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Regarding X-mas Promo Prizes
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In previous years they would make the actual divines offered in the mazes a surprise and test with placeholders, so we know if this is still the case this year or are the divines in the photos the ones for sure what we are offered
  • Posted messages: 4,257
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They were simply never revealed, never used a placeholder. So they are legit

@Famousamous it says stroke not present so... default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
  • Karma: 10 points
To be clearer. We tested this. It is stroke default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Does anyone remember how much discounted treats costed on Preprod? Trying to do some math for myself lol.
  • Posted messages: 5,339
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85p if I recall correctly default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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How many were offered in the deal? Sorry, forgot that part in my question.
  • Posted messages: 5,339
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ooh! only need ~140 frags for arthur, will prob go for copper after that. does anyone happen to have the point missions for arthur handy? (like 50 pts per trot comp win on caradoc)
  • Posted messages: 578
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Do we know when the next event is supposed to start?
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Is it the christmas maze event?
  • Posted messages: 25
  • Karma: 10 points
[spoiler] pretty sure the next event is Christmas Mazes and it starts Dec 7 [spoiler]
Rojo Loraine
  • Posted messages: 214
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Nalu93 wrote:

To be clearer. We tested this. It is stroke default smiley :)

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Would that mean daily care would update the trophy, not just monthly? It sounds like it would based on that wording.
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answrs wrote:

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ooh! only need ~140 frags for arthur, will prob go for copper after that. does anyone happen to have the point missions for arthur handy? (like 50 pts per trot comp win on caradoc)

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100 pts for winning any competition with Pendragon, 50 pts for winning with himself and 15 pts for training jumping on any horse
Shadow of dawn
  • Posted messages: 28
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You would be correct, Crookedstar. Every day is a good day default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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So, question about the new trophies (putting it in a spoiler just in case)

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Mine aren't retroactive - was it confirmed that they would be or was that just speculation?
  • Posted messages: 2,089
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It is confirmed.
In fact, the other versions had theirs updated already (proof is in the pudding, so to speak. My Italian account is just fine).

It seems they just... forgot? To update. Or the script isn't running as planned default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Okay so I figured out this plan im not sure if its the best, I accept suggestions or corrections if im wrong about something, I am planing on spending some pases on my main account on the spanish server to get arthur and im triying to figure out what is the best strat to save as many passes as I can, this is what I figured out so far:

This thursday event starts(im not sure(?)) and I play normal mazes as normal, every 2h you get 1 pace and they stack up to x amount, i try to get as many sweets as i can wich are extra paces that you can stack as many as you want and I dont use them.

Then on the 20th(or before, just soon enought so my energy is full when divine portals open) I stop using my paces and save them for when divine portals open and on the 21st I go on the divine portal and use all my paces and sweets that I saved up in the previous weeks, then I have some days of free paces and then I spend the passes.

And thats pretty much it, idk if you'll save many passes saving sweets from the normal maces but anything helps, also I might go for copper too if my passes allow me, whats his pass droprate if anyone knows? Thanks for reading default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 11
  • Karma: 10 points
Seems like a solid plan, to be honest.

Dates for the event are on the update log in the homepage.
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Just remember that candies only stack up to 99, or at least they did on the test!

Copper drops a solid 50-60 passes per month, which is not bad. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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@Nalu93 - thanks for confirming it, I was looking at my trophies with real puzzlement default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 2,089
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Expect information on the Christmas packs to be released on

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Dec 11
  • Posted messages: 5,916
  • Karma: 10 points
Spyder wrote:

Expect information on the Christmas packs to be released on

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Dec 11

...So late? default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Nalu93 wrote:

...So late?

RobOw posted this on discord as a riddle.

More info about the Christmas Packs will be released on...
  • Posted messages: 5,916
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Spyder wrote:

More info about the Christmas Packs will be released on...

As somebody whose entire life was spent on classical studies (Italy has a strict separation of studies once you reach high school) and who has never seen something like this, I'll take your word for it and assume it solves to 11? default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Spyder wrote:

More info about the Christmas Packs will be released on...

I love how Howrse is categorized for kids on AppStore, and then the clues are math at university level default smiley (lol)

I do look forward to the sneak peek though! default smiley (h)
  • Posted messages: 896
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Spyder wrote:

More info about the Christmas Packs will be released on...
The suggestion to use AI to solve it is confusing, as AI (in the Chat GPT sense) is notoriously bad at math haha. I suppose time will tell lol

Given that RobOw encouraged the use of AI, at least for me Chat GPT's solution to the math problem would suggest the date would actually be:
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Dec 14th or Dec 10th (I've gotten both answer from it in separate chats). Only a few extra days over the actual answer to the equation (11), but it does make me wonder
Stormy Muse
  • Posted messages: 666
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I'm just looking at this sourcery and admiring all of you who try to answer this thing default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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A cheap scientific calculator will do the trick.
That cosigns and logs were introduced to us in high school. Algebra II was literally my least favorite class, and that calculator was my best friend. The class joked we'd nevernsee that stuff in the real world, unless we went into architecture or became a mathematician/chemist or something. Lo and behold, today is probably the first day since that I've seen it in the real worlddefault smiley (lol) (if a game counts as "real world")
Legacy Ann
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