[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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I heard that
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the egg fight is next
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2017 22:19:02
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Ugh another UFO promo?
We did not test
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an egg fight, or any other UFO event, during the last round of testing so if we do get a UFO fight around the same time as Ow's Memory Event and Birthday it will be a surprise. If an egg fight is in testing on Equideow now then we probably won't see it until after the Memory Eventdefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Here are the images, which are nice I have to say
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I LOVE the designs for these. They are really gorgeous, but anyway hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff out of this promo.default smiley (7)
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Legacy Ann wrote:

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this seems legit. The Equideow spoiler forum has been talking about it since yesterday, and there is lots of information about it if anyone would like to head to that server to know more about that and a unicorn breeding update (I'm not fully understanding what that update is about as the translation is a little wonky, so I'm holding off bringing that info over) until our own preprod opens up.

If by chance, someone has screenshots about the
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unicorn breeding update
from Equideow (or a link that would take me to them), I can try my hand at it. I'm a French minor, so I understand fairly well. I'm by no means fluent, but might be able to sort it out better than an auto-translator.
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am hoping beyond hope that those become Wanderer's Spirit Coats
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2017 17:24:26
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Wanderer coats are GORGEOUS!!!
Woolymammoth wrote:

If by chance, someone has screenshots about the

Here is a sort of translation.

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The new one for the breeding of unicorns
Stockbreeders of unicorns, we simplify you the life: more need to await 12 H between two sessions, nor to have patience 30 days to be able to change the hour of selected projection.
Finished the 12 hours of waiting and the constraint of the fixed hours, the breeding of unicorns is simplified for you!
For your projections of unicorns, you now have two 60 seconds sessions per day (of hour of maintenance at hour of maintenance) and choose yourself when to activate them. Thus, you are completely flexible: your hours of unicorns adapt to all your constraints of timetable and can take place each day at different times!
Appointment on the page of the unicorn which you wish to cover. Prepare the projection by choosing a male and the possible objects of the black market which you wish to use. At the time when you validate the projection, a session of projection starts. The meter is started and you have 60 seconds to carry out all the projections which you wish.
If no session is available, the button to validate the projection is grayed and one indicates to you how long you must still wait before being able to launch the next session.
Easy ways:
Not to start a session of projection under bad conditions, it is not possible any more to reproduce an unicorn with an unicorn of another race or a horse.
For account VIP pucevip, the advantage with the chart “Modify the hour of projections of your unicorns every 15 days instead of 30” is removed. Appointment on the page of the subscriptions to choose new!
The operation of the Gift of Hestia remains unchanged: the object always enables you to obtain an unicorn, it does not matter the hour of the projection, and does not start a session of projections of unicorns.
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Spyder wrote:

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Not to start a session of projection under bad conditions, it is not possible any more to reproduce an unicorn with an unicorn of another race or a horse.

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BLESSSS. This is so helpful.

Not sure I fully understand the change - does this mean that you can literally activate your two 60s at any time? So for example, I could activate one an hour before update, BLUP the uni foal (assuming really good luck), activate a few minutes before update, BLUP, then activate two more and BLUP after update? (ie. theoretically moving 4 generations in like two hours?)

Other than that, I think this looks like a decent change. I always miss my UBT and have to change my time zone, this seems like it will give me more control.
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Here is the original French post. Maybe my translation is off so if anyone can do better, please do.default smiley :)

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Du nouveau pour l’élevage de licornes

Éleveurs de licornes, nous vous simplifions la vie : plus besoin d’attendre 12 h entre deux sessions, ni de patienter 30 jours pour pouvoir changer l’heure de saillie choisie.

Finies les 12 heures d’attente et la contrainte des heures fixes, l’élevage de licornes se simplifie pour vous !

Pour vos saillies de licornes, vous disposez maintenant de deux sessions de 60 secondes par jour (d’heure de maintenance à heure de maintenance) et choisissez vous-même quand les activer. Ainsi, vous êtes totalement flexible : vos heures de licornes s'adaptent à toutes vos contraintes d'emploi du temps et peuvent avoir lieu chaque jour à des moments différents !

Rendez-vous sur la page de la licorne que vous souhaitez saillir. Préparez la saillie en choisissant un mâle et les éventuels objets du marché noir que vous souhaitez utiliser. Au moment où vous validez la saillie, une session de saillie commence. Le compteur est déclenché et vous disposez de 60 secondes pour effectuer toutes les saillies que vous souhaitez.

Si aucune session n’est disponible, le bouton pour valider la saillie est grisé et on vous indique combien de temps vous devez encore attendre avant de pouvoir lancer la prochaine session.

Astuces :

Pour ne pas déclencher de session de saillie dans de mauvaises conditions, il n’est plus possible de reproduire une licorne avec une licorne d’une autre race ou un cheval.
Pour le compte VIP pucevip, l’avantage à la carte « Modifiez l'heure de saillies de vos licornes tous les 15 jours au lieu de 30 » est supprimé. Rendez-vous sur la page des abonnements pour en choisir un nouveau !
Le fonctionnement du Don d’Hestia reste inchangé : l’objet vous permet toujours d’obtenir une licorne, peu importe l’heure de la saillie, et ne déclenche pas de session de saillies de licornes.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2017 22:02:06
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2017 22:11:20
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Spyder wrote:

Here is the original French post. Maybe my translation is off so if anyone can do better, please do.default smiley :)

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Du nouveau pour l’élevage de licornes

Éleveurs de licornes, nous vous simplifions la vie : plus besoin d’attendre 12 h entre deux sessions, ni de patienter 30 jours pour pouvoir changer l’heure de saillie choisie.

