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Miss Fortune wrote:

List of the Wind Divines and their prices:
Click to display

Caicias : 20 passes
Euronotus : 15 passes
Apeliotes : 15 passes
Skerion : 10 passes

Lips : 20 passes
Iapix : 15 passes
Boreas : 10 passes
Eurus : 10 passes

im away the whole time the devine I whant is for saledefault smiley (6)
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Miss Fortune wrote:

List of the Wind Divines and their prices:
Click to display

Caicias : 20 passes
Euronotus : 15 passes
Apeliotes : 15 passes
Skerion : 10 passes

Lips : 20 passes
Iapix : 15 passes
Boreas : 10 passes
Eurus : 10 passes

<.< wow I really hope this list is correct, since it means I can -reasonably- finish the set since I don't need any that are more than 10 passes it looks like ;w;
*has high hopes*
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Evlon wrote:

Alvinisgreat wrote:

List of the Wind Divines and their prices:
Click to display
Saturday/SundayCaicias : 20 passesEuronotus : 15 passesApeliotes : 15 passesSkerion : 10 passesMonday/TuesdayLips : 20 passesIapix : 15 passesBoreas : 10 passesEurus : 10 passes

It was posted by an admin on the french server, and I just translated some stuff. :P
Miss Fortune
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 14:14:27
I wonder what other divines will come out ..i think i might past in the winds and the gems ..I want something else lol
Evlon wrote:

Should be when the stuff on the test server goes live. Which I hope is soon, I really want the cute donkeys too!

I would not be surprised if this happens this Monday coming up.

I am on the test server and the testing is over. Nothing new is being tested or added. It has been this way now for a few days.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 16:30:02
Did you understand right, that in the next Challenge we dont become horsehoes from Spring? And in the next not from Summer? Every Season Divine gives horseshoes only one time.
(sorry for my english, hope you understand).
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 16:40:00
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 16:40:51
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Miss Fortune wrote:

It was posted by an admin on the french server, and I just translated some stuff. :P

Yeah I wasn't actually doubting! (Sorry if I came off sarcastic or anything!) I *am* actually really hoping the sales amounts are the same on our server here, because I honestly would like to finish at least one divine set default smiley :d

Spyder wrote:

I would not be surprised if this happens this Monday coming up.I am on the test server and the testing is over. Nothing new is being tested or added. It has been this way now for a few days.

XD There hasn't been anything new to test for a while on there really. Just a few bug fixes (I'm on the prepod as well :> )
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 16:58:54
So is the lotto be next once the amount of horseshoes are reached
Retired breeder wrote:

Did you understand right, that in the next Challenge we dont become horsehoes from Spring? And in the next not from Summer? Every Season Divine gives horseshoes only one time.
(sorry for my english, hope you understand).

It depends on how long it takes us to unlock the challeges. The divine offer horse shoe bonuses according to the Howrse seasons, like....

Seasons last one week on Howrse.
Fall begins on the first day of each real month.

Winter starts on the eighth day of the month, spring on the fifteenth and summer on the twenty-second.

Summer lasts to the end of the current month.

The cycle of seasons starts over again on the first day of the next month.
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...and no my answer is semi wrong lol
They earns skills when ever it's their season.
They offer shoes for the start of each challenge...

Spring: +50 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge
Summer: +100 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge

Do not know how many the other season divines add. But one thing is sure. The more you have of them, the bigger your headstart
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Asfridur wrote:

...and no my answer is semi wrong lol
They earns skills when ever it's their season.
They offer shoes for the start of each challenge...

Spring: +50 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge
Summer: +100 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge

Do not know how many the other season divines add. But one thing is sure. The more you have of them, the bigger your headstart

Click to display
Winter: +200 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge
Fall: +50 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge

*Taken from the test server aka libel to change before they are on here*
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Click to display

Holy cow. 200 from Winter?
If they do not change that, it looks like he might be very difficult to get. Especially if you compare him to Summer, where you need TC's.

Dang going to be very very interesting to see what you have to do to perhaps be able to get him.
Having all the other 3 springs to mind. And perhaps do something to unlock the option to breed him *jumps around
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Asfridur wrote:


Click to display

Holy cow. 200 from Winter?
If they do not change that, it looks like he might be very difficult to get. Especially if you compare him to Summer, where you need TC's.

Dang going to be very very interesting to see what you have to do to perhaps be able to get him.
Having all the other 3 springs to mind. And perhaps do something to unlock the option to breed him *jumps around


Click to display
Yeah, and that's ON TOP of his VIP bonus which is to be able to sort comps for horseshoe ones (like holy cow he's obviously more powered up than any of the other 3??) Though, when the prepod was first testing the challenge it did mention all divines were to be in BM of chance (HOP/TC) so I suspect he'd be yet another TC divine, and Fall a HOP (summer gives more & is TC, Spring gives less and is HOP) That is of course my own speculation :>

Just imagine how quickly the challenge will go when several people have all 4 seasons LOL Like, wow 400HS head start? My main curiosity is on the 5th challenge what do they plan to gift for the big prize? The seasons again? Something to think about/look forward to anyways!
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 19:13:59
Spring: +50 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge
Summer: +100 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge


Only the Summer gives also +50 horseshoes at the beginning of each Great Challenge

You'll get the horseshoes once, then the divines will be worthless (well, you get incredible 35.000e every month and after a long time they could maybe win rosettes...)
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 21:41:25
Yea thats what i am thinking and thats why i am saving my passes ..What comes after the season divines are gone ?Maybe older divines that are already given out or new ones ..

So for me i am saveing everything till i see something i like ..Dont get me wrong i like the seasons just want something more ..Maybe the gems or balios or something
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 22:04:32
Does anyone know which of the season divines will be a female? Or are they all guys?
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 22:40:30
They are all male. Sorry. At least I think!
I will never get a Divine. I never buy passes and all my horse are youngsters. I only have one pass.
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By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 00:44:20
Anyone know what the next promo will be?
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 01:00:56
if anyone's curious about how getting a horseshoe UFO looks like...
Click to display
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 01:05:50
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know what the next promo will be?

Lottery. Then Great Challenge. Then Lottery. Then Great Challenge. And this continues to ∞.
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 01:06:45
jlmiller wrote:

I will never get a Divine. I never buy passes and all my horse are youngsters. I only have one pass.

I've never bought a pass, and I have 17 divines and 5 wilds; it's not impossible at all.
I have a question, just returning to Howrse. Are divines popping in reserved sales like the winds are now common, or once in a blue moon, or this is the only time, kind of thing?
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