[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

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You can post screen shots as long as you also use the spoiler banner to cover them.

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
The_4th_Doctor wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

this belongs in the maze topic now default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 28th March 2017 17:52:30
minkthepink wrote:

I am reposting this as it's dropped back a page:

Please can we stick to discussing things *not* already on the game yet - that's the purpose of the spoiler topic. The maze has its own topic and the only thing that players might want to find here rather than there is a map to help them - anything else should be in the maze topic. By all means give a link to the maps to someone asking about them in the maze topic but please don't turn this one into a maze general discussion as it's all getting very muddled and confusing for players looking to find new information about upcoming events. If you have general questions about the maze, the maze topic is the place to go default smiley :)

Bumping up again.
Any one know what promo is after the mazes?
leavin his mark
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Yes, its been posted about in the last few pages
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I've checked back several pages, but it seems this isn't brought up very often.

In the past (when we had huge mazes), there were certain spots that had bigger prizes than others.
Is the same true for these maps? And if so, what spaces hold the biggest prizes?
Thank you!
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I am quite sorry. Just saw the post mink made.
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By Retired breeder, 28th March 2017 21:09:35
hi guys!

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When is the next horn of plenty special?
^ we don't know that info, they don't test those promos.
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I expect something to show up in the HOP this Friday but not sure what.
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why is this time's preprod different than the rest and will it stay this way? Raf said invites were sent to specific players and since I didn't get one and didn't see the banner on my home page (VIPs) I assume there's something different about this time around. I would like to know what's going on on preprod and why the changes to the way invitation was sent out as I had no knowledge that preprod had even started. I do quite enjoy working around in the preprod and testing the new features and commenting for better/worse and I feel this new way of doing things was NOT mentioned properly and it should have been in an announcement of some sort as I have not missed a preprod since I've become a vip and not being able to partake really puts a damper on the whole reason I have vip - plus the cs blunder this month so.....

Thank you,

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By Retired breeder, 29th March 2017 06:21:53
Hello, does anyone have pictures of Maze 2?
I already looked through this topic as well as the Maze one.

I would greatly appreciate the help.
Retired breeder wrote:

Hello, does anyone have pictures of Maze 2?
I already looked through this topic as well as the Maze one.

I would greatly appreciate the help.

go to the maze topic to ask these questions. before admin decide to lock this topic too because people can't follow the simplest of rules/instructions.

spoiler topic is for spoilers, i.e. things NOT already in the game.

The maze topic is for general questions/concerns/comments/strategies ---- anything to do with the mazes - which are already in the game and happening right now.

thank you
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By Retired breeder, 29th March 2017 06:59:53
I understand your concern, but the admin Cailow actually replied to a person asking for a map, telling them to come here.

The maps themselves are not readily revealed, unless you've already completed the maze with that map. So it could count as a spoiler.

Although, I do agree that other things specifically about the Maze event should be in the Maze topic.
page 2063 @alesia default smiley (y)
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Basic explanation
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Ow's Memories
You’re playing Memory, or match tiles, pretty much. You flip one tile over and then click another tile to flip that over. If you don’t have a match then both tiles flip back over and you have to try again. It takes 1 set of keys to unlock two tiles and your key will not be used until you flip over the second tile. You get 6 keys upon logging in.

I didn’t record which tile is where for each level because that would be a pain to do and I noticed when replaying levels (which you can do just for fun and without using keys or affecting anything) that the tiles aren’t in the same place, so it’s possible the tile placement won’t be the same for everyone anyway. If memory isn’t your thing, my advice is to write down or make your own tile map as you play each level because obviously the tile placement won’t change once you begin a level.

You get 3 objectives for each level that you can do in any order, skip or donate a BM item. Objectives are random but have the same level of difficulty so I didn’t write them down, but it’s the same type of objectives we see in any event like Great Challenge, etc. Rewards include extra keys and jokers (which are explained in next spoiler).

Overview of the board.

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The 4 Make a Pair (magnifying glass) joker highlights 4 tiles, one of which is the twin of the tile you turned over
**Note **they flash yellow, but I added a black ringed circle so you can see it better*

Favorable Alignment (crystal ball)joker highlights the row or column where the twin of the tile you turned over is hidden.

