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Sure thing Spyder, you got a valid point there. It does affect the game already regarding Divines, and the entry gap in skills does affect the lower GP horses. I agree, letting this go can easily be a game breaker.
However, for me, a possible loss of 50% of the passes I earn on game just now will be a safe game breaker way before the comp problem really kicks in. At times of holidays or illness, it will mean 100% loss of passes. I'll have to decide, VIP or keep my EC top with buying skillers every month. I tend to let VIP go, without I can still play my horses. But without my EC being top lesson I wouldn't bother anymore. I'm weird like that. I'm not planning to replace earned passes with buying more passes, because everything got a natural limit. Which in this case is available money and trust into the game. Means also no investment into promos anymore. Looks like a great way to "reward" loyal players. default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 670
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Pega wrote:

However, for me, a possible loss of 50% of the passes I earn on game just now will be a safe game breaker way before the comp problem really kicks in

In my case If this new system kicks in I will gain a couple million equs more a month so I will simply get richer. That part I like default smiley :)default smiley (y)
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Trouble is Spyder, you can't buy VIP for some mio equus and rarely a top skiller. *shrugs* It probably doesn't matter anyway if a player or some have to pack up or shrink their game again.
  • Posted messages: 670
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Spyder wrote:

Of the10 disciplines available to me ( English/Western) I may get 4 that will have a comp open for me to enter. This is mostly not even a comp my horse is best suited for, just ANY comp.

What horse are you using? I haven't seen the few comps problem with anything other than divines. Breed-only comps are rare for rare breeds, but things have always been that way. Am I misinterpreting what you meant? Could you clarify?
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So with this new pass thing, we get a pass every three days if we get 10 points? What if you don't want or aren't interested. In the divine? Do or would you still be eligible. For this feature? Or would you need to kill off old horses to get the points? I'm really. Confused here default smiley :o
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2016 02:32:50
citygirl21 wrote:

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So with this new pass thing, we get a pass every three days if we get 10 points? What if you don't want or aren't interested. In the divine? Do or would you still be eligible. For this feature? Or would you need to kill off old horses to get the points? I'm really. Confused here default smiley :o

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when this change comes, everyone will have the feature to get a pass every 3 days if you get the 10 points everyday. When this change does come, the only use your "pass horses" will have is to get the divine/contribute to the divine or new rankings that will be added.
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so then I get more passes then? Fine with me does anyone know when this will come in effect and when does the snowball fight and advent calendar start?
  • Posted messages: 2,246
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2016 02:46:30
citygirl21 wrote:

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so then I get more passes then? Fine with me does anyone know when this will come in effect and when does the snowball fight and advent calendar start?

possibly. It will go into effect sometime next year.
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Advent calendar starts dec. 1st, and the snowball fight and tree decorating start next tuesday.
citygirl21 wrote:

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so then I get more passes then? Fine with me does anyone know when this will come in effect and when does the snowball fight and advent calendar start?

I for one will earn a lot less...
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Because the pass change will remove the ability to make 31 passes a month. That means a loss of 21 passes that we no longer will have the ability to make. Not to mention the fact that people are reporting that after the change has been made it will be a lot harder to get the ten points, so you probably won't get a pass every three days.
  • Posted messages: 215
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What do you mean? I'm still confused because I'm a non pass buyer because I'm not. Allowed. So does this mean more for me.? Overall. I'm confused about the 31 passes and minus 21. A month. I for one think I'm getting. More.
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sorry I keep posting in this forum. But one more question. To confirm.So I only need 10 points to get a pass? Just wanted to clarify
  • Posted messages: 2,246
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citygirl21 wrote:

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What do you mean? I'm still confused because I'm a non pass buyer because I'm not. Allowed. So does this mean more for me.? Overall. I'm confused about the 31 passes and minus 21. A month. I for one think I'm getting. More.

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Currently, it is possible to get 31 passes a month for free. 1 via the Loyalty Player pass and 30 from pass horses. The first 10 are guaranteed and then you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting a pass after that until you get 30 passes from pass horses total. You can see the details of that under section 1.7 of the breeder's manual.

The new system will replace the loyal player's pass. You can get a max of 10 points per day, and once the meter reaches 30 points you get a pass. It is *possible* to only get 10 passes per month. So we are losing out on 21 passes.

However, as I posted on the previous page, it is actually a lot harder to get points under the new system. I started an account on the CZ server where this system is in place and rarely get more than 6 points, so we'll get lucky to get 10 passes a month.

I don't buy passes either and much prefer the current pass horse system. It does take some work, but it's much more reliable.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2016 03:27:20
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Wait we are losing the loyal player pass? I think i hate this new system even more. :/
By Retired breeder, 28th November 2016 03:33:48
Retired breeder wrote:

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Wait we are losing the loyal player pass? I think i hate this new system even more. :/

Not losing it, it's just changing.
Retired breeder wrote:

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Wait we are losing the loyal player pass? I think i hate this new system even more. :/
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there is no meter for the current Loyal Player pass. It's just the 30 point one (which I think is called the Loyal Player pass?) This is what my free pass page looks like:
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2016 03:38:18
Retired breeder wrote:

Not losing it, it's just changing.

