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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 14:44:06
^ You think heres expensive? try playing world of warcraft default smiley xd its kinda expensive even to play but amazing default smiley :p
I like the theory about scammers - Good that we can still see whos who & they cant take usernames default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 14:46:23
Retired breeder wrote:

^ You think heres expensive? try playing world of warcraft default smiley xd its kinda expensive even to play but amazing default smiley :p
I like the theory about scammers - Good that we can still see whos who & they cant take usernames default smiley (y)

Hahahaha. My boyfriend is always playing World of Warcraft and I'm thoroughly surprised at the amount of money he's spent to basically play dress-up default smiley (lol) But then again, I myself have spent quite a lot on this game default smiley :s
Young Rebel,:so true!
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If a scammer took my username to give me bad reputation not even the howrse rules would keep me from sending that person to the pit of inferno.
Im changing my username,have been living with it for YEARS. time for a change.

Also... hehe. oh boy. I need to pick a user now... I have 5 different lists here.and note to self; write down your new uer, or else you wont be able to login like on the test server lol... my friend saved me from being locked out default smiley (lol)

Im so happy my gaming obcession is well known to my howrse friends XD
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 14:55:54
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 15:02:17
Retired breeder wrote:

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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 15:02:59
Retired breeder wrote:

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I don't know, considering the fact Midas has a daughter in the stories, howrse could probably add his wife in... But I doubt it.
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 15:25:37
I am excited for the water divines! I am going to try and a save up passes so that I can get them all!
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 15:54:28
Too bad I don't have any passes... I was so excited to know that we will be able to buy Water Divines! They're my favorites!
I know the EC testing hasn't started yet,

But please, someone bring up the topic of Scarecrows going back into inventory. Most of did not chose to put them on ten acrea meadows, Howrse put them there.default smiley :$
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 16:02:14
Same here!
Is it only the new ones? or them and all the old ones? May use the passes i had for olympus Pack which i set a alarm for, forgot it was for the pack,I shrugged off my 22:55 alarm and missed XD
Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this question has been answered (or if anyone knows the answer yet) but if the new ec changes allow players to build their own boxes ... will players still have the option to buy boxes directly from the stores?
green thumb
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 17:54:52
are the water divines suppsto be put in resarve when snowball fight starts tis month i read back couple pages there supsto be put in resarve at same time they have the snowball fight is that true
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 17:59:12
green thumb wrote:

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this question has been answered (or if anyone knows the answer yet) but if the new ec changes allow players to build their own boxes ... will players still have the option to buy boxes directly from the stores?

i would imagine it would still be possible. then again they removed the ability to upgrade boxes so that option may be taken as well.
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 20:31:04
the boxes as well as anything else you are able to make and produce at your EC will be for your own use and you will be able to sell them to the general public. It will be the supply and demand thing like we had with the turnips at one time. The more that is available the cheaper the price and vice versa.
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2015 20:38:20
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appears to have an actually useful bonus! If there's a divine I want right now, it's Midas. Better start saving my HoPs.default smiley :s
Retired breeder wrote:

are the water divines suppsto be put in resarve when snowball fight starts tis month i read back couple pages there supsto be put in resarve at same time they have the snowball fight is that true

Pure speculation.

This question was asked directly to the Admins on prepod and the answer was they are not divulging that info.

So anyone saying they will be done at the same time is guessing.

It seems it could be possible but I will wait and see.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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appears to have an actually useful bonus! If there's a divine I want right now, it's Midas. Better start saving my HoPs.default smiley :s

So behind...
What is it?
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With jobs gone and lessons will be gone soon and horses not selling like they used to how can anyone be exceped to make any money?
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 4th January 2015 00:05:27
Horse Fan wrote:

With jobs gone and lessons will be gone soon and horses not selling like they used to how can anyone be exceped to make any money?

Buying and selling horses? Stroking topaz? Selling items?
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Nevermind I remember
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Horse Fan wrote:

With jobs gone and lessons will be gone soon and horses not selling like they used to how can anyone be exceped to make any money?

since we get missions instead of lessons ...

And I never made my money mainly with those three things. (An seriously, who except newbies relied on the first two at all? Those were always peanuts!)
Comp winnings, especially Grand Prix, and now since the merging selling cash crops. Tadaaa.
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By Retired breeder, 4th January 2015 01:18:05
Starkitty wrote:

And I never made my money mainly with those three things. (An seriously, who except newbies relied on the first two at all? Those were always peanuts!)
Comp winnings, especially Grand Prix, and now since the merging selling cash crops. Tadaaa

I use lessons a lot. i earn about 10,000 a day from just caring for my horses and i am not a newbiedefault smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2015 01:20:38
If you take care of many horses a day, lessons (and competition winnings, for that matter) can be quite profitable. I don't care for enough horses a day for it to make a difference, but it can.default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2015 02:40:17
When does the second half of the EC changes come?
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