Family Ties (spellbook)The Family Ties joker highlights tiles in the same series/collection as the tile you turned over. Series/collections include Chocolates, Fruit, Halloween and Treasure Hunt items that we've seen before.

Collections+prizes+Special offers
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There is one prize per level and once you complete a level you get that prize.

**Special offers**
-Key pack: buy a pack of 5 keys for just 1 pass for the Ow's Memories event.
-I *think* the other offer is a Joker pack. 5 (random?) jokers for 1 pass. If we see that offer again I'll make note of it.

Other event+W.Draft Stuff
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The other event we’ll have is Horse’s 10th birthday (the candle hunt) that works exactly the same as the one we had a couple years ago, except the prize is Ow’s Helios Ray instead of a Vintage Apple. Find all 10 candles via the clues given to get the prize. I didn’t record the clues, but they’re pretty easy and we’ll probably be able to help each other in the Events topic if there is one when the contest begins.

It only lasts 24 hours, and the date is not specified. If they do have this on Howrse's Birthday, that is April 19th ish

W.Draft Stuff
But here's what's new concerning the Winged Drafts. Players will be able to start submitting coats for them within the next couple months, and we'll be getting a few new trophies with them which are:
-"winged draft horse breeds" (totally new trophy)
-the W.Draft will be added to the "Species" trophy
-W.Draft will be added to the "Golden Apple by Species" trophy
-W.Draft will be added to the "Retired GA by Species" trophy

And of course, you can't breed W.Draft foals. You have to apply the M.Blood
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 29th March 2017 13:53:50
Bell_z wrote:

page 2063 @alesia default smiley (y)

Thank you! Saved the maps, so that I won't have to come here so often. default smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 29th March 2017 13:59:33
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This new promo seems really confusing to me and I think it will take me a while to fully understand it.
opal wrote:


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why is this time's preprod different than the rest and will it stay this way? Raf said invites were sent to specific players and since I didn't get one and didn't see the banner on my home page (VIPs) I assume there's something different about this time around. I would like to know what's going on on preprod and why the changes to the way invitation was sent out as I had no knowledge that preprod had even started. I do quite enjoy working around in the preprod and testing the new features and commenting for better/worse and I feel this new way of doing things was NOT mentioned properly and it should have been in an announcement of some sort as I have not missed a preprod since I've become a vip and not being able to partake really puts a damper on the whole reason I have vip - plus the cs blunder this month so.....

Thank you,


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They opened it for one week just for "testers", then will open it up for others after that. The invites were sent on the 23rd so keep an eye out probably starting tomorrow for the regular VIP banner.
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Okay. O___ M___ is. Amazing. A useful tip in spoiler:

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Always loved memory games. Sure it does require you to have good memory too but do not fear friends! I have a tip for you who have hard to remember where things are on the screen!

The tip: Each time you unlock one of the boxes with images, do a screenshot and save it in Paint or another image program. That way you can track with an image is where when you need to click them again.default smiley (b)
Shishi no Seirei
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Uh @SilverStallion mink actually said the only thing players(us) might want to find here rather than the maze topic is a map to help them. So what alesia asked was legitimate.
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Also, for the memory game, how fast does tile #2 flip back over? I assume it does cause memory match.
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karateclown wrote:

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Also, for the memory game, how fast does tile #2 flip back over? I assume it does cause memory match.

The instructions say
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2 seconds. You click the second tile, if it's not a match, then at the end of 2 seconds the tiles flip back over. It sounds fast, but it's long enough to get a screenshot if you want to get one
Legacy Ann
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Yeah, I probably won't screen shot, I'll write it down, but can't screen shot.
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When will Ow's Memories event be happening?
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Also a note to all CS creators!

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Artists and collectors, get ready: the Draft horses will also appear in the Creative Space.

As of the next session of the Black Pearl (May 1st), you can submit coats in the category Winged Draft. They will then be visible in the votes and then you can buy them on May 26th. To your pencils!

Tip: Only horses older than 1 year and 6 months can use the Medusa's Blood. The wings are not transmitted to foals.

You know what it means! TIme to create!
Shishi no Seirei
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