Finies les 12 heures d’attente et la contrainte des heures fixes, l’élevage de licornes se simplifie pour vous !

Pour vos saillies de licornes, vous disposez maintenant de deux sessions de 60 secondes par jour (d’heure de maintenance à heure de maintenance) et choisissez vous-même quand les activer. Ainsi, vous êtes totalement flexible : vos heures de licornes s'adaptent à toutes vos contraintes d'emploi du temps et peuvent avoir lieu chaque jour à des moments différents !

Rendez-vous sur la page de la licorne que vous souhaitez saillir. Préparez la saillie en choisissant un mâle et les éventuels objets du marché noir que vous souhaitez utiliser. Au moment où vous validez la saillie, une session de saillie commence. Le compteur est déclenché et vous disposez de 60 secondes pour effectuer toutes les saillies que vous souhaitez.

Si aucune session n’est disponible, le bouton pour valider la saillie est grisé et on vous indique combien de temps vous devez encore attendre avant de pouvoir lancer la prochaine session.

Astuces :

Pour ne pas déclencher de session de saillie dans de mauvaises conditions, il n’est plus possible de reproduire une licorne avec une licorne d’une autre race ou un cheval.
Pour le compte VIP pucevip, l’avantage à la carte « Modifiez l'heure de saillies de vos licornes tous les 15 jours au lieu de 30 » est supprimé. Rendez-vous sur la page des abonnements pour en choisir un nouveau !
Le fonctionnement du Don d’Hestia reste inchangé : l’objet vous permet toujours d’obtenir une licorne, peu importe l’heure de la saillie, et ne déclenche pas de session de saillies de licornes.


*Note: Although a good bit of this is in past tense, I thought it would be helpful to remind everyone that this has not been brought to this server yet (although I would say it likely will be)

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New for unicorn breeding

Unicorn breeders, we are simplifying your lives: It will no longer be necessary to wait 12 hours between 2 sessions or wait out 30 days to be able to change your covering time.

Gone are the 12 hours of waiting and the constraint of fixed hours. Breeding unicorns has been simplified for you!

For your unicorn coverings, you now use two 60-second sessions each day (from one daily update to the other) and choose yourself when to activate them. Thus, it is totally flexible. your unicorn covering hours adapt to all your time constraints and can take place at different times each day!

Go to the page of the unicorn you want to cover. Prepare the covering by choosing a stallion and the BMIs you wish to use. When you confirm the covering, a covering session will begin. The counter begins and you have 60 seconds to do all the coverings you'd like.

If no session is available, the button to confirm the covering is grayed out and indicates how much time you must wait before you can start the next session.


In order to not start covering sessions in bad conditions, it is no longer possible to breed a unicorn with a unicorn of another breed or with a horse.

For VIP accounts, the advantage to "Modify your unicorn covering hours every 15 days instead of 30" has been removed. Go to the benefits page to choose another!

The use of Hestia's Gift is unchanged: the BMI allows you to always receive a unicorn, regardless of the covering time, and does not begin a unicorn covering session.
  • Posted messages: 648
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Woolymammoth wrote:

*Note: Although a good bit of this is in past tense, I thought it would be helpful to remind everyone that this has not been brought to this server yet (although I would say it likely will be

Is on the Equidow test server so is coming.
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2017 02:20:55
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When is the uni thing coming into effect?
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As a unicorn breeder I don't really care at all. I'm totally fine with ubt being at a fixed time, you just need to switch time zone and you can do it technically 24 times per day. Now you can only do it twice per day? default smiley :o
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Just a reminder - please use a spoiler if you're going to mention anything not yet on this server. That's sort of the point of this topic default smiley :)
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what a shame ......... those

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wandering horses are stunning - would have loved it if they were regular divine, and not horses that just pass by for a short period
oh well
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Sorry mink I completely forgot! default smiley :-x
Smokeys Girl
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Asfridur wrote:

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wandering horses are stunning - would have loved it if they were regular divine, and not horses that just pass by for a short period
oh well

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They will probably be coats available with the Wanderer's Spirit BMI soon after the WH promo, so you will be able to put them on as many horses as you want!
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Does anyone know when the Cards event will be coming back? I liked that one! default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 9th April 2017 09:53:53
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Regarding the egg fight; does anybody know what prizes will be there? default smiley *-)
Retired breeder wrote:

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Regarding the egg fight; does anybody know what prizes will be there? default smiley *-)
As I said farther up the page, we did not test
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an egg fight or any other UFO fight during the last round of testing. I checked out the last several spoiler pages on Equideow and didn't see mention of one in their current round of testing.. If there is one it will be a surprise or it will be after the Ow's Memory Event so we'd probably test that during the next preprod session
Legacy Ann
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If there was an egg fight, you'd assume it'd be next weekend. Seeing as it wasn't tested, it probably won't happen. They do tend to do little 3 day promos for holidays like Easter.
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