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By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 16:46:02
Horse Fan wrote:

I was just saying what will happen to the divines that need meadows for a chance for a diamond?default smiley :@

How on earth do you expect us to know? Are we howrse? Do we have bolded letters in our names that say we are administration? No. And frankly I doubt they know anyways.

And yes, you ask the same questions repeated over and over. There is absolutly no one besides you that is making a fuss about nothing. default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 16:47:55
Velvette wrote:

Sorry I hate to relite an old argument but about Quartz and Opal....
Howrse said they will never sell them again right? Yes , they said you could get them in other ways but they would never be reserved again , right?
Therefore howrse can no longer make a profit off the gems....so what would actually be the point of howrse re coding Quartz and Opal when they could just leave them .
While they proberbly WILL be compensated lets rember all howrse cares about is money . As they can no longer get money out of them two divines what do they get from compensating them? especially when they don't need to.... Howrse is rebound for annoying players recently .. They should have a trophy for it.

They will get the player's satisfaction. If they took away their perks altogether, players would cause a riot and that's never what you want on an online game. default smiley (y) After all, we are the ones who really keep the game running by buying their overpriced pass packs. Not them.
They did it with Sleipnir did they not? Took away the only thing they were good for , Why should Opal and Quartz be any different. They also had riots with the SOA and the VIP account yet they still went along with it.
Honestly I don't think they care THAT much ....
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Svengali:There was 2 riots on test server about RC and then about changes to GA- related things.They did listen then didnt they?

And VIp didnt have a riot. Not on test server anyway. People got convinced it was better than it looked at first when they tried it there (only complain was the price). Sure there was people against it but not as much as the RC and Ga-related change.

Also for those who talk about meadows and stalls being taken away..guys,I spent 4 days of sniffing and digging around and found NOTHING that says that change will be implented or even exists as a idea. So please stop making fuss over something that Howrse havent even written about in any change log. If they did, provide a link to the forum so we can see and dont take words out from the clouds and scream it will mess up divines and every single other horse in exitence when it dosent seem to be true.
Shishi no Seirei
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The “Put in the meadow” and “Put in the box” actions have been deleted. Adjustments have been made to counteract the loss of energy/morale.

From the Change in Log page
Horse Fan
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Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Svengali:There was 2 riots on test server about RC and then about changes to GA- related things.They did listen then didnt they?

And VIp didnt have a riot. Not on test server anyway. People got convinced it was better than it looked at first when they tried it there (only complain was the price). Sure there was people against it but not as much as the RC and Ga-related change.

When the VIP went live there were a few people who disliked it... I even saw some people made a banner for it .
Yes but the GA/RCS thing is different . If howrse had not listened they would've lost money from RC collectors not buying passes. Where as they can't loose money from the gems .

Again however with Sleipnir . They did it to him. Where is his compensation ? He is just a useless trophy horse .

At the end of the day I'm not saying they won't compensate them . I'm just saying if they don't compensate , I won't be supprised.
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By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 17:41:40
Velvette wrote:

They did it with Sleipnir did they not? Took away the only thing they were good for , Why should Opal and Quartz be any different. They also had riots with the SOA and the VIP account yet they still went along with it.
Honestly I don't think they care THAT much ....

They did have a huge riot over Sleipnir's right to be invoked. Many players were furious and Howrse experienced huge amounts of discontent. But that was the first (and if you've noticed), the last time they did something like that.

And Sleipnir was a large exception because it was helping players that were losing Sleipnir's because they had to disconect for personal reasons, and Howrse decided it was unfair. This was not because of changes due to the game.

Howrse does care. When they took away jobs, they gave us daily bonuses. When they changed something, they gave all of our horses that had Helios rays Unlimited Helios Rays. When the Spanish Mustang in the reserved sales showed a Posideon pack arms and other BMI and when I didn't get that BMI on the Mustang when I bought, they credited my account with the BMI once I told them.
If they did not listen to the players, sooner or later, their little business would die.
Velvette wrote:

They did it with Sleipnir did they not? Took away the only thing they were good for , Why should Opal and Quartz be any different. They also had riots with the SOA and the VIP account yet they still went along with it.
Honestly I don't think they care THAT much ....
They still likely will give Opal and Quartz, Owlient recently Changed what they were going to do with the Retied Golden apple BMI. I don't believe there were any riots for the VIP account, and some people might conider the severe rant some peopl were doing rioting, though I don't. I only remember people ranting, and some disagreeing with the rants and the ranters getting upset about the disagreers and what they'd said, and then a little bit more angrily diccussing it.
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By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 17:44:01
Velvette wrote:

Again however with Sleipnir . They did it to him. Where is his compensation ? He is just a useless trophy horse .

