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Bumping .
Legacy Ann wrote:

Here we are folks,
W_H master post (April 18)
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Next big event after Ow's Memories is the Wandering Horses. Like last time we’ll have to wait to unlock some of the horses so not all will be available right from the start. You don’t do anything special to unlock them we just have to wait a few days. The length I had to wait differs from what Equideow players are reporting so it’s possible the wait times will change when this goes live, and as such I didn’t write down what the times were, but the order in which I’m listing them should be the order they unlock with at least two unlocking a day.

You can also give these horses x number of colored crystals, which give 1 point each, to unlock instead of only doing the objectives. I indicated next to each horse what color crystal it requires. Regardless, you have to reach 100 points through the objective/crystal to obtain each Wanderer. You get crystals from: UFOs (players can put them as personal UFOs as well), buying with passes throughout the contest or buying them in Crystal Packs.

List of W.Horses including: crystal color, objective, points give per objective, **my** estimate, and prize.

>>Taiga: Won at end of tutorial
=Prizes: x100 carrots, 1 Fertility Wand, 1000equus

>>Rainforest: (red crystal) Log in for the first time each day-6 points per day.
-Estimate: About 17 log ins required or 100 red crystals
-Prizes: Philotes Stroke, Medusa’s Blood

>>Bush: (orange crystal) Take part in competitions- 0.1 points per competition ***NOTE*** the points earned per competition entered will likely depend on the number of horses you have so players with less horses should likely get more points per participation.
-Estimate: 1000 competitions for me at .1 point per comp. Or 100 orange crystals
-Prizes: Philosopher’s Stone, Achilles’ Heel

>>Desert: (Yellow crystal): Give crystals to other horses- 0.3 points per crystal given. ***NOTE*** giving crystals to the community Wanderer does NOT count towards Desert.
-Estimate: 334 crystals given to other horses or 100 yellow crystals given to Desert
-Prizes: Shower, Themis Scales

>>Tundra: (Red crystal) Be congratulated-1 point per congratulations.
-Estimate: 100 congratulations or 100 red crystals
-Prize: 10,000 equus, Bonus Pack

>>Mangrove: (purple crystal) Play foal games with foals-1 point per 30 minutes of play
-Estimate: 50 hours of foal games or 100 purple crystals
-Prizes: x50 flax, x1 Pink 2** polo wraps, Croesus’ Fortune

>>Moor: (Yellow crystal) Celebrate the ___ birthday of horses- 15 points per horse **NOTE** the birthday noted on preprod is a horse’s 30th birthday but they said it will be higher when this goes live. It was a horse’s 50th birthday last time, and is the birthday noted on Equideow so it’s *possible* a horse has to reach its 50th this time. Placing a Piece of Cloud Pack on your horse and aging it back worked last edition and worked on preprod as well.
-Estimate: 7 horses aged to __ year or 100 yellow crystals
-Prizes: 5th Element, Horseshoe Studs

>>Forest: (blue crystals) Give apples to other player’s horses-1 point per apple
-Estimate: give 100 apples to horses or 100 blue crystals
-Prizes: x100 leather, x1 2** saddle cloth, x10 aging points

>>Reef: (red crystal) Donate horses to Ow-10 points per horse
-Estimate: 10 horses donated or 100 red crystals
-Prizes: Tractor, 50,000 equus

>>Swamp: (purple crystal) Donate store items to your friends- 17 points per donated item
-Estimate: 6 items to donate or 100 purple crystals
-Prizes: 3*** Classical Saddle, Spurs, Ploutos’ Parchment

>>Abyss: (orange crystal) Give birth to unicorns- 10 points per unicorn born
**NOTE** Twins will work for this so if you have a Hestia's Gift+Fertility Wand then you can really swipe this out easily
-Estimate: 10 unicorn foals born or 100 orange crystals
-Prizes: Horn of Plenty, x20 aging points

>>Ice: (blue crystals) Go on rides with horses - .25 points per 30 minutes of ride **NOTE** points given for this may also depend on how many horses you own. Also, rides with your Solar divines do count for this.
-Estimate: 200 hours of rides for me or 100 blue crystals
-Prizes: 2**ear bonnet, 3*** classical bridle, Apollo’s Lyre

