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Which center in everyone's opinion can provide the best resources?
  • Posted messages: 3,538
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 21:58:13

Do you know how much the pass packs cost?
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 22:00:51
Also when you open a pack do you get everything that is on the page of the pack? Like a divine the VIP account 1,000,000 equus 110 passes ect.?
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 22:01:16
Oh boy. These new rides make blupping so interesting. Since I can do a ride that doesn't add skill to my horses primary skill I'm seeing comps so low most of my fillers are useless. default smiley :-))
Retired breeder wrote:


Do you know how much the pass packs cost?

Somewhere many pages back was a price list - but I can't find it default smiley :(

Retired breeder wrote:

Also when you open a pack do you get everything that is on the page of the pack? Like a divine the VIP account 1,000,000 equus 110 passes ect.?

Yes, when you buy a Pass Pack like that - you receive everything listed in the pack.

Click to display
So if you bought the Historic pack - you would receive:
Pack of 20 passes
100 x Aging point
500 000

As this is the contents of the pack
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 22:05:23
Oh my gosh that is AWESOME!!!!! I am definitly buying one!!!! Have you bought one before?
kkeappy wrote:

Which center in everyone's opinion can provide the best resources?

I feel this is a tough one to answer as resources are not yet live.

What is known about them is;

Forest = Wood
Mountains = Iron
Beach = Sand

It was mentioned in many topics that Wood would be used to make boxes, but it is unknown what the other two resources would be used for (And if resources would have more than one use).

Your EC will be able to harvest the resource that matches where it is located - but will need to buy the other ones (so a Forest EC would need to buy Iron and Sand).

In short - it's basically going to come down to what resource you feel will best benefit your center.

*The following is an example and should not be taken as fact...this is just me speculating*

Say that you want to expand your center - the Forest would probably be your best bet as you could get wood cheap to produce more boxes.

Though I have a strange feeling that most items we can craft will require resources from more than one place [such as to make a box, you would need Wood for the main body of it, but Iron to create the hinges on the door for the box]
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Does anyone know what Cloud looks like when fully grown?
DD Ranch
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Retired breeder wrote:

Have you bought one before?

I have - I purchased one last year to get my Cascade (it gave you a Water divine of your choice, 20 passes, some amount of equus and aging points, and the Hypnos' Privilege [gives you a Hypnos' Blanket once a month on the 1st provided you logged in the day before])

I also bought a pack in 2011 (But that one was more of a special offer of buy 100 passes - get Divine of your choice free [I chose Croesus])
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DD Ranch wrote:

Does anyone know what Cloud looks like when fully grown?

You can search him in directories. There's quite a few now that are adults.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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DD Ranch wrote:

Does anyone know what Cloud looks like when fully grown?

This took a few minutes of hunting through the directories but:
Adult Cloud
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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But the problem is, I want to focus on recourses right now, but with 30 days to change and 2 months till the next update. I'm having a hard time
  • Posted messages: 3,538
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 22:21:51
And you don't remember how much you payed for it?
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 22:22:27
How much will the pass packs cost? Real money or game money?
Retired breeder wrote:

How much will the pass packs cost? Real money or game money?

They will cost real money. Supposed to be estimated from around $30AU - $100AU from what i have heard. (I'm in Australia and i dont know where you are so maybe you wanna look at a converter.)
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kkeappy wrote:

But the problem is, I want to focus on recourses right now, but with 30 days to change and 2 months till the next update. I'm having a hard time

Well, I see you chose Forest (and right now, this can not be changed)

All I can suggest to you is consider what each resource could be used for, and consider from there. I'll actually share my thoughts with you as it might help you decide in the end:

*The following should not be taken as fact or rumor and is once again me just speculating on things*

Click to display
I have little to no desire to expand my center beyond its current size of 170 boxes. However, what I want to do is provide everything to my boarders at the low rate of 20e per night. Of course, at this rate - it can be hard to maintain all benefits.
The newest thing that will be added in February is the Trough for boxes - a bit of a benefit due to the extra energy it would give.
This is something we will be able to craft - and my guess is that it will either be made out of Wood or Iron (possibly both (Iron for the trough, wood for the supports of it)). Crafting them would help me save money that I can use for other things for the Center...
Thus - once I know what they are primarily made out of (iron or wood) - I will choose the Forest/Mountains as the location for my Center with the hopes of quickly providing these to my boarders.
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DD Ranch
  • Posted messages: 1,034
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Retired breeder wrote:

And you don't remember how much you payed for it?

I want to say $45 USD but don't quote me *anyone recall how much the Asgard Pack [as it was called] cost last year for sure?*

Retired breeder wrote:

How much will the pass packs cost? Real money or game money?

The prices were listed many pages back - but I can't find them default smiley :(
And it will be Real Money that they cost
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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Strike my sad face on not finding the prices - I just had a stroke of genius and;

Click to display
Credit goes to Kaesys for posting this first

History: 35 USD
Lucky Day: 60 USD
Olympus: 100 USD
Ultimate: 185 USD


History: 30 EURO
Lucky Day: 50 EURO
Olympus: 80 EURO
Ultimate: 150 EURO

Of course, things may have changed since these prices were posted *as with the exception of the History Pack, they don't match up to some of the normal prices of Passes* - so if anyone has heard anything different...feel free to post
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 22:36:02
Thank you!! Wow that is a little much. Turns out I may not be getting onedefault smiley :$
Which rides are best for gypsy vanners? I know it was a few pages back...though don't remember how many. cx
T i g r e s s
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 22:47:04
^^^Shorah, the Asgard was $45 USD last yeardefault smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 22:50:10
Yes! Can't wait to purchase my Olympus pack! (:
Retired breeder wrote:

^^^Shorah, the Asgard was $45 USD last yeardefault smiley (y)

Thanks for the confirmation Satkin - glad to see my memory isn't as gone as I think it is sometimes default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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T i g r e s s wrote:

Which rides are best for gypsy vanners? I know it was a few pages back...though don't remember how many. cx

You'll have to finish both sets.
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