At the end of the day I'm not saying they won't compensate them . I'm just saying if they don't compensate , I won't be supprised.

He is not useless. Not the least. Look in the sales. They go for over 50 passes. Do you call that worthless? He's a rare divine. That makes him worth tons.

And you should be extremely surprised. Howrse ALWAYS compensates during large changes. Sleipnir's changes didn't come as a change from something else. It was a change due to a large amount of Howrse player's complaining about the unfairness of invoking/losing their divine.
By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 17:47:08
And to add, Sleipnir is one of the extremely few divines that is *sellable*. Do you realize how much value that adds to him?
By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 17:52:36
Horse Fan wrote:

The “Put in the meadow” and “Put in the box” actions have been deleted. Adjustments have been made to counteract the loss of energy/morale.

From the Change in Log page

Seriously, Horse Fan. We get it. Howrse will do something for the Divines.
Retired breeder wrote:

He is not useless. Not the least. Look in the sales. They go for over 50 passes. Do you call that worthless? He's a rare divine. That makes him worth tons.
Retired breeder wrote:

And to add, Sleipnir is one of the extremely few divines that is *sellable*. Do you realize how much value that adds to him?

I agree , he is not worthless . Did i call him worthless? I called him USELESS. There is a huge difference. For an example while an actual Diamond is Useless it is not worthless...
Retired breeder wrote:

Howrse does care. When they took away jobs, they gave us daily bonuses. When they changed something, they gave all of our horses that had Helios rays Unlimited Helios Rays. When the Spanish Mustang in the reserved sales showed a Posideon pack arms and other BMI and when I didn't get that BMI on the Mustang when I bought, they credited my account with the BMI once I told them.

Yep. They did replace our jobs but i think im loosing about 30,000e a year because of it.
Spanish mustang fair enough . That was technically false advertising.
Retired breeder wrote:

If they did not listen to the players, sooner or later, their little business would die.

Well , they closed Babydow and Dragow - Why not howrse?
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By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 18:02:30
Velvette wrote:

I agree , he is not worthless . Did i call him worthless? I called him USELESS. There is a huge difference. For an example while an actual Diamond is Useless it is not worthless...

I don't see a whole lot of difference. Diamond divines give diamonds, which are basically currency right?
Sleipnirs give passes when you sell them, still a form of currency. But yes, I do see your point.

Velvette wrote:

Yep. They did replace our jobs but i think im loosing about 30,000e a year because of it.

True, yes, 30,000 *a year*. If you miss that 30,000e so much, I will, every January 1st, give you 30,000e. How does that sound?

Velvette wrote:

Well , they closed Babydow and Dragow - Why not howrse?

Babydow and Dragow were not successful. Not as successful as howrse. It didn't bring as much profit. And frankly, if Howrse closed, Owlient would be gone since this is the only game they have left.
By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 18:04:27
Retired breeder wrote:

True, yes, 30,000 *a year*. If you miss that 30,000e so much, I will, every January 1st, give you 30,000e. How does that sound?

haha so much sass default smiley (lol)default smiley :p

and i agree i think howrse will give players something in return for taking away the boxes and meadows. really nothing to worry about at the moment!
By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 18:05:58
what happened to the sleipnirs? i don't think I was here when that happened. i kinda wish they made their skills higher because they aren't that impressive anymore. they're '?' says that their legs give them incredible skills but 1500 is pretty low.
Retired breeder wrote:

I don't see a whole lot of difference. Diamond divines give diamonds, which are basically currency right?
Sleipnirs give passes when you sell them, still a form of currency. But yes, I do see your point.
i was talking about an Actual diamond , as in a Materialistic object - not the divine.
Besides you could earn over 50 passes from diamond over the course you own it.
Retired breeder wrote:

True, yes, 30,000 *a year*. If you miss that 30,000e so much, I will, every January 1st, give you 30,000e. How does that sound?

My question is are you willing to compensate every player with over 280 days ?-_- I'm not trying to argue with you. Everyone just seems to completely be missing my point .
Retired breeder wrote:

Babydow and Dragow were not successful. Not as successful as howrse. It didn't bring as much profit. And frankly, if Howrse closed, Owlient would be gone since this is the only game they have left.

They hardly gave Dragow a chance .... And I'm sure they were making some sort of profit from babydow - especially from the amount of people i see have moved from there to howrse.
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Retired breeder wrote:

what happened to the sleipnirs? i don't think I was here when that happened. i kinda wish they made their skills higher because they aren't that impressive anymore. they're '?' says that their legs give them incredible skills but 1500 is pretty low.

