[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Just an in general note, if it isn't posted here, it's very unlikely we know about it or have anything else to go off. This goes mainly for promos and any unrelease divines shown before test goes live, this is because it is possible to find these images in advance, but that's it. New pack divines do not have their details prior to release, which is again because we don't get to test them. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 11,395
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^ That's correct.

As soon as one of us spots something, anything, it gets posted default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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By Retired breeder, 16th May 2024 14:43:16
Hi, does anyone know when it’s going to be introduced new horse breeds?
Weekend offers, stolen from the French Forum (so I have no image. If you have it, please post it)

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- AMIRA is coming
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Hydra

Take care default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Bumping up
Here's everything else from the May 7 preprod
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New Features
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Change Log
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This is what happens when you click the event banner/carousel at the top of the page. Instead of the arrow scrolling through the multiple event/promotional offers, a pop-up appears for you to click the offer you want

Legacy Ann
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  • Posted messages: 13,232
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Thank you so much, Rogin default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Finally!!! So happy I’ll be able to soon finish my collection!
  • Posted messages: 494
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Retired breeder wrote:

Hi, does anyone know when it’s going to be introduced new horse breeds?

What was said about the divines and promos also applies to new breeds, if there is no info that means we don't have any to share. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 11,395
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Amira! I was getting a little worried last weekend.default smiley (lol) Not going for her though, just means that we're getting closer and closer to Buce!

I do kind of want the Fairy Tale divine though. But, I also don't want to spend enough to fill the rest of the meter. I have 630 frags from his initial release, which helps, but still. I hope his frag rate is high. I personally don't consider pass seeds an exciting gift, but I could understand if it makes him more expensive.
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I'd like to complete my
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Legendary set, but Altair was a horror show. I had ugly flashbacks of chasing Jade during the prefragment era. I think I found 1 or 2 Altair pirces out of 30 HoPs last time. And I'm still missing some. I have no Amira tack, so I'll be starting from scratch, which is...not good.

I maybjust skip her and hope for better odds some other time. I got Bucephalus the last time he was offered, so at least I can skip that haunted trail ride
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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Question about drop rates:
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How often does Amira drop a Chronos' Timer or Piece of Cloud?
  • Posted messages: 861
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Altair being in the HOPs this weekend means that it's only

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Bucephalus left now

I've been saving my HOPs for months and it's killing me trying to hoard HOPs like a crazy person default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 401
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That's correct default smiley :)

And it's Amira right now, Altair's pain we felt a couple of months ago. Oh, the pain.

Must. Gather. More hops. Bucephalus's power is so nice I'd love another default smiley (a)
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CrimsonDax wrote:

Question about drop rates:

The drop rate varies. I've had really good runs with her and some not so good runs with her, but it's not a divine I track. From memory I want to say she drops the big prize roughly once every 2 months or so.
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I tried to search but couldn't find with getting lost in dates, what will be the next event? Thanks
  • Posted messages: 298
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LukasBondevik wrote:

I tried to search but couldn't find with getting lost in dates, what will be the next event? Thanks

It's been posted 11 posts above your own. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 11,395
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Next Trophy Divine has been released:

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After Svadilfari it's... Slongvir!
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Nalu93 wrote:

Next Trophy Divine has been released:

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After Svadilfari it's... Slongvir!
Yay! I actually don't have that one
Legacy Ann
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Okay, well, he should have been offered a lot sooner lol. He's already a divine they love offering for free (his initial release was free), he's almost useless without his counterpart, who is most definitely not free, and he's incredibly lame to offer that high up in the trophy points. Assuming I didn't already have him, I would have been happy to receive him earlier on in the trophies. But, to be offered him when you're that far into the trophies? Very lame.
  • Posted messages: 5,339
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To be fair, most of them (in my opinion) are a bit lamedefault smiley (lol) The perk is either quite minimal compared to the time/effort put in to the trophies, or they are frequently offered cheaply (Falabella family)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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Well, their point is to entice you to complete the sets, so you get the weakest one of the series for free... the rest you'll have to gather fragments for default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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wynter12 wrote:

Okay, well, he should have been offered a lot sooner lol. He's already a divine they love offering for free (his initial release was free), he's almost useless without his counterpart, who is most definitely not free, and he's incredibly lame to offer that high up in the trophy points. Assuming I didn't already have him, I would have been happy to receive him earlier on in the trophies. But, to be offered him when you're that far into the trophies? Very lame.

All the Divines in the trophies are like that. Personally I wish they'd just done a rotation of 10 Black Market items instead of the Divines. They're useless and not enticing at all; I can do a lot more for my game with a Philosopher's Stone, a Timer or even a Vintage Apple than I can with an Etrian.

I guess that's just me, but I hate having things on my game I can't use or get rid of.
  • Posted messages: 30,044
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Yeah I know most of the offered divines are lame (some of them I think are nice), I just hate that they put that one so far up in the trophies lol. You do all this work and spend all this time and resources getting up there only to be offered... that divine. I think he would have been more useful offered earlier in the tier for newer players, players who don't play as much, or who don't focus as much on trophy collecting, etc. Because of the perk.
  • Posted messages: 5,339
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I'd personally love to see the prizes scale, with you getting better ones after a certain point. For example, trading the bonus pack for something like a golden apple at 5000, the a heel for a hera's pack at 7000, etc, just to make it a lot more worth it when you get to the point where you barely earn any new trophies. Maybe even trading in something for a nyx pack after you've reached the 10000 mark due to the amount of work getting to that point requires.
  • Posted messages: 11,395
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