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gabbigirl1 wrote:

[spoiler]Is the Christmas tree promo coming?spoiler]

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We don't know the exact date. However we guess that it will begin one week after the starting of the Advent Calendar.
  • Posted messages: 58
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

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I feel a bit silly for asking this but I looked through many pages and couldn't find anything. Will there be decorations in the calendar this year?
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There were on testing, though nothing great really. Mostly tinsel, baubles and the more common hanging ornaments. I'm thinking since this went live they decided to hold off on the releasing decorations in the Calendar until the Tree promo starts. I remember last year lots of people kept asking about decorations they were getting as the tree promo hadn't started yet.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2016 17:27:38
Is the Tree Decorating event coming this year! I was really looking forward to it!
Retired breeder wrote:

Is the Tree Decorating event coming this year! I was really looking forward to it!

Is it a question? Or is it expressing an opinion? If it's a question, then

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Yes, we will have a tree decorating promo, maybe one week after the start of the advent calendar. So it can begin on this Thursday. And if you wanted express your opinion , then I am happy too. default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 58
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2016 21:25:32
Retired breeder wrote:

Is the Tree Decorating event coming this year! I was really looking forward to it!
Next time please use a spoiler banner. Some people do not want to know about upcoming promos.
By Retired breeder, 7th December 2016 12:55:21
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I know with the Tree Decorating promo coming up, there's going to be some divines in the mix. Can someone tell me what the divine prizes are? Also, do you think we're going to get a HoP or Titan's Challenge promo coming up? I want to start saving already! default smiley :p
Retired breeder wrote:

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I know with the Tree Decorating promo coming up, there's going to be some divines in the mix. Can someone tell me what the divine prizes are? Also, do you think we're going to get a HoP or Titan's Challenge promo coming up? I want to start saving already! default smiley :p
The answer to your first question is in the first spoiler banner in the masterpost about 2 pages back. As for the second we never know when we'll get divines in luck items as that's not tested during preprod. All we know is that when they do occur it's on the weekends.
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

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Yes, Winter was switched out for the Wild horse

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A Drum horse is gotten by completing the tree you decorate in the tutorial. It appears we can also send for more Drum horse trees and get more as well. Not sure if that will apply to the live server, but we'll see. Otherwise, I think everything else is the same from the first prize images that were posted

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Changes from previous version

Promo instructions

Picking your prize:
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Yes, you don't need to choose a team of horses this time. You just click the forest you want that has the tree prize you want, then click an arrow to scroll through the trees in that forest. The board to the right tells you what decorations are required and a nifty check mark appears if you have the decorations needed for that tree! So no guessing or anything.

Item packs
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Here is a link to my post about Decoration Packs

Speeding up the expedition **UPDATE**
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These are the Express Delivery prices if you want to start decorating your tree right away. The original prices I posted were not correct as we experienced a bug that did not display the correct prices. The price decreases the longer you wait.
Nearyby Copse= 1 pass or 10 diamonds
Faraway Forest= 2 passes or 18 diamonds
Enchanted Grove= 3 passes or 32 diamonds
Divine Wood= 5 passes or 50 diamonds

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Info for the Advent Calendar

S__F__ prizes
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here are the prizes for the UFO snowball fight

  • Posted messages: 9,353
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2016 16:12:19
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Do we know yet of the date that the Snowball Fight will start? Thanks default smiley ^)
Are pass horses going away?
  • Posted messages: 19,186
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2016 18:45:13
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What divine is available the 10th?

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Is the thing with the dice coming back? The thing for Brave Purple, back in june. I really liked that format and hope there are more of those.
@ K14 that is unknown right now but i am sure it is
  • Posted messages: 865
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I have a question about Vintage Apples...

At any point in the future will we be able to trade them in the exchange or sell horses with them on?

If you don't know the answer, no worries, I am just curious as I haven't used any of mine and they are building up in my inventory.
  • Posted messages: 801
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*LipizzanerKgirl wrote:

Are pass horses going away?

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Yes. We don't know exactly when it will happen, just that is won't happen on this server before the end of the year. It is already live on some servers.

Pass horses will be replaced by a system similar to the loyal player pass, where you can earn up to 10 points a day by doing various actions on the game (though we do not know exactly what those actions are, and it seems to change every day). When you reach 30 points, you will be able to play a minigame to earn your pass. Theoretically this means we can get up to 10 passes a month, though people who play on the other servers have reported that it is difficult to get the full 10 points each day.

There will also be a new divine introduced called Yggdrasil, which will be the new use for old (25+) horses. You can obtain him by sending 10 old horses to heaven, and once you have him every old horse that dies and is sent to heaven will give you a tree ring that can be used to age Yggdrasil. As he ages, his appearance changes and you will be able to see a photo album of all the stages he has reached. There is also a ranking on his page for who has the oldest Yggdrasil. He has no skills and cannot be cared for.
  • Posted messages: 11,909
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2016 01:00:50
Retired breeder wrote:

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Is the thing with the dice coming back? The thing for Brave Purple, back in june. I really liked that format and hope there are more of those.
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I suppose you mean The Ride Promo? I liked it too, I hope they bring it back soon.
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Will there likely be a time where they have a special that doubles the amount of decoration she you get in the decoration packs? I remember that Howrse has done that before for several different events, and I don't really want to spend passes straight away if there will be a similar promotion
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Well I see promo will not work on touch screen.
Thats ok planned on sitting it out anyways.
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2016 14:11:39
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Does anyone know what decorations are needed to decorate the divine trees? Thanks in advance!
Can someone please let me know what the decorations required for the Celtic Divine are? And the most pass-efficient way to complete it?
  • Posted messages: 158
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I was about to ask the same question. ^

I'm sure some people have screenshots from prepod with the divine trees, just be patient ^-^
  • Posted messages: 3,275
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2016 15:28:29
Was it 5 trees you had to finish to get into the Divine Forest?
I feel stupid for asking but I have no idea.. what's the Equestrian Statuette?
  • Posted messages: 10,219
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I just found an answer in the Game Play forum thanks!
  • Posted messages: 10,219
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Retired breeder wrote:

Was it 5 trees you had to finish to get into the Divine Forest?

Aside from the tree in the tutorial, you have to finish 4 other trees to unlock the Divine Wild-wood.
  • Posted messages: 3,275
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2016 16:08:02
Thanks! ChloeRocks98.
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