[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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ɴᴇᴄʀoᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ wrote:

This is a SPOILER forum and not a debate forum. Please take it to your own messages our forums if you wish to debate. There has already been 2 big debates in here, and you all are likely to get those forum closed down.

well were discussing an upcoming item that may mean in 6 months we may not have a game to play if it goes into effect.. the people who spend money to play this game, who use it to collect the coats are threatening to leave.. and do you know what happens when the paying customers leave? so just saying as long as it sounds like it's coming.. people ARE going to fight for it to stay off the game
  • Posted messages: 14,089
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AnonymousPeon wrote:

people ARE going to fight for it to stay off the game

And this is **not** the place to hold said fight.

Have a problem with the upcoming pack (not BMI as you call it), take ti contact us. I want to see spoilers, not a heated discussion.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα wrote:

Seeing as how the item in question is part of the spoilers then the debate/conversation is in the right spot. Whether you agree with it or not

Complaining is not conversation, and there have been several warnings over it the last couple of pages. It is best to send a well thought out message to Contact Us, Instead of in a forum where whatever you write will be hidden in pages within a day anyways.
I absolutely do not agree with it but I am not going to waste my time in here complaining about it, And in the process, Hiding all of the actual spoilers within tons of debate posts.
Making it much harder for the common player to come in here and find what they are searching for.
The other problem with everything above, is anything not yet in the game, or been posted publicly by an Admin, needs to be in a spoiler box, Which is quickly forgotten when someone is angry over something and posting about it.
  • Posted messages: 1,062
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For other players sanity as well as my own, Latest spoilers from the last 30-50 pages


Cloud is now on this version of howrse, Here is a baby Cloud. He has no game or VIP perks.

Cloud is the son of Rain and Geyser.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

- He was born with just over 6140 skills, But it will be 18 days before he will be seen in competitions.

Christmas Spoilers:

Click to display

New promo coming:

Prob. with those horses:

Pack History
20 passes
1 x 5 Element
1 x Magic Pumpkin
1 x Apocal. Seal
500 000 Equus

Vintage Pack.
All BM from History pack x3 and
1 000 000equus and 60 passes.
Horse on pic: Tarpan
But im not sure about packs. New collection "Horses Evolution" or something like this
-Soporific .

And about what is Hippodon (new divine) and Tarpan:
Hippodon(Female)+Tarpan(Male)=Forest Horse
Hippodon give 1xAphrodite's Tears when horse get 100points in one skill. It can stack when u have more horses.

Tarpan give a more chances to foal get same coat as a mother. (only normal coats not from BM items) Only for clean blood. Its not work when mare have foal before u get Tarpan.

and this Lost Apple- its says Pomme d'Or Disparue in French. VIP can buy a "Copy" of lost golden apple.

Im not surre they gonna made this on normal howrse, now exist only in Prepoid


Hipparion is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Every time he has collected 200 skill points, he offers you a foal of a race and color, which you don't owe yet. If you already owe every color of every race you don't receive a foal.

This horse cannot be sold.


Hyracotherium is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Thanks to Hyracotherium, every donkey mare you cover, will give birth to foals with additional 50% skills. This advantage cannot be accumulated with several Hyracotherium in your possesion, however it is compatible with Aphrodite's Tears.

This horse cannot be sold.


Hippidion is part of the prehistorical horses.

Hippidion is a mare and can mate once with Tarpan and give birth to a foal "Horse of the Woods/Forests".

She receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Every time she has collected 200 skill points, she offers you 1x Aphrodite's Tears.

This mare cannot be sold.


Tarpan is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Thanks to Tarpan, all the purebred foals to whom you give birth to, will have a bigger chance to receive the same coat like one of their parents, compared with the usual chance of getting a coat which is registered for that particular race.

This advantage cannot be accumulated with several Tarpan.

He can mate with Hippidion, if she has never been covered.

This horse cannot be sold.

More information on the RC Spoiler:

Click to display
There will be 10 retired golden apple coats in the vintage packs. This will enable players to give retired coat to their horses within these limits:

Less than 25 copy of a RC on the game, coat not sold with the new item
Between 25 and 50 copies, 3 more copies on sale
51-75: 5 more copies on sale
76-100: 10 more copies
Over 100: 20 more copies

A player can only buy one copy of each coat.
*to clarify a translation issue: Dress = Coat

Something has shown up in Ows production on French Server... Does this mean anything? ... Who knows...

Click to display

French Ow's production:

- ratinou
  • Posted messages: 1,062
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ɴᴇᴄʀoᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ wrote:

Complaining is not conversation, and there have been several warnings over it the last couple of pages. It is best to send a well thought out message to Contact Us, Instead of in a forum where whatever you write will be hidden in pages within a day anyways.