>>Savanna: (orange crystal) Remove wings from Pegasus, Winged Unicorns or Winged Drafts- 5 points per horse
-Estimate: 20 Winged horses or 100 orange crystals
-Prizes: Harmony Pack, Z. Lightning Bolt

>>Steppe: (purple crystal) give mashes to horses- 10 points per mash
-Estimate: 10 mashes given or 100 purple crystals
-Prizes: 5,000 equus, Bell Boots, Black Orchid

>>Atoll (yellow crystals) Open Horns of Plenty - 6 points per HoP opened
-Estimate: 17 HoPs or 100 yellow crystals
-Prizes: Water of Youth, Nyx Pack

>>Foreshore: Get all the other Wandering Horses - 7 points per Wanderer obtained
Prize: the divine horse Alga

Special offer+Prizes+Divine
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We’re getting crystals in Crystal Packs.

Crystal Packs (1 pass or 10 diamonds): Each pack contains
6 x Blue crystal
6 x Purple crystal
6 x Red crystal
6 x Orange crystal
6 x Yellow crystal

I listed all the prizes next to each corresponding Wanderer in the spoiler above, but here is an overview with Alga’s description

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Read through the list of Wanderer objectives to see what you’ll need for each and stock up beforehand since the cost of older horses and Pegasus in sales will go up. During the contest make sure you read when each Wanderer will unlock because points for it won’t count until it’s unlocked. For example, on day one you open Horns of Plenty, but you won’t get points for the Atoll Wanderer because he isn’t unlocked yet.
-Catch all crystal UFOs possible. Though you might want to pass on colors you don’t need so the next crystal UFO will hopefully be a color you do need. EX: Savanna requires you to remove Pegasus wings and he also takes orange crystals. You may want to pass on the blue crystals that go towards easy Wanderer objectives in favor of finding orange crystal UFOs

*****Overall spending:******
There is some crafty math involved here thanks to Desert (give 334 crystals to other horses or 100 crystals to him) but being strategic about how you do this can decrease your pass cost considerably, especially if you already have HoPs in stock because then you only need to buy Crystal Packs. Make sure you leave at least 1 Wanderer of each color crystal unfinished that you can give crystals to to earn points for Desert.

I'd suggest leaving the colors with harder objectives unfinished so you don't have to do that action several times (example, leave the orange crystal horse Savanna unfinished if you don't want to de-wing loads of Pegasi). It will help to list each Wanderer under its corresponding crystal color so you'll easily see which horse needs which color crystal.

My overall advice for this one is to just read each Wanderer information now so you can stock up on items/horses and read the instructions carefully when the contest starts so you know which Wanderer unlocks when.

New this edition
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The Community Wandering Horse
Each time the community gives 2000 crystals to the horse, a Wandering Community Horse is triggered and will wander from player account to player account even after the contest ends and until the next edition of wandering horses.

The goal is that the entire community gives enough crystals to the community horse to activate its appearance on the game.

The number of crystals to give to the community horse to activate a copy is 2,000.

As soon as this goal is reached, the progress bar returns to 0 and you can begin again to give crystals to activate an additional copy of the community wandering horse.

Each copy of the community horse stays on the game after the contest ends until a new edition of the Wandering Horse contest arrives on the game.
Where does the community horse begin?

When a copy of the Community Wandering Horse has been enabled, it arrives in Ow's breeding farm.

Starting from the following daily update, the horse leaves Ow's breeding farm and visits another player's breeding farm for a duration of 24 hours. When this 24-hour period is over, the horse leaves that player's breeding farm to go and visit another player's breeding farm, and so on and so on.

The player who receives the visit from the community nomad is selected from all the players:
- who logged in the day before
- having completed the tutorial
- having not been visited by another Community horse in the last 30 days

When a player receives a visit from the community nomad, they are notified by a private message.

In addition to receiving a visit from the community wandering horse, we offer this player a chance to buy the Wanderer's Spirit item on the Black Market during that period of time.

