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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 18:55:47
Wait there will be one more round with solar divnes? Or just next promo begin?
If "Riding lessons will be replaced by different missions offered by the equestrian center where your horses are boarded", then what will happen to the Divine Pearl that gets it's diamonds by riding lessons? Surely they will still be able to get diamonds by the rewards but I haven't heard anything concerning them. Anyone know?
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 19:00:24
Mevers wrote:

Can anyone clarify something for me. Howrse posted the following soon to come update change:

"Riding lessons will be replaced by different missions offered by the equestrian center where your horses are boarded. And the reward for the missions can be different according to the mission chosen (Equus, wood, treats, or other things…). Of course any mission will increase your horses’ skills in their two best potentials, the same way as the lessons do."

Does anyone know how the missions work? I find this post very vague and would like to know if it's possible to say choose an Equss misson all the time. As lessons are my main income and if i don't do lessons i can't board or feed my horses in effect.

Before someone says there are other methods to earn equus, I personally find competitions boring and tedious, while i'm completely useless as selling horses.

I am pretty sure that instead of the lesson button, there will be a "mission" button, and when u click on it, it will give u a mission to completedefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 19:00:52
Retired breeder wrote:

Wait there will be one more round with solar divnes? Or just next promo begin?

I heard there will be 1 more set of 3
Retired breeder wrote:

Wait there will be one more round with solar divnes? Or just next promo begin?

One mo round apparently of earth lo and Plutodefault smiley :)
Earth (10)
Pluto (15)
Lo (20)
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 19:10:54
yup theyl be added midnight game time (about 4 hours time) for 48 hours then thats the last of them. default smiley (y)
Retired breeder wrote:

yup theyl be added midnight game time (about 4 hours time) for 48 hours then thats the last of them. default smiley (y)

Midnight ? I think that's 1am for me ( do clocks go back for forward in summerdefault smiley xd?) I hope I can stay up because I want mine ASAP default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 19:23:38
hehe im not sure it may be 11pm game time now i said that i can never remember if they are one infront or one behind. i believe it will be in about 4 hours time whatever that is for you. thats what time its been the last 2 times default smiley (y) im just getting mine in the morning lol
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 19:24:06
*you not i haha
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:11:47
hey, does anyone know when we will be able to make the saddle pads, etc, for our EC's? will it be with the 'new animation cycle'? and will we be able to choose the colours?
Retired breeder wrote:

hehe im not sure it may be 11pm game time now i said that i can never remember if they are one infront or one behind. i believe it will be in about 4 hours time whatever that is for you. thats what time its been the last 2 times default smiley (y) im just getting mine in the morning lol

oh I can't wait! I am hoping to pick up Io and Earth! (depending on the prices...) default smiley <:o)
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apparently Lo will be 20 passes, and Earth will be 10. a post earlier on the page says that.
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:19:31
@pony it will be bought in when they make all the EC changes, as far as i no we dont no when that will exactly happen.

@tropicana earth will be 10 passes, bargain really considering they can have a foal hehe.

what happened to howrse removing all the medusas bloods of horses etc? it happened on the test server but nothing on here? default smiley (8) any ideas lol
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:21:55
Thank you ladylouroll! Though, now I must ask, why are they taking MB off horses? Do they get a different bonus instead? I've got like 3 MB's in my inventory, I don't want them to just dissapear
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:23:58
sorry i should of elaborated. for horses with GA coats that have then had a medusas blood on them so, horse GA on a pegasus they removed them all so a horse GA would then be on a horse for example. they wont disapear when it happened on the test server i ended up with 60+ more in my inventory. they just want the coats to be on the right species default smiley :)
Lady , do you mean the GA/MB thing ? default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:25:45
so you could then use the medusas blood on another horse of your choice. i believe it did the same with 5th elements/BP/DA so nothing looses its coats or anything. just right species got the right coats. it was probably a couple of months ago on the test server now. i thought it was in the blog but im probably wrong default smiley xd
Retired breeder wrote:

so you could then use the medusas blood on another horse of your choice. i believe it did the same with 5th elements/BP/DA so nothing looses its coats or anything. just right species got the right coats. it was probably a couple of months ago on the test server now. i thought it was in the blog but im probably wrong default smiley xd

No you're right I don't think it was in the blog but I do remember it ... Mabye aprils new features ( I'm guessing tomorrow) default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:33:01
That's fine then, had me panicking for a minute default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:43:56
So the MB will be removed from the game? Not sure if I read that correctly. default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:45:53
Retired breeder wrote:

So the MB will be removed from the game? Not sure if I read that correctly. default smiley xd

Retired breeder wrote:

So the MB will be removed from the game? Not sure if I read that correctly. default smiley xd

Not as far as I know default smiley :) it's just like you know when you have a GA/DA that does not have a Pegasus coat , like it's a horse / pony GA or the diamond aplenty has no wings , yet it's a Pegasus , the m.blood shall betaken off the horse and put in your inventory default smiley :)
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Apple* not aplenty default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2014 20:49:24
okay, im sorry guys but I cannot, for the life of me, find the 'blog' that you guys are talking about. Any help?default smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

okay, im sorry guys but I cannot, for the life of me, find the 'blog' that you guys are talking about. Any help?default smiley (lol)

Bottom of the page default smiley :)
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