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SpeedySonic2 wrote:

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Thanks so much!
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RachelCinnamon wrote:

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Thank you everybody for answering my question on page 1852! Also, does anyone have a masterpost for the wandering horses? If not, I will totally understand, as the potions promo hasn't begun yet.

We literally got word of the promo today, so no there isn't a masterpost. And it's all in French. All of the important stuff has been translated so far, and it's over the past couple of pages. Look at Speedy's post near the top for the translation of what's needed. We still don't know everything though.
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  • Posted messages: 5,329
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I got the same as you did, except
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715 competitions

default smiley (b)
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Actually I missed the full calculations and come up with this.

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20 dewingings
9 horse donations
about 715 comp entries
9 uni births
6 gifting
100 apples to another player
17 safe haven strokes
250 rides
50 hours of foal games.
10 mashes
17 connections to logon
330 pollen to other Wandering horses
17 open HOPs
5 reach a certain age with your horses
get the other WH to get Ptah
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Hopefully this pollen won't be pass-heavy to get cuz I might have a shot at getting Ptah if that's all that has to be done. Hoping we'll have enough time in the promo to get the logons because if it ends at like 3 in the morning for me on the 17th day I'm toast. default smiley (d)

Also I keep reading "dewingings" as "dewing-ings" and I'm thinking, what the heck is a dewing default smiley xd Something to do with dew? And looking at the theme of the promo I'm not too far off with dew and bugs default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 10th August 2016 20:40:15
Is this a pass heavy promo (wandering one) as I got to renew VIP on uk howrse as well default smiley :)
Redwallfan12 wrote:

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Hopefully this pollen won't be pass-heavy to get cuz I might have a shot at getting Ptah if that's all that has to be done. Hoping we'll have enough time in the promo to get the logons because if it ends at like 3 in the morning for me on the 17th day I'm toast. default smiley (d)

Also I keep reading "dewingings" as "dewing-ings" and I'm thinking, what the heck is a dewing default smiley xd Something to do with dew? And looking at the theme of the promo I'm not too far off with dew and bugs default smiley (lol)

Pfft- Nah, it's nothing to do with dew.

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You have to take wings off of a Pegasus.

Retired breeder wrote:

Is this a pass heavy promo (wandering one) as I got to renew VIP on uk howrse as well default smiley :)

That should be in a spoiler- But it can be expensive if you're not prepared. So for example if you

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- have lots of Bloods or Pegasi/Unicorns (I believe it said somewhere you can dehorn them??)
- have HOPs in your inventory
- have Hestia's Gifts to produce those unis

then it will turn out less expensive than if you didn't have those things.
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By Retired breeder, 10th August 2016 20:51:30
Starry-Eyed wrote:

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- have lots of Bloods or Pegasi/Unicorns (I believe it said somewhere you can dehorn them??)
- have HOPs in your inventory
- have Hestia's Gifts to produce those unis

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it said Winged Unicorns also work to complete the de-wing objective.
Retired breeder wrote:

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it said Winged Unicorns also work to complete the de-wing objective.

Ahh, all right. Well, still, having either the BMI or the Pegasi beforehand would definitely help keep costs down.
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Yeah haha after the 2nd time I saw it I realized it was to de-wing a Pegasus.

Now on birthing unicorns, do you think it will be counting each uni birth or each uni that is born? For example, if I have uni twins will that only count as 1 towards the percentage or will each uni foal be counted? I'm hoping my Isis perk will come in handy to prepare for this promo. I was on hiatus I think during the last Wandering Horses so I don't know if this was also an objective and if this question even has an answer yet, so no worries if no one knows yet default smiley (y)
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Oh and Starry, or any other the last time we had this promo we could_____ but not anymore.

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We could remove the tack we put on the wanderers, if we timed it right but not anymore. Any tack or BM item will be lost when the wanderer leaves your account.

So get a standard answer ready when someone, (more like lots default smiley :-x ) will forget this.
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By Retired breeder, 10th August 2016 20:55:30
Okay thank you and sorry I thought I put it all in spoiler oops default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 10th August 2016 20:56:42
*le gasp*

I haven't checked here in a while the Wandering Horses??? I love those! I haven't seen them since those bird ones a loooong time ago.....

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has anyone found Ptah's perk? I want to know if I should go for him.
Redwallfan12 wrote:

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Yeah haha after the 2nd time I saw it I realized it was to de-wing a Pegasus.

Now on birthing unicorns, do you think it will be counting each uni birth or each uni that is born? For example, if I have uni twins will that only count as 1 towards the percentage or will each uni foal be counted? I'm hoping my Isis perk will come in handy to prepare for this promo. I was on hiatus I think during the last Wandering Horses so I don't know if this was also an objective and if this question even has an answer yet, so no worries if no one knows yet default smiley (y)

Pretty sure it will be

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Each uni born. I'm sure someone will test that on PreProd though- I know I will when I (hopefully) get on there~
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By Retired breeder, 10th August 2016 21:08:18
Hmm how many passes will it cost roughly default smiley :)like in the 20-30s or the 50s default smiley :s
Retired breeder wrote:

New Event
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Wandering horses
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The information comes from the French server Phat offers Bonus Pack Tasks and awards
default smiley (7)default smiley (7)Oh my gosh one of my all time favorites! Can't wait!default smiley :d
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Retired breeder wrote:

Hmm how many passes will it cost roughly default smiley :)like in the 20-30s or the 50s default smiley :s

Same as every other event, between like 25 and 45 or so passes. With this one it just depends on your preparations. If you're well enough prepared, you could end up not spending a single pass.
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By Retired breeder, 10th August 2016 21:43:40
Where can you find Golden Apple(s), Titan Challage, and Seal of A.?
By Retired breeder, 10th August 2016 21:51:29
Retired breeder wrote:

Where can you find Golden Apple(s), Titan Challage, and Seal of A.?

Seal is on O6, third maze
By Retired breeder, 10th August 2016 21:55:23
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What will the new Wandering Horses give as gifts?
Retired breeder wrote:

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What will the new Wandering Horses give as gifts?

Check SpeedySonic2's post at the top of the previous page.
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Which maze has the 5th Element and where on the maze?
  • Posted messages: 281
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kellie-cow2 wrote:

Which maze has the 5th Element and where on the maze?

Maze 4, K15. It's on the path.
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By Retired breeder, 11th August 2016 00:00:46
Will we need to use passes for the next promo? Looks fun and kind of easy to me!!
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