****note*** it’s possible that more than one community Wanderer could be enabled and float around the game after the contest ends. Underneath his picture you can see we've activated two copies so far on preprod.

Please read all spoilers carefully before asking questions in case your question is answered in here. We are not given dates before hand about when events start so we don't know for sure when it will.
  • Posted messages: 9,353
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Also images of the W_H_
Legacy Ann wrote:

Here are the images, which are nice I have to say
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  • Posted messages: 9,353
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Well...some of the images I should say.
  • Posted messages: 9,353
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Omg the W__H__ have good prices and even though I don't have so many things on this account it looks like I have a chance to get some good thingsdefault smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 891
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When is the Wandering Horses promo coming out? I'm curious, as I'm stockpiling on Peggi's and I'm wondering how much time I have. I've gotten 10 so far today, only need 10 more before I buy them to make a profit.

Also, when is the Birthday promo coming? I don't want to miss out on that.
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By Retired breeder, 20th April 2017 01:32:09
Will we be able to
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Complete the wandering horses out of order? There are some that I know I won't be able to do but there are others after them that I know I could do. For example, could I do Reef before Moor?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Complete the wandering horses out of order? There are some that I know I won't be able to do but there are others after them that I know I could do. For example, could I do Reef before Moor?

Yes you will be able to default smiley :)
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Thanks Legacy Ann from 2 or 3 pages ago...sorry I am always late, even in thanking people...default smiley :(
Well, thanks again! default smiley :-))
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By Retired breeder, 20th April 2017 10:20:59
I know you guys already saw pictures of W_ H_ but someone asked for names as well so I put them all together if anyone is curious. default smiley 8-)

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Floe - aka Ice in Legacy Ann's masterpost (thank you!)






Community W_ H_:

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By Retired breeder, 20th April 2017 12:58:01
What's the difference between the
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community wandering horse and the regular wandering horses?
Retired breeder wrote:

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community wandering horse and the regular wandering horses?
From the description of the
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community Wanderer in the "new this edition" spoiler:The Community Wandering Horse Each time the community gives 2000 crystals to the horse, a Wandering Community Horse is triggered and will wander from player account to player account even after the contest ends and until the next edition of wandering horses." The Community Wanderer(s) wander from account to account even after the contest ends and "In addition to receiving a visit from the community wandering horse, we offer this player a chance to buy the Wanderer's Spirit item on the Black Market during that period of time." Whereas with the regular Wanderers you have to complete on your own it stays in your account for 5 days and you're guaranteed to have it visit you so long as you filled its points bar to 100
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 20th April 2017 13:18:59
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I haven't read into this community wanderer, but I feel it should only have a chance to go to those that have donated crystals to it, just like in other promos where only those that took part got the item if the goal was met
Good news:

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I watched a video concerning the wandering horses on the test server and how to complete stuff, how many crystals, etc.

For the objective about the horse's B-day it looks it won't be 50 and instead 30. Unless this is changed, we'll have to celebrate 7 30 year old horses' B-day.
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Yᴀɴɢᴡᴏʟғ wrote:

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I watched a video concerning the wandering horses on the test server and how to complete stuff, how many crystals, etc.

For the objective about the horse's B-day it looks it won't be 50 and instead 30. Unless this is changed, we'll have to celebrate 7 30 year old horses' B-day.

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The preprod objective was set to 30 years, but we were told by Admin that the objective will be a higher birthday when this goes live. It won't necessarily be 50 either, I just noted it's possible it will be 50 as that's what it was last time, but it should end up being higher than 30
Legacy Ann
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So what is the next promo?
  • Posted messages: 228
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silvermoons wrote:

So what is the next promo?

Literally just have to look at the first post on this page... All the information is there.
  • Posted messages: 141
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whats the next promo thing (not like the contests, but the things like the HOPs, Golden Fleeces, etc) and what divine horse will be in it?
Emma Pacheco
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Emma Pacheco wrote:

whats the next promo thing (not like the contests, but the things like the HOPs, Golden Fleeces, etc) and what divine horse will be in it?