They used to run away to another Sleipnir owner if you did not log of for 30 or 60 days ( can't rember) or if you deleted your account default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 18:20:25

I understood what you meant, I was just giving an example. Do you not know how hard it is to earn "over 50 passes" from divines?

50 passes is the equivilent of 500 diamonds.
Take a wild horse for example. Every wild horse gives only 80 diamonds their whole life.
And take my divines for example. I can barely get 1 diamond from Onyx and Amber a week.

Jade is a bit more generous and will give around 8 a week. 500/8=62.5 weeks.That would take me approximately 1.2 years to earn "50 passes". Way, way slower than selling a sleipnir.

And most players aren't upset over the 30k a YEAR. Therefore I wouldn't have to. Most players (who really try in the game) can make 30k a day no problem, especially people who build up reserves to millions.

I don't know much about Dragow, but I don't see how it really has to do with Howrse? default smiley ;) Howrse has been around for 6+ years. And it's successful. I doubt it will be going anywhere soon. default smiley (y)

And this forum is for *spoilers*. And I do think we've made our points right? default smiley ;)
No Slepnir ran away after 7 days if you didn't take care of him,
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 18:21:59
Horse Fan wrote:

No Slepnir ran away after 7 days if you didn't take care of him,

No, I'm quite sure it was 30. default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 18:28:43
Retired breeder wrote:

And I do think we've made our points right?

Correct. I come here for spoilers and small discussions. All this arguing is a little annoying.
Retired breeder wrote:


I understood what you meant, I was just giving an example. Do you not know how hard it is to earn "over 50 passes" from divines?

50 passes is the equivilent of 500 diamonds.
Take a wild horse for example. Every wild horse gives only 80 diamonds their whole life.
And take my divines for example. I can barely get 1 diamond from Onyx and Amber a week.

Jade is a bit more generous and will give around 8 a week. 500/8=62.5 weeks.That would take me approximately 1.2 years to earn "50 passes". Way, way slower than selling a sleipnir.

And most players aren't upset over the 30k a YEAR. Therefore I wouldn't have to. Most players (who really try in the game) can make 30k a day no problem, especially people who build up reserves to millions.

I don't know much about Dragow, but I don't see how it really has to do with Howrse? default smiley ;) Howrse has been around for 6+ years. And it's successful. I doubt it will be going anywhere soon. default smiley (y)

And this forum is for *spoilers*. And I do think we've made our points right? default smiley ;)

I do but if you have diamond chances are you have a full set of gems. Should you have a full set you are quite likely to get 1 diamond each day and having diamond means you get 2 . 2x365= 730 diamonds per year .. So no .. It's not too hard....
Beleve it or not I do 'really try' in the game and up until about 2 hours ago I had over 1 mil.. Till I went on a spending spree default smiley :$ but you get my point. And by the way not everyone who has less than a million does not try ! It's also a kids game and when I first joined , aged 10 I couldn't even get over 100,000e . But I tried.
It was basically something to do with dragons and islands. But my french is not too good because my school thought it would be better to put me in a Spanish class even though I had done french for five years 'cause they're nice like that and so I gave up with it . Anyway I'm just saying they're greedy.
It was a great , successful game until 2011 - that's for sure.
I agree however this fourm is for spoilers so for now I guess I shall call it quits . default smiley :)
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HorseFan and SweetBriar, you are both right. He ran away after you *logged in 7 days* and didn't take care of him OR if you *did NOT log in in 30 days* for him to be taken care of overall. If I'm not mistaken.

Though the change was one of the main reasons I sold pretty much all my sellable divines earlier this year - that and I liked the old artwork. Even when I log on regularly my diamond-producing divines are pretty neglected. *shrugs*

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By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 19:07:27
joy22_22 wrote:

HorseFan and SweetBriar, you are both right. He ran away after you *logged in 7 days* and didn't take care of him OR if you *did NOT log in in 30 days* for him to be taken care of overall. If I'm not mistaken.

Though the change was one of the main reasons I sold pretty much all my sellable divines earlier this year - that and I liked the old artwork. Even when I log on regularly my diamond-producing divines are pretty neglected. *shrugs*


Yup, now that I think, that sounds about right. And well, I used to go through my divines because they were special. But now it's kind of an obligation: that I have to go through 25 or so divines to collect diamonds and such. Ah..well...
By Retired breeder, 14th December 2014 20:12:18
Woah! Calm down a little! There is no need to argue or provoke people. default smiley ;)
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