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We "are" losing it if it is being replaced. We could always get passes another way plus that way so it is indeed a loss.
are37 wrote:

What horse are you using? I haven't seen the few comps problem with anything other than divines. Breed-only comps are rare for rare breeds, but things have always been that way. Am I misinterpreting what you meant? Could you clarify?

I am referring to divines.

When I was using regular horses a few years ago I constantly needed to upgrade ( and costly use of passes to get a decent skillers) only to end up second all the time because a Divine was entered in that comp.) default smiley :(

So when I started to get some divines, it allowed me to enter divine comps and actually win something. This was fine until with the constant dumping of low level non upgradable divines that filled so many divine comps ( and spilled over to open comps) that the 96 divines I had simply could not be placed. That forced me to reduce the number of divines workable to about 35 that had to be cared for daily to get the perk. If I and all the divine holders actually used every divine they owned, believe me it would be a disaster.

However when we get a series like the Zodiacs, Celtics ( many gemstones), rainbows, greyfells, Wilds,and the various "other" divines that are at the 200 skill per discipline level get constantly dumped on us the available ECs that hold divine comps can't supply the comps to supply the available divines. This means a bigger and bigger spill over of divines into open comps. No one wants to go with divine EC comps because of the prestige disaster it brings ( and I can't blame them). What is happening is that a third of the must care for divines are having a more and more difficult time finding a comp to enter. The other day I just took them, did a mission, fed them and put them all to bed at 12 used and 100% energy because of the lack of comps to enter ( Western or English)

Without a complete rethink of the dumping of non upgradable divines or overhaul of the whole EC prestige thing this has only one way to go and it is not the sunny side up.default smiley :(default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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Maybe Howrse should let us run competitions for both divine and regular horses so that there are enough competitions for all the divine horses.
  • Posted messages: 336
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Sincerely wrote:

Maybe Howrse should let us run competitions for both divine and regular horses so that there are enough competitions for all the divine horses.
It's already works like that. Any regular comp can have one divine entered.
  • Posted messages: 361
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I meant that Howrse should let us run competitions for both types. Right now I have Trot, Gallop, Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country for all horses because there are more horses that can enter. But maybe Howrse could let us also run the five competitions for the Divine horses too so that there are enough for all the divines and they don't have to use the regular competitions.
  • Posted messages: 336
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Sincerely wrote:

I meant that Howrse should let us run competitions for both types. Right now I have Trot, Gallop, Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country for all horses because there are more horses that can enter. But maybe Howrse could let us also run the five competitions for the Divine horses too so that there are enough for all the divines and they don't have to use the regular competitions.

I like this idea they could build on this.
starlight dreamer!
  • Posted messages: 4,182
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Sincerely wrote:

I meant that Howrse should let us run competitions for both types. Right now I have Trot, Gallop, Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country for all horses because there are more horses that can enter. But maybe Howrse could let us also run the five competitions for the Divine horses too so that there are enough for all the divines and they don't have to use the regular competitions.

There are many ways to go and remember it is only by the EC owners that set their comps for divines that we even have any to compete it. These EC owners gain nothing, if fact they lose and there is no incentive to even hold divine comps.

What would happen if just 20 % of them just got sick of having a low prestige ( in the 48 % level when they are holding a Gallop at the 3000 skill level) and switched to regular open comps??? That EC could easily be a 80 plus % EC simply by holding regular comps.

Nothing is forcing them to hold divine comps but they are simply nice enough to do so. This is why looking at the whole prestige thing is so much needed to be done.default smiley :-x
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@ spyder
I agree that something needs to be done but I have a feeling that with the other "changes" lately that whatever howrse team comes up with... We (players) might not like.
  • Posted messages: 865
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@Spyder - You close to gave me a heart attack there with that statement. I thought the sky was falling or something similar default smiley (lol)

The current tweak in the rookie comps and comps in general already drives me balmy.
As an example yesterday I was working on a blup, where I had trained it a little, so it had aprox 2700 in skills. I used fillers that had 179+ skills --- I repeat 179 skills - and both those horses could see the SAME competitions. That is more than ridiculous. There is now a more than 250% gap - if that isn't broken, I sure don't know what is.
And the gap keeps on getting bigger. The rolling gain and the comp changes is one of the seriously messed up changes we have gotten as of late.

Regarding the lack of divine comps there is an easy fix there.
Give us the option to run one more comp. We currently have the option to have 5 comps running.
Howrse just needs to add one more - one that will be locked to divines only. And make it so that the EC owner does NOT loose prestige.
To make EC owners willing to use that option, it could bring the EC owner X amount of resources. Or even give us an option of having 2 additional divine comps. One could be tweaked so divine could have their own rosette comps, and the second for lower level divines.

And/or since their so happy about trophies - gives a trophy for that as well.

Regarding the pass meter
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We loose the pass we can get now? Seriously?
You gotta be kidding me.
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I have been playing with the new system on the Italian version and trust me I doubt very much if anybody will succeed in getting 10 free passes per month
IMHO the only reason this change has been delayed until next year is because they know if they implement the change now they will lose sales of the christmas packs.
I would also prefer if they had to do something, that they capped the pass horses at 10 per month instead of a possible 30, and leave us with our 1 monthly loyal player pass.
As for the new divine and rankings they are beyond words just completely morbid. I MIGHT send 10 horses to get the divine but after that another horse would never leave my account to go to heaven
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