or toward the end of the week it's normally starts on a Monday, not a Thursday.
Somone wrote here and said it was sarting tommrow just writing what I readdefault smiley 8-)
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 01:29:30
Did they reduce the ratio of Aging Point Horses, as in how many Aging Points you can get from your horses?
I 've been averaging 30 from 100 horses, I used to not keep track so do not know if thats good or bad.
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By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 02:06:47
If someone is taking my post as it meaning the GC is starting - it's not. There is no word of when it will start.
Retired breeder wrote:

Did they reduce the ratio of Aging Point Horses, as in how many Aging Points you can get from your horses?

I've actually been wondering this myself. I farm hundreds of horses daily and whereas I used to average around 60-70 APs a day, now I'm lucky (without Shenma) if I get 40 AP.

My farm has grown a lot over the years since I've started using this method of finding aging points a few years ago, but I definitely remember finding aging points very often. Not so much the case anymore.

But I was born with bad luck, so maybe that's a factor default smiley (lol)

Retired breeder wrote:

I highly doubt it. Howrse doesn't usually have two promos at the same time. (Like the Great Challenge and Magic Ride at the same time, or the Magic Ride and Snowball Fight.)

They've had two promos on at the same time. Really obnoxious and definitely not unheard of .

And as for it starting tomorrow...I don't remember when promos have been started during a weird day of the week...but hey, Howrse loves to just what they feel like doing default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 03:03:27
Horse Fan wrote:

Somone wrote here and said it was sarting tommrow just writing what I readdefault smiley 8-)

They said the Titans Challenges, not the Great Challenge.
i dont know bout the aging points being different, but i can find 160 or more Ap's, with 1000 horses
KT Loaded Pride
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Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 08:38:57
Aoife wrote:

I contacted support about rain. Her bonus stacks up to five times.

I think this may be wrong. I have 2 Rain and a friend has 1. On a 25 acre meadow with a scarecrow both of our projected production says 1379 flax bedding. A friend without Rain has a projected crop of 1313 flax bedding. If more than one stacks then I should be getting roughly 1444 flax bedding. So either it doesn't stack or my 2nd Rain is broken.
By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 09:11:11
Horse Fan wrote:

Whatever Jezz

It's not whatever, because you are misinforming a whole forum. Double check if what you are writing is indeed true...

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I was expecting for Dew to appear in the TCs roughly 9 minutes ago, so either they changed the hour, decided not to release her today or our admin got wrong info default smiley xd
whatever just posting what I thought someone posteddefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 09:49:18
@xwarhound (can't quote..) on what server was this announced? Or how do you know from which admin? default smiley :p
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It could also come in 3+ hours, that's also a common promo release time ^^
By Retired breeder, 15th January 2015 09:56:08
On the Bulgarian one. We only have one Ow there and this info came straight from him.
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