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ShadowKokufu wrote:

The last divines that I remember were the Maoris. They went through the the ones that give 5th element coats and some of the rest of the Maori series. Although, I don't remember if that was the only series in there or if they cycled through the entire Maori series.

They didn't.
Rongo was the only one with Mahuika.

SO, because I wanted to be sure, I went on a trip down memory lane.

Divines offered so far:

- Snowy Balios (2015)
- Frost (2015)
- Winter (2015)
- Snow (2015)

- Mist (2016)
- Winter (2016)
- Sagittarius (2016)
- Snowy Balios (2016)

- Rongo (2017)
- Je T'Aime (2017)
- Cernunnos (2017)
- Fern (2017)

- Tyr (2018)
- Dagda (2018)
- Mahuika (2018)
-Te Quiero (2018)

And yes. I checked every single tweet on Twitter.
Before 2016 there was only 1 Divine offered on the 24th, usually to those who bought passes before opening.
Exceptions were timed contests, where the first 100 who clicked on the case got the Divine, usually a Mythological one such as Xanthos default smiley :)
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Doubled back and checked Equideow, and noticed I missed some...

Forgot 2019!

- Lokoum
- Bonsai
- Ti Amo
- Rongo

And I missed one default smiley :p

- Bragi (2018)
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I've never won a divine via advent calendar through all my years here. Hoping that 2020 is my lucky year!

Also regarding this weekend's luck promo, it is a good thing I've saved from passes and scales default smiley (lol) he's gonna be a bugger
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I've won a divine through advent calendar, but it was on a server where I wasn't active and later got deleted. default smiley (lol)
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Nalu93 wrote:

Preprod testers:

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Do you think you could share what you found in the calendar so far? I'd love to see if we could compile a semi-complete list.
Of course, we won't be able to check the Divines because preprod closes this Sunday, but I'm curious to see what's in (Prizes are, as usual, scrambled across the 24 cases).

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100 Alfalfa seeds
Ploutos' Parchment
Apollo's Lyre
2** Polo Wraps
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Visenya wrote:

That's it? default smiley :(

Are you kidding?? I would even suggest they release Solars in halfs if that was possible!! default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 6th November 2020 08:55:52
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hmm, I didn't get an invite or mail for the new pre-pod server(if there was one) but I got one for the rider's store. any idea why? (I didn't test Rider's store because the spaces were full before I could get in)
Retired breeder wrote:

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hmm, I didn't get an invite or mail for the new pre-pod server(if there was one) but I got one for the rider's store. any idea why? (I didn't test Rider's store because the spaces were full before I could get in)

Without knowing when you got that message or any specifics it's hard for any of us to help you ^^'
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By Retired breeder, 6th November 2020 09:13:50
5 TU and 54 fragments, neptune is super expensive

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The first Divine of 2020 is Jag Alskar Dig
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Pass UFOs have appeared guys.

I just grabbed a +1000 free in preparation for the next event.
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Nalu93 wrote:

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The first Divine of 2020 is Jag Alskar Dig

I've got a feeling it changed on live last year....
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RowanGreen wrote:

I've got a feeling it changed on live last year....

Not as far as I remember...? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they were consistent.
Also, it would check out with the previous timelines default smiley :)
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Well I got 10 energy point..close enough to the Divine! But..why are they releasing a Love divine at Christmas? Is it their way of telling us they love us? default smiley :o (Seeing as Jag Alskar Dig means I love you, I'm pretty sure)
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jsniper wrote:

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Well I got 10 energy point..close enough to the Divine! But..why are they releasing a Love divine at Christmas? Is it their way of telling us they love us? default smiley :o (Seeing as Jag Alskar Dig means I love you, I'm pretty sure)

They always do. Check the list up, and you'll see that one of the new ones is always offered default smiley ;)
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Actually maybe I was doing some wishful thinking....

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Come to think of it, I did point out in preprod last year that Loukoum wasn't the best to offer, since getting him would be annoying to most who got him. Fairly useless on his own, and even more useless to those who'd already got him for free in his event and either still needed the mare or didn't need a second stallion! I think they did have Loukoumi in the Christmas event though didn't they?
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RowanGreen wrote:

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Come to think of it, I did point out in preprod last year that Loukoum wasn't the best to offer, since getting him would be annoying to most who got him. Fairly useless on his own, and even more useless to those who'd already got him for free in his event and either still needed the mare or didn't need a second stallion! I think they did have Loukoumi in the Christmas event though didn't they?

We did, she was in the Maze.
I was so sad I got her and not Lokoum, which I REALLY wanted.
Apart from..., you know,... Rongo *twitches*
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Wasn't Jag Älskar Dig released a long time ago? I remeber giving it away this february on the swedish server.
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Nevermind, I read that wrong.
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By Retired breeder, 7th November 2020 09:17:03
@Nalu93, about my message regarding the pre-prod server and how I wasn't invited in again, this was the mail I got :
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sorry, its a little blurry, but you hope you kind of get the idea
Retired breeder wrote:

@Nalu93, about my message regarding the pre-prod server and how I wasn't invited in again, this was the mail I got

That's the preprod announcement every tester gets.
We all get that. Then it's a matter of finding the banner on the homepage and get a place.
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By Retired breeder, 7th November 2020 10:59:22
I got the banner as well, but it was full by the time I clicked into it. My question is if there was a new pre-pod because I didn't get a mail or banner about it. If there was, why didn't I get invited? Sorry if the question was unclear
Retired breeder wrote:

I got the banner as well, but it was full by the time I clicked into it. My question is if there was a new pre-pod because I didn't get a mail or banner about it. If there was, why didn't I get invited? Sorry if the question was unclear

There was not. We're still at the
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rider's shop. Next preprod is next week.
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Is howrse ever gonna reward players with a free divine after an event again after the last pinata events Falabella? I am a newer player and i don't have enough passes to buy luck items consecutively. do any of you know of any upcoming events where divines will be rewarded to the players if they complete the event? tysm! just want to know when and where to save my passes.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

Is howrse ever gonna reward players with a free divine after an event again after the last pinata events Falabella? I am a newer player and i don't have enough passes to buy luck items consecutively. do any of you know of any upcoming events where divines will be rewarded to the players if they complete the event? tysm! just want to know when and where to save my passes.

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We don't know of any events yet, but Black Friday is coming, and last year there were divines in sales. They aren't free, but all you have to do is save up passes and you may be able to snatch a divine or two. Make sure to keep checking the spoiler zone if you do want to see if there are events where divines will be free if you complete the event
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