Those things do not need to be tested, so they usually don't show up in preprod, so you will have to wait and see default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 21st April 2017 17:39:32
Will Virgo be in HOP?
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 21st April 2017 18:06:43
Here is a list of the W_ H_ that you can potentially get for no passes!

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Here is a list of wandering horses you can potentially get for no passes!


Donate crystals to the Community Wandering Horse
49 points per crystal donated
**Tutorial Horse!**

Gives: 100 carrots, 1,000 equus, Fertility Wand.


Take part in competitions
X points per participation in competitions
***Points per competition will vary per person! Last time it was based on how many horses you had!***

Gives: Achilles' Heel and Philosopher's Stone.


Log in for the first time of the day
6 points per first login of the day
**Will take 17 days to reach the goal!**

Gives: Philotes' Stroke and Medusa's Blood


Be congratulated
1 point per congratulations
**Will take 100 congratulations to reach the goal!**

Gives: 10,000 equus and Bonus Pack.


Play with foals
1 point per 30 minutes spent playing with a foal
***Points per foal game will vary per person! Last time it was based on how many horses you had!***

Gives: 50 flax, 2** polo wraps, Croesus' Fortune.


Celebrate a horse's X birthday
15 points per horse
**Last time it was the 50th birthday! Will take 7 horses to reach the goal!**

Gives: Horseshoe Studs and 5th Element.


Give apples to other players' horses
5 points per apple donated
**Will take 20 apples to reach the goal!**

Gives: 100 leather, 10 Aging Points, 2** saddle cloth.


Donate horses to Ow
X points per horse donated
***Points per horse donated will vary per person! Last time it was based on how many horses you had!***

Gives: Tractor and 50,000 equus.


Take horses for rides
X points per 30-minute horse ride
***Points per ride will vary per person! Last time it was based on how many horses you had!***

Gives: 2** ear bonnet, 3*** classical bridle, Apollo's Lyre.


Donate items from the shop to your friends
100 points per donated item
**Will take 10 donated items to reach the goal!**

Gives: ***3 classical saddle, spurs, Ploutos' Parchment


Give birth to unicorns
10 points per unicorn born
**Will take 10 unicorn births to reach the goal!**

Gives: 20 aging points and Horn of Plenty.


Remove the wings from winged horses
5 points per wing removed
**Will take 20 de-wingings to reach the goal!**

Gives: Zeus' Lightning Bolt and Harmony Pack.


Give horses mashes
10 points per mash used
**Will take 10 mashes to reach the goal!**

Gives: Bell boots, 5,000 equus, Black Orchid.


Open Horns of Plenty
6 points per Horn of Plenty opened
**Will take 17 Horn of Plenty to reach the goal! You can get free HOPs potentially by stroking Xanthos every day!**

Gives: Water of Youth and Nyx Pack.

****Please keep in mind points per action done may vary per account!****

Hope this helps everyone. default smiley (h)
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Man, of course there had to be a HoP weekend promo right before a promo that requires you to open 17 HoPs. default smiley :s
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By Retired breeder, 22nd April 2017 15:29:24
I'm assuming the answer if no since I couldn't find anything on earlier pages, but just to check: does anyone here know what the "nice reveal" said(in the mysteries of howrse topic) to be happening in the next couple days is?
Also as a side note, I don't think I need a spoiler banner since it's been stated by a admin in the other topic, but if I do I am sorry for not putting one.
Retired breeder wrote:

I'm assuming the answer if no since I couldn't find anything on earlier pages, but just to check: does anyone here know what the "nice reveal" said(in the mysteries of howrse topic) to be happening in the next couple days is? Also as a side note, I don't think I need a spoiler banner since it's been stated by a admin in the other topic, but if I do I am sorry for not putting one.
We've got
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the birthday candle hunt coming up sometime soon, but otherwise we didn't test anything else on preprod to give us further hints. I'm fairly certain it's not related to the Birthday candles since we've had that before and the clues we've been given don't relate to it
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 22nd April 2017 16:07:44
Legacy Ann, thanks for answering!
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