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This event again.default smiley :s I hope they've made some improvements, last time it was so boring and I really couldn't wait for it to be over. On the plus side, it's one of those events you can ignore for days and then do a bunch in one go.
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By Retired breeder, 6th September 2022 20:11:37
Nalu93 wrote:

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Little Red Riding Hood

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Ooh, I really want Little Red Riding Hood. She looks so pretty.
jsniper wrote:

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You CAN win fragments again if you decide to do another run through of the event default smiley (y) Bundles of 100x and 125x frags are on the board default smiley ^)

Which event is this?
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The Trip offering Little Red or the Blast with Mordred?
  • Posted messages: 963
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Veren wrote:

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The Trip offering Little Red or the Blast with Mordred?

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Trip with Little Red!
  • Posted messages: 12,360
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Hi all, hope this is the correct place to ask this..

Does anyone know what the next event is? Really hoping for one that’ll give a Hestias gift as a prize as waiting on breeding my draft unicorns just incase default smiley :)

Thanks for reading
  • Posted messages: 138
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phillipparoby22 wrote:

Hi all, hope this is the correct place to ask this..

Does anyone know what the next event is? Really hoping for one that’ll give a Hestias gift as a prize as waiting on breeding my draft unicorns just incase default smiley :)

Thanks for reading

We know the next two events, those being
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the block blast and after that the hike.
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  • Posted messages: 138
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Nalu93 wrote:

They TRICKED us!

They told us it was a Hike, but instead...

I could be wrong...

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... But I still think we're getting a Hike event. Those.... uhhh arrow things? lol in that image I posted are from the Hike, aren't they? At least I don't see them in the Journey spoilers. Or maybe they have to do with something else, idk. I just don't see how they apply to current spoilers, but maybe I'm blind lol.
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But then again... if they're from September's preview, I guess you would assume it will show up in September and not later... I have no idea. I guess I'm just confused on where they fit with current spoilers.
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I really miss the stagecoach event. I know it wasn't everyone's favorite, but as someone that loves foundation horses, I loved getting to keep them at the time. It would make a nice change from the repeated events we have been seeing lately, as I think the last one was 2019.
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I really miss the stagecoach event. I know it wasn't everyone's favorite, but as someone that loves foundation horses, I loved getting to keep them at the time. It would make a nice change from the repeated events we have been seeing lately, as I think the last one was 2019.

I don’t remember the stagecoach event. How did it work? I’d be down though for Howrse recycling some older events. I’ve been missing the plants event.
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CrimsonDax wrote:

I don’t remember the stagecoach event. How did it work? I’d be down though for Howrse recycling some older events. I’ve been missing the plants event.

It's basically where we got given some horses and had to travel to get prizes on a coach/sleigh. The first one was how the reindeer were introduced, we all got given Blitzen at the start and as we progressed we got given more reindeer to hook up to the sleigh and could travel farther. Due to it being a Christmas promo, we could eventually travel to get divines.

The second used the same concept, but we were given foundation horses with a bonus to use, but this one wasn't Christmas themed. They aren't as easy to find anymore, especially Texas, who was a cremello quarter horse, but horses like Nevada are semi easy to find and can be recognized through the stagecoach bonus.
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Interesting. I've seen horses like Nevada in the sales before but hadn't ever focused on them being foundations from an event. Thank you for explaining, Oathkeeper! That sounds like a fun promo and it would definitely be a nice reprieve from the event recycling. It was fun last year when I was still getting used to the new Howrse, but now I find myself wishing that Howrse would introduce new events or recycle older ones rather than continuing to do multiples of the same event all in one year.
  • Posted messages: 831
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I really miss the stagecoach event. I know it wasn't everyone's favorite, but as someone that loves foundation horses, I loved getting to keep them at the time. It would make a nice change from the repeated events we have been seeing lately, as I think the last one was 2019.

Big YES from me!! I collect foundies and have a separate farm for Stagecoach foundies. So would love another go of the event. Though, sales would stress me out because I would want to buy the ones people sell off lol.

And yeah, Arizona and Montana are easiest to find. Then Nevada and Colorado. I only have 2 Texas's, one of them being mine. Texas must have been given/obtained later in the event, and with a lot of people not always having the time to login and play the events diligently, I assume not as many people got Texas. They're super easy to spot in sales if you know what to look for though.default smiley 8-) Which makes me sound super lame... But hey! We all got something that we stalk sales for.default smiley xd
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wynter12 wrote:

Big YES from me!! I collect foundies and have a separate farm for Stagecoach foundies. So would love another go of the event. Though, sales would stress me out because I would want to buy the ones people sell off lol.

And yeah, Arizona and Montana are easiest to find. Then Nevada and Colorado. I only have 2 Texas's, one of them being mine. Texas must have been given/obtained later in the event, and with a lot of people not always having the time to login and play the events diligently, I assume not as many people got Texas. They're super easy to spot in sales if you know what to look for though.default smiley 8-) Which makes me sound super lame... But hey! We all got something that we stalk sales for.default smiley xd

Same, i collect them and have a separate farm for them. So far i have 160. I'm also in the same boat with Texas, as i have just two, and one is my own lol. I think his rare coat also keeps more of them out of sales, along with higher prices for those that are in sales, and like you said, being rarer to begin with. I so love that they are foundies! If i see one for a good price you can bet i'm snapping it up lol.default smiley xd
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Does anyone know if there will be card packs for sale for the current event?
  • Posted messages: 35
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forensicgirl wrote:

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Does anyone know if there will be card packs for sale for the current event?

As this is part of an ongoing promo, it's fine to ask in the topic dedicated to it. default smiley (y) As for your question - yes, all promos have the offer on the 2nd and 3rd weekend of the event.
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This weekend

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Brumby (wild), Samurai (japanese) and Я ЛЮБЛЮ ТЕБЯ (love)
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Just collected with the x2 bonus from Quindecim so make sure to check today and tomorrow to get your bonus passes!
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forensicgirl wrote:

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Does anyone know if there will be card packs for sale for the current event?

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They usually have joker packs too
  • Posted messages: 6,221
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Thank you so much Oathkeeper and Ruffian! I will watch for the packs this weekend.
  • Posted messages: 35
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Regarding the autumnal mine, are there grail frags in the chests or do we have to get all 1000 from luck items?
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Wait so which event is next?
  • Posted messages: 355
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Jayco wrote:

Wait so which event is next?

I believe it's this one.

Legacy Ann wrote:

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Legacy Ann wrote:

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(You'll need to scroll over to the see the entire image, or open in a new tab).
The designs to choose from are currently from the whole alphabet (A-Z), but I just included the first few letters to save space. They all have the same font/design.

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