I wasn't complaining. Just clearly stating what should be blatantly obvious to anyone.
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα
  • Posted messages: 50,813
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Ones from Italy and one's from the US. IF they are new wilds it's another OOOPS! by Howrse. They could be nothing more then test subjects, or their part of the christmas packs.
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα
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By Retired breeder, 17th November 2014 05:01:53
But dont you guys remember? That who posted those packs first here he said that he is not sure that will they come out or not. I believe that they will change the last one if we all send to Howrse Team messege
By Retired breeder, 17th November 2014 05:09:49
Let's keep the conversation to spoilers only, guys. Ow as already threatened to close this topic if we don't use it appropriately...
Retired breeder wrote:

If I get on to pre prod you can bet I'll be on my soap box.

I'm not the only one who has spent real money on coats, the addition of extra copies is a slap in the face for those of us that paid for example: 3/4 passes for a pre cs coat with just over 100 uses, which will now gain an extra 20 and be worth less.

Just remember that while some debate is allowed we are in prepod still under the same rules as on the live server.

It is one thing to give a well thought out request for Howrse to take a hard second look at what is being proposed and another to go on to a location designed for one purpose (TEST changes) and go way off track doing another ( complain) .
  • Posted messages: 5,890
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This forum is not the place to rant and complain, and to rehash the same points over and over and over. And neither is preprod. Invitations to the test site can be cancelled as quickly as they are issued, and if those who show up are just there to rant and complain, and not to do the job required (i.e. testing), then I doubt they will be let stay. If you have a complaint then write a single, calm, concise, coherent message to Contact and leave it at that.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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Though I don't agree with the RCs situation.. The only good point that *if* it does happen is they *cannot* be sold; so they will still be rare on the market. (This is not saying I want it to happen, I think RCs should be left retired, as intended.)

Look at it like the coat is on another 'ghost' account~ though it is obviously a pain for the collectors who work so hard and pay good money for their fantastic collections!
  • Posted messages: 860
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By lovetopaint, 17th November 2014 11:47:41
Okay, Zig. Here are the issues so please listen.

I am a player, just like everyone else, and I am also a GA (ranked 97th) and RC collector (ranked 95th). Admin monitor these topics, so posting a complaint or concern just once is enough. Repeating it over and over is basically just spamming the topic, and I would imagine that could just reduce the impact of the message, and any sympathy it may have generated with those who make the decisions. This forum is not a place to rant and complain. It is a place to comment on new stuff that is coming, and how it might work.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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lovetopaint - I have heard Owlient owns the right to each of the submitted coats (whether true or not I am not 100% sure) but if it is, then they have the right to do whatever they please with them: this time them being re-released.

No, it may not benefical towards other collectors- but these coats may as well be classed as 'Ghost coats': as they cannot be sold. In a way it will be more for personal choice (well, for me), I know there is a few RCs (some over 300+ uses, some less) that I would love; and it would just be for a personal collection.
Saying this though, I do not agree with them being re-released~ it gives me a challenge to save up and buy them if they are in the sales and I would prefer that.

But, I guess will we have to wait and see.
  • Posted messages: 860
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Will this affect all new coats to come as well I wonder...?
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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oh well.. either be positive or send off a PM to the brick wall..oops I mean contact us.. who will send you the automated thanks for your concern message in return .. I'd rather complain to my dog.. at least it would lick my facedefault smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 14,089
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AnonymousPeon wrote:

oh well.. either be positive or send off a PM to the brick wall..oops I mean contact us.. who will send you the automated thanks for your concern message in return .. I'd rather complain to my dog.. at least it would lick my facedefault smiley (lol)
I may well try.
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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So I did. I got an auto reply, blah blah. Well...
So I guess no one knows if it will be affecting the new coat releases?
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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There are real people reading and processing all tickets sent to Contact Us, and real people replying to those messages. If your issue is a complaint about a feature that is not even on the game, then of course the reply is not going to comment on or discuss those things default smiley ;) That does not mean that your concerns have not been noted, or that you are being dismissed. Everyone who processes lots of the same queries every day will tend to have some prepared answers saved, and paste it exactly or closely to the original. That's how we process so many mails / queries in the time that we have on line default smiley ;)
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
There is no need for anyone to be rude or to try to put words into the mouth of another person.

None of this has anything to do with spoilers of potential new features default smiley ;)
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Again, there is no need for anyone to be rude, or to make false accusations against anybody.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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awesome.. at least they are reading them.. I know I would be worried if lots of people said they would pull out and leave including some of the top ranked players, and tons more are worried it would wreck the game for them, wether or not they listen to the masses is up to them.. but chances are.. they already have their minds made up
  • Posted messages: 14,089
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Personally, I might prefer it if Howrse didn't change as fast as it does. However, I suppose it's up to the Howrse admins to decide, and who am I to complain?

So, is it for sure that we'll have the... What's it called...
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advent calendar,
(is that what it's called?) come Christmas?
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