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AllisonRenae wrote:

Ah! I forgot to remove the asterisks

I fixed it for you.
  • Posted messages: 13,135
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reedsh wrote:

Does anyone happen to have the skill amounts gained for each season for Fern? I’m thinking of holding off on giving more until it increases again to let my stash build back up.

It's the same for all plant Divines. I only feed mine in Spring.

Spring +60
Summer +48
Fall +30
Winter +18
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Is Qilin worth it from a breeding perspective?
  • Posted messages: 352
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They just had Gawain in luck items at the end of June. Has to be a mistake?
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They really like the coconut horse, I guess?

(for those confused, this is a reference to the first time he came out, with his very "Boing boing bong" persona, and then it was argued that the next horse would be two coconut halves clanking together.)
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Cybertron wrote:

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Is Qilin worth it from a breeding perspective?
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Since I don't care about GP of my unicorns, I do use him all the time to breed draft unicorns, so that I can sell all the colts I got. I would say he 100% is worth to me, but it depends from person to person I think
  • Posted messages: 157
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Cybertron wrote:

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Is Qilin worth it from a breeding perspective?

If you care about the GP
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of your projects, then Qilin is a skip, because of how low it is. We 've been asking if there's a way to roll up his GP so that it's in line with the rolling gain foundies. He came out when foundation GP was 350.

But he is good if you need to cover a Draft unicorn ASAP and don't have a stallion cover available. I'll often breed him to a non-project draft unicorn of mine for objectives, if I one of my projects is not blupped and ready
Legacy Ann
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Image of the new divine series
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Nalu93 wrote:

They really like the coconut horse, I guess?

(for those confused, this is a reference to the first time he came out, with his very "Boing boing bong" persona, and then it was argued that the next horse would be two coconut halves clanking together.)

Wait, now I'm even more confused! I get the Monty reference but "boing boing bong"?
  • Posted messages: 959
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Veren wrote:

Wait, now I'm even more confused! I get the Monty reference but "boing boing bong"?

Gawain looks a bit like a famous old cartoon about a Skunk, his gait looks like he's going "Boing boing boing" just jumping around instead of actually walking default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 16,924
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Does anyone know which wild horses have recently been in the reserved sales, and which haven't for a while and so are more likely to be upcoming?
  • Posted messages: 237
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-ʙʟɪᴛᴢ- wrote:

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wow, a pokemon crossover! /jk
I do quite like this, but the *one* fin being a different texture and color to the body (and other fins) is something I cannot unsee I fear default smiley :-x
  • Posted messages: 563
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adiemus wrote:

Does anyone know which wild horses have recently been in the reserved sales, and which haven't for a while and so are more likely to be upcoming?

these are the ones that I can remember recently (within the past 4-5ish months) : sorraia, konik, sable island pony, Namibian horse?, abaco barb?, Danube delta horse, ainos pony, Spanish mustang?, and now Brumby. I could be wrong about some of these, especially the ones with question marks, but the rest im pretty sure on!
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Abaco barb was one it came out before and after i bought passes i had it on preprod back in2019?
  • Posted messages: 1,303
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From latest to farthest back Wilds in Reserveds have been (source: Seal on the German server archiving the weekend offers, though Wilds are a tad spotty + Discord); Brumby, Abaco, Danube, Ainos, Banker for this year. Welsh Mountain, Chincoteague in 2023. Banker, Przewalski, Donaudelta, Brumby, Dülmener, Sorraia, Dartmoor in 2022.

Konik was in that one special event where you got rid of horses.

I know for a fact Sable Island Pony hasn't shown it's face around cause I actually want that one and have been waiting.

Spanish Mustang does vaguely ring a cord with me about having shown up, but couldn't find it.
  • Posted messages: 169
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Are we expecting pass UFOs this weekend, or next?
  • Posted messages: 3,166
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Stormborn wrote:

Are we expecting pass UFOs this weekend, or next?

This weekend default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,924
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Huh, no one posted yet? In this case, here the weekend offers:

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Bucephalus is finally making his appearance, but he's not alone in the "very expensive" track; we're also getting Earth and Horus default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 169
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Oh boy, that is some lineup default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 16,924
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Grateful that i already have all the divines this weekend as they'll all be expensive default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 31,495
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Starynight wrote:

Grateful that i already have all the divines this weekend as they'll all be expensive default smiley :s

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shoooot I really want Earth baaaad. but how much are we talking? im guessing he will be in the TC or Golden Fleece, right?
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castingcrowns19 wrote:

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shoooot I really want Earth baaaad. but how much are we talking? im guessing he will be in the TC or Golden Fleece, right?

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My best guess is GF - she has always been there since the GF was released, as I remember. And if you do not luck out, she is going to be quite expensive. Solars have always been. And Earth is 2 in 1, because she's giving birth to Moon.
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I would disagreedefault smiley ^)
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i got mine Earth from TC and I dont remember her being anywhere aside from TC
  • Posted messages: 86
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SkupinaCZ wrote:

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i got mine Earth from TC and I dont remember her being anywhere aside from TC

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Two of my Earths came from GFs. I do not have stats tracking of my game, but I am sure about it. It was the only one of two cases that I had luck with the GF at all, so I can't forget that one even